Religion (The Ashen Sagas Setting)

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Aesir and Jotun of the Ashen Sagas[edit]

How Gods Work[edit]

There are 3 types of gods in the Ashen Sagas.

Jotun are Primordials, they have existed before the gods and once ruled over the mortal realms when the World Tapestry was still being woven. They have god like powers without deriving their abilities from the belief of mortals. As such they are not affected by stories and prayers either unless they themselves ascend to godhood, as Brimir the Young did through the prayers of mortals.
Aeisr are what most consider classical d and d deities, being of immense abilities powered by the belief of mortals. They were created from mortal's wish for protection and have served as guardians of their believers. As they are created by the beliefs of mortals they can also be altered and changed by that belief, like Dwergrd's descent from good to evil, after many of his believers turned to Brimir, and his dwarven believers turned more cold and xenophobic. They can also be killed as they do not have omnipotent powers, as when fighting Jotun or even each other. After the Tearing, new prayers and wishes have given rise to new Aesir, referred to as the "New Gods." Aesir usually have an artifact associated with them that is their symbol, and a major part of their power. If this artifact is lost, or shattered, the Aesir is weakened significantly, and their domains can also change accordingly. If a mortal or another Aesir gains one of these artifacts, the mortal could ascend to godhood, and the god can incorporate the artifacts domain into their own.
Vanir are being made from knowledge instead of belief. While still powerful, they are weaker than both the Jotun and Aesir, and during the Tearing they transported their realm of Vanaheim out of the World Tapestry after Rymr Storm Helm destroyed Hel. They have not be heard from since.

The Old Gods[edit]

Vulfadir the Laughing God[edit]

God of Stories, Trickery, Lies, Madness, Strife, and Heroes
Domain: Trickery, Knowledge, War
Artifacts: Staff of the Laughing God (Trickey), Eye of the All Father (Knowledge), Cloak of Heroes (War)
Chaotic Nutral

None of the Old Gods came out of the Last War quite the same, and Vulfadir is the prime example. Once just the God of Trickery and Lies, he took up Darradr's golden fur cloak once the God of Heroes was killed at the hands of the Jotun Emperor Heimpurs, gaining part of Darradr's portfolio as his own. Latter, he did the same with King Hoarr's one good eye, to gain the gift of prophesy, though the future the god saw drove him mad instead. Due to his mismatched portfolio Vulfadir is also called the Patchwork God or Old Mooneye for his mismatched eye.

After the stalemate of the Last War, Vulfadir settled in a wolf den in the area now known as the Vulflaw, occasionally venturing out to hunt monster meat with the pack of wolves he was staying with, and occasionally setting up wards and runes in random places. Soon pilgrims that visited to pray and give offerings noticed the relative lack of danger surrounding the den and settled around it building a temple out of ironwood around the wolf den, which even now wolves go in and out of.

Vulfadir is known for his erratic behavior and could just as likely punish someone praying to him for their laziness and lack of self-reliance as bless them for their piety and dedication to him. While this makes him a difficult deity to deal with, his punishments are never life threatening or severe, inconveniences at most.

When appearing in front of mortals he can take many forms including a young and lanky grey haired warrior with a axe and a golden fur cloak, an old man covered in a hood and a walking stick with wolves carved in them, a young huntress with grey and gold streaked hair, or as a massive wolf. Regardless of his form he will always appear with mixed colored eyes.

Rymr Storm Helm[edit]

Goddess of Thunder, Storm, Martial Prowess, Justice and the Fallen
Domain: Tempest, War, Grave (Unearthed Arcana Divine Domains)
Artifacts: Helm of Storms (Tempest), Dunahafr (War), Hand of Darradr (Grave)
Lawful Good

Another deity that changed heavily during the Last War, Rymr was once a loud and boisterous goddess who ran through the skies laughing, striking thunder down on any act she deemed cowardly or dishonorable. However, during the Last War, her lover Darradr was killed by Heimpurs and her own arm was severed by the Jotun Emperors mighty sword. In an act of desperation, she sewed Darradr's arm onto her stub, using it to help wield her mighty axe Dunahafr once again. However after the war her arm continued to disintegrate until all but the bones remained and her blood was poisoned into black.

As she was in a state of perpetual dying, but unable to do to her divine spark, the King of the Gods, Hoarr, ordered her to take up the mantle of God of the Dead, as she had murdered the previous god of the dead Grimnir in a fit of anger near the beginning of the war for failing to honor her summons.

After the Last War Rymr now wanders the realms with a band of Revenants, who like her wander between life and death, in eternal penance for her hubris. Stories of there monster slaying can be heard from the drow cities of the Undark to the shut off realm of the elves.

Rymr is a dour and vengeful goddess, who will likely not answer petty prayers, and insults with swift punishment. She does however still hear the prayers of those who are in her desperate need, and is a popular deity to pray to when in dire straights.

In front of mortals, she appears as a heavy middle aged shield-maiden with a closed iron hem, crackling with electricity but leaking a black liquid from the eye slots, a massive battle axe and a skeletal hand.

Drykkr Full Horn[edit]

God of Merriment, Feasting, Wealth, Excess, Debauchery and corruption
Domain: Life, Trickery
Artifacts: Horn of Excess (Life), Rings of Corruption (Trickery)
Chaotic Evil

During the Last War, the jovial and benevolent god Drykkr was starved of prayers by mortals who were too busy fighting and dying to make merry with feast and celebration. Even after the war, the mortals were mor focused on day to day survival than merriment. Desperate, Drykkr, reached out to those who had excess and power, coaxing them to neglect their duties and revel in their wealth. However, even when his believers grew, they were twisted and evil, warping the once loving god into a sadistic and greedy monster, which he remains to this day.

