Realms of the Mystery (anthology)

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Realms of the Mystery (anthology)
Realms of Mystery PB.jpg
Abbreviation: N/A
Author: Philip Athans, ed.
Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
Item Code: 085820000
Release Date: June 1998
Format: Mass Market Paperback
Page Count: 346
ISBN-10: 0-7869-1171-9
Price: $5.99
Product Blurb:
A murder victim is turned into a zombie, just long enough to cover up the circumstances of his own death . . . .

A silent ghost with a friendly grin greets those about to meet their doom . . . .

The only clue to who's killing a party of adventurers is the letter "H," written in the blood of one of the victims . . . .

All new stories of murder, suspense, and intrigue by Elaine Cunninham, Jeff Grubb, Ed Greenwood, and other favorite Forgotten Realms authors.

This text is quoted from promotion material. Text and images are copyrighted by the original publisher.

This publication needs a list of stories and authors.

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