Ring of the Sacred Stand (3.5e Equipment)

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The ring is found in CR20+ dungeons; it cannot be sold or made, but has a 1% chance (100 on 1d100) of dropping from controller vampires.

A ring of pale silver thin and weak as woven glass. It rests in your palm like a timid dove, seeming to recoil from your scrutinizing gaze. Nothing ornaments it; neither scar nor script mars its surface. Then you whisper to it, and it wakes. "Blank Slate."

A thunderstorm roars from it, devouring you more fully than any beast, claiming your mind, body, and soul. And in return, granting an incredible power like none this world has seen. Once it wakes, you can give it any name you wish.

Special Choose any creature of your level or lower from the monster manual. This becomes the basis for your Stand, its primary creature (see below). It manifests behind you as a spectral thing pale and translucent, a silken facsimile that seems incapable even of holding back the gentle wind. But oh the things it can do!

  • Add all of your skills to the chosen creatures' or pay 125,413,321 pp, 1,000,000 xp, and 3 other epic items of no less then 1,000,000 gold in market value, to multiply your skill scores together. This includes health, but not AC.
  • Select a Stand Ability; choose first whether you prefer a close or long ranged Stand. This decision cannot be undone, so choose wisely. From here, choose any of the powers listed below, so long as it suits your selected class. A close ranged Stand cannot use a long ranged Stand's abilities, and a long ranged Stand cannot use those of a close ranged Stand. All abilities start at level 1. Unless otherwise stated, all abilities are encounter powers. Similarly, unless stated otherwise, levels do not stack with one another; if one level increases your damage by 1d4, then the next offers 1d6, this replaces the original. Effects from Branches stack.
  • Branches are unlocked sequentially.

Special A Beast of Many Forms: you can merge multiple creatures to make your stand; a primary, a secondary, and a number of tertiary creatures equal to your intelligence modifier divided by 10. Secondary creatures contribute half their abilities, and one quarter of their scores. Tertiary creatures contribute a third of their abilities, and one eighth of their ability scores. Physical attributes can be chosen and mixed as you wish.

[Close Ranged] Ora Ora Ora: a flurry of attacks that batter and stagger your foe.

  • Level 1: make 1+(strength score/ 10 rounded down) attacks. These take only one action.
  • Level 2 (costs 10,000 xp): make 3+(strength modifier/5) attacks. These take only one action and have a +1 to critical hits.
  • Level 3 (costs 15,000 xp): make 4+(strength modifier/2) attacks. These take only one action and have a +2 to critical hits.

{Branch 1} (costs 50,000 xp): Hard Hitter.

  • Level 1: increases your Stand's melee damage by 1d10+(strength score/2)
  • Level 2 (costs 10,000 xp): increases your Stand's melee damage by 1d10+4+(strength score/2)
  • Level 3 (costs 150,000 xp): increase your Stand's melee damage by all previous levels added together

{Branch 2} (costs 75,000 xp): Additional Attacks

  • Level 1: you can use your Stand's power twice per encounter
  • Level 2: (costs 25,000 xp): you can use your stand's power 5 times per encounter
  • Level 3: (costs 50,000 xp): your Stand ability can now be used at will.

{Branch 3} (costs 125,000 xp) Vigorous Empower:

  • Level 1: drain any temporary hp you currently have into your Stand. This can be dealt at bonus damage at any time in the encounter, but vanishes at the end of the encounter.
  • Level 2 (costs 50,000 xp): drain any temporary hp you currently have into your Stand, +4 extra points for every 5 points in your most suitable skill score. This can be dealt as damage at any time until the end of the day.
  • Level 3 (costs 150,000 xp): drain any temporary hp you currently have into your Stand, dealing twice this number as damage, +5 extra points for every 4 points in your most suitable skill score.

{Branch 4} (repeatable): Special Power Design your Stand's Special Ability; this can be almost anything, so long as it makes sense for your Stand. The xp cost for this is left to the DM's discretion, but should follow the below pattern:

  • Level 1: intended effect
  • Level 2: increase damage by the most suitable skill score divided by 10 (if an attack) or duration by 1 round for every 10 points in the most suitable skill.
  • Level 3: greatly increase an attribute of your ability.
  • Level 4: Add a secondary effect (repeatable, xp requirement must at least double each time). This can be a "miss=half damage" clause, or a bonus to critical hits, which can be no more than +10.
  • Level 5: (repeatable, xp requirement must at least double each time) gain an extra action per round with your Stand, no more than your most suitable skill divided by 10.

[Long Ranged] Elemental Spray: a gout of your chosen element that strips away flesh and armor with equal, terrible ease.

  • Level 1: emit a splash of any one element that takes up a burst two in front of the caster, dealing 1d6+(dexterity score/2)
  • Level 2 (costs 10,000 xp): emit a splash of any one element that takes up a burst 2+(intelligence score/10 rounded down),dealing 1d10+2+(dexterity score) damage
  • Level 3 (costs 15,000 xp): emit a splash of any one element that takes up a burst 2+(intelligence score*1.5 rounded up), and deals 1d10+(caster level)+(dexterity score) damage.

{Branch 1} (costs 25,000 xp): Additional Elements

  • Level 1: add one extra element to your splash. The damage of this element stacks with others, essentially doubling your attack.
  • Level 2 (costs 150,000 xp): add your intelligence modifier divided by 10 in elements to your splash.
  • Level 3: (costs 250,000 xp) add your intelligence modifier divided by 5 in elements to your splash.

{Branch 2} (costs 75,000 xp): Additional Splashes

  • Level 1: you can use your Stand's power twice per encounter
  • Level 2: (costs 25,000 xp): you can use your stand's power 5 times per encounter
  • Level 3: (costs 50,000 xp): your Stand ability can now be used at will.

{Branch 3} (repeatable): Special Power Design your Stand's Special Ability; this can be almost anything, so long as it makes sense for your Stand. The xp cost for this is left to the DM's discretion, but should follow the below pattern:

  • Level 1: intended effect
  • Level 2: increase damage by the most suitable skill score divided by 10 (if an attack) or duration by 1 round for every 10 points in the most suitable skill, or range by 3+ your most suitable skill divided by 10.
  • Level 3: greatly increase damage, usually double. Or you can choose to increase duration, or range, both by an equally significant amount.
  • Level 4: Add a secondary effect (repeatable, xp requirement must at least double each time). This can be a "miss=half damage" clause, or a bonus to critical hits, which can be no more than +10.
  • Level 5: (repeatable, xp requirement must at least double each time) gain an extra action per round with your Stand, no more than your most suitable skill divided by 10.

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