Random Hair and Eye Color (DnD Other)

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Hair Color Table[edit]

Roll d% for whatever category your character's hair falls under.

Basic: Humans and other mundane races.
Exotic: Perhaps elves or more feral, sylvan or unusual ancestry races.
Pale: Celestials or perhaps plane touched.
Fey: Fey or other varied hair color races.
Table: Hair Color
Color Swatch Basic Exotic Pale Fey
Black       01-12 01-03
Gray       13-20 04-06
Platinum       21-28 07-09
White       29-36 10-12
Dark Blonde       37-44 13-15
Blonde       45-52 16-18
Bleach Blonde       53-60 19-21
Dark Redhead       61-68 22-24
Redhead       69-76 25-27
Light Redhead       77-84 28-30
Brunette       85-92 31-33
Auburn       93-00 34-36
Yellow       37-39
Amber       40-42
Brown       43-45
Hazel       46-48
Green       49-51
Blue       52-54
Gray       55-57
Aqua       58-60
Red       61-63
Purple       64-66
Pale Brown       67-69
Pale Blue       70-72
Pale Green       73-75
Pale Gray       76-78
Deep Blue       79-81
Violet Red       82-84
Orange       85-88
Spring Green       89-92
Sea Green       93-96
Emerald Green       97-00

Eye Color Table[edit]

Roll d% for whatever category your character's eyes fall under.

Basic: Humans and other mundane races.
Exotic: Perhaps elves or more feral, sylvan or unusual ancestry races.
Pale: Celestials or perhaps plane touched.
Fey: Fey or other varied eye color races.
Table: Eye Color
Color Swatch Basic Exotic Pale Fey
Yellow       01-10 01-05
Amber       01-16 11-20 06-10
Brown       17-36 21-30 11-15
Hazel       37-52 31-40 16-20
Green       53-68 41-50 21-25
Blue       69-84 51-60 26-30
Gray       85-00 61-70 31-35
Aqua       71-80 36-40
Red       81-90 41-45
Purple       91-00 46-50
Pale Brown       01-25 51-55
Pale Blue       26-50 56-60
Pale Green       51-75 61-65
Pale Gray       76-00 66-70
Deep Blue       71-75
Violet Red       76-80
Orange       81-85
Spring Green       86-90
Sea Green       91-95
Emerald Green       96-00

Skin Color Table[edit]

Roll d% for whatever category your character's skin tone falls under.

Basic: Humans and other mundane races.
Exotic: Perhaps elves or more feral, sylvan or unusual ancestry races.
Fey: Fey or other varied skin tone races.
Table: Skin
  Basic Exotic Fey
Color Swatch Light Tan Dark Any Any Any
Pale       01-25 01-12 01-02
Fair       26-50 13-24 03-04
Light       51-75 01-25 25-37 05-06
Light Tan       76-00 26-50 38-50 07-08
Tan       51-75 01-25 51-63 09-10
Dark Tan       76-00 26-50 64-76 11-12
Brown       51-75 77-88 13-14
Dark Brown       76-00 89-00 15-16
Black       17-19
Gray       20-22
White       23-25
Gold       26-28
Silver       29-31
Bronze       32-34
Red       35-37
Orange       38-40
Yellow       41-43
Green       44-46
Blue       47-49
Purple       50-52
Pale Yellow       53-55
Dark Red       56-58
Red-Orange       59-61
Light Red       62-64
Amber       65-67
Olive       68-70
Aqua       71-73
Pale Brown       74-76
Pale Blue       77-79
Pale Green       80-82
Pale Gray       83-85
Deep Blue       86-88
Violet Red       89-91
Spring Green       92-94
Sea Green       95-97
Emerald Green       98-00
*Still need to add other varieties of skin tones: Plane Touched, Ruddy, Drow...

Other Methods[edit]

Random Hair Color[edit]

Roll 1d30+5 and 8d30. If plugged in as Hue and Value (Saturation 240) it will create a random logical hair color (goes from "brown" to "blond/yellow" in hue and black to white in value, average is grey which is just the hue itself).

For extreme age, just give percentages of grey hairs, 6d6 per age category.

Random Eye Color[edit]

Roll 5d30+30. Plug this into Hue (240 Sat and 127 Value) it will generate a random logical eye color for most races (goes from "gold" to "deep blue-purple").

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