Riding (5e Skill)

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The Dexterity (Riding) skill represents one's skill in riding animals, much like how vehicle proficiency represents one's skill in driving vehicles. The Dexterity (Riding) skill is added to the class skill lists of the barbarian, druid, fighter, ranger, and rogue classes. Uses of this skill include:

  • When you mount or dismount a creature, you may make a Dexterity (Riding) check with a DC determined by the mount's size using the Riding Check Difficulty table. On a success, you spend 5 feet of movement on your turn instead of half your movement. On a failure of 5 or more, you fall prone.
  • While you are controlling your mount, you may make a Dexterity (Riding) check with a DC determined by the mount's size using the Riding Check Difficulty table as a bonus action. On a success, you may command it to take an action other than the Dash, Disengage, or Dodge action.
  • While you are riding an untrained mount with an Intelligence score of 7 or lower, you may make a Dexterity (Riding) check with a DC equal to the creature's CR + 5 as a bonus action. On a success, you can control the mount until the beginning of your next turn.

Riding Check Difficulty[edit]

Size Difficulty
Tiny DC 5
Medium DC 10
Large DC 15
Huge DC 20
Gargantuan DC 25
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