Riktahla's Essence (5e Equipment)
Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement) This scroll is barely more than a scrap of silk wrapped around a fine, silver rod. A single rune glows on the cloth. In order to attune to this scroll, wisdom or intelligence must be one of your highest ability scores. When such a qualified creature tries to read the rune, it shifts and flickers faster than the eye can see, quickly teaching the knowledge of ages to the reader over 8 hours, attuning to the creature.
After taking in the knowledge contained within Riktahla's Essence, the user immediately gains levels of exhaustion until their speed is reduced to 0.
As long as you are attuned to this artifact, you have advantage on intelligence and wisdom skill checks. You also know all ritual spells and may cast them as an action without spending a spell slot. Once you have cast a ritual this way, you must complete a short or long rest before you can do so again.