Drykkr is outwardly kind and merry, promising wealth and gold to his believers, and relieving their worldly griefs with honey soaked fantasies. However, to those that do not offer their prayers, he instead seeks to steal what little they have and redistribute them to those who would use them "better".

To mortals Drykkr appears as a thin man in fine but grimy clothes, with a grotesquely bulging belly.

Solatir the Crippled One[edit]

Goddess of the Old History, Light, the Hurt and Hurting, and Lost Memory
Domain: Light, Knowledge
Artifacts: Sunstones (Light), Wraps of Mourning (Knowledge)

Dwergrd Unbroken Anvil[edit]

God of Dwarves, Stone, Stubbornness, Grudges and Xenophobia
Domain: Protection (Unearthed Arcana Divine Domains), Knowledge
Artifacts: Crown of Nidavellir (Protection), Book of Grudges (Knowledge)
Lawful Evil

The New Gods[edit]

Puck Grandfather of Gifts[edit]

God of Gift Giving, Merriment, Warmth, Ripe Old Age and Cantrips
Domain: Life, Arcana (SCAG 125)
Artifacts: Fairy Pipe (Life) Bag of Gifts (Arcana)
Neutral Good

Ellistraee Lady Silverhair[edit]

Goddess of Good Drow, Moonlight, Survival, Martial Grace and Hunting Monsters.
Domain: Light, Nature
Artifacts: Tiara of the Moon (Light), Beastfeller (Nature)
Chaotic Good

Selvetarm the Spider that Waits[edit]

God of Evil Drow, Patience, Slavers, Killers and the Undark.
Domain: Trickery, War
Artifacts: Mask of Shadow (Trickery), Venommace (War)
Chaotic Evil

Eldivdr the Burning Tree[edit]

God of Fire, Protection, Wards, Vigil Keepers and Guards and Righteous Fury.
Domain: Protection (Unearthed Arcana Divine Domains), Arcana
Artifacts: Eldivr's Ward (Protection), The Blue Flame (Arcana)
Lawful Good

Soltim the Hunger[edit]

God of starvation, undead, cannibals, and Nature's Savagery.
Domain: Death(DMG), Nature
Artifacts: Necklace of Teeth (Nature), Hide of Soltim (Death)
Chaotic Evil

Hrafnagud The Final Rest[edit]

Goddess of Inns, Beds, Cities, Sleep, Dreams, Hearths and Funeral Pyres.
Domain: Protection (Unearthed Arcana Divine Domains), Grave (Unearthed Arcana Divine Domains)
Artifacts: The Final Rest Inn (Protection), Pyre Ritual (Grave)
Lawful Neutral

The Living Jotun[edit]

Jarnsted Lord Iron Sides[edit]

Jotun of Humans and War
Chaotic Good
A massive humanoid covered in a full plate of iron armor, the helmet carved in the face of a bearded man laughing. Now, takes the form of a wandering mercenary, similarly covered head to toe in armor, with a booming voice.

Brimir the Young[edit]

Jotun of Labors (Also god of Craftsmen)
Lawful Neutral
A Massive humanoid wrapped in chains attached to various tools. Currently, rules over a kingdom of Dwarves, Giants and humans in the mountains. Considered the new God of Craftsmen after defeating Dwergrd in a duel.

The Sleeping Jotun[edit]

Hyrkild the Scorched Ravager[edit]

Jotun of Fire.
Lawful Evil
A massive fire giant, that is covered from head to toe in flames that never go out.

Jordfodand Cliff Cleaver[edit]

Jotun of Earth.
True Neutral
A massive hill giant that seems to be completely made from jagged rocks and stones.

Svalamyrr Swamp Spreader[edit]

Jotun of Poison.
Chaotic Evil
A massive humanoid that seems to be made from blackened sludge and rotting corpses.

Ryoda the Red Fear[edit]

Jotun of Madness and Fury.
Chaotic Evil
A massive humanoid without a head, that pulses with a red light emanating from its heart.

The Dead Gods[edit]

Hoarr the One Eyed King[edit]

God of the Divine, Order, Rulers, Knowledge and Justice.
Lawful Good

Lolth Lady of Spiders[edit]

Goddess of Drow, Cruelty, Schemes, Spiders and Revenge.
Chaotic Evil

Darradr Bright Spear[edit]

God of Bravery, Heroes, Stories, the Fallen, and Eternal Life
Lawful Good

Grimnir Prince of Bones[edit]

God of the Dark, the Underworld, Judgement and the dead.
True Neutral

Ginnarr the Cold One[edit]

God of Winter, snow, strength against obstacles, survival.
Chaotic Neutral

Hernya the Green Lady[edit]

Goddess of Nature.
Chaotic Neutral

Alfirfall Lord of Elves[edit]

God of Elves, beauty, grace in combat, and archery.
Chaotic Good

The Dead Jotun[edit]

Heimpurs Emperor of the Jotun[edit]

Jotun of Ice.
Lawful Neutral
A massive Ice Giant covered in a full plate armor seemingly made from frozen bodies.

Hvaleta Kraken Queen[edit]

Jotun of the Sea Monsters.
Chaotic Evil
A massive Sea Giant with the lower half of an octopus.

Gifrbort Troll King[edit]

Jotun of Trolls.
Chaotic Evil
A massive bloated troll, that’s body seems to warp into faces and limbs before your eyes.

Illirvurm The Devour of the Sun[edit]

Jotun of Wurms.
Chaotic Evil
A massive black serpent that spits black lighting and bleeds white glowing blood.

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