Random Encounters (5e Jurassic Park Campaign Setting)

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Random encounters[edit]

Didn't plan anything out for this area? that's fine, here's just a couple things your players could find.

Old park[edit]

New park[edit]

Isla Sorna[edit]

Mantah Corp island[edit]

Biosyn Sanctuary[edit]

Lockwood Manor[edit]

There's not a lot dinosaurs running around Lockwood Manor, but there are a couple.


One Indoraptor wanders it's way into the room, and almost immediately smells the party.


One non hostile velociraptor enters the room.

Ingen appears[edit]

Five Ingen guards arrive and order the party to leave.


It seems your party made a loud noise. Unluckily for them, there just so happens to be a rampaging stygimoloch is running around near their room at that very moment. And that thing is after anything that makes a remotely unfamiliar noise

Non Specific encounters[edit]

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