Raesokeran Edentatus (5e Race)
Physical Description[edit]
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Art Copyright of Viergacht. Image will be removed upon request. |
Edentatus are anthropomorphic armadillos, moles, hedgehogs, platypi, echidnas and porcupines. Armadillos have a tough leathery hide of black, grey, or brown and a curved scale-like shell over their back. They can roll up into an armored ball for full protection. Their faces are piglike with long thin snouts, flat noses, and tall pointed ears.
Moles are typically bulky and covered in brown fur. Their hands and feet are bare and fleshy and scoop shaped for shoveling soil while burrowing. Their eyes are tiny and mostly useless. Instead, they mainly rely on scent to sense their surroundings. Their noses are also incredibly sensitive to touch which is useful for not getting lost while burrowing.
Hedgehogs are small and mouselike. They have short spines covering their back and the back of their neck and head. Their bellies, hands, feet, and face are soft and furry. Their coloration ranges from white to gray, tan, pink, brown, and black.
Platypi are some of the strangest creatures to behold in any land. They have thick brown fur, a round head with the bill of a duck, and the tail of a beaver. Their hands and feet are bare, webbed, rubbery, and black. They have retractable barbs protruding from the elbows. Platypi and echidnas are also the only mammal races to lay eggs.
Echidnas and porcupines are similar to hedgehogs except their spines are much longer. Their spines can detach to cause extreme pain to their foes, giving the porcupine or echidna an opening for escape. Their quills are usually black with white tips.
Among the many beast races, the Edentatus are considered the most odd. They are incredibly friendly, but they have a less than welcome reputation for their inhuman appearance and queer behavior.
Edentatus were mostly left alone during the Beast War. Not many Edentatus lived in Shahalla at the time, preferring the cooler temperate climate in northern Udraykeland. Those that did fight in the war were instrumental in ending the conflict. Platypi were excellent assassins while the spined beasts and armadillos made excellent defenders. Moles were a potent force, digging underground tunnels and finding the best locations to infiltrate into enemy territory from below. In fact, this was used as the strategy that earned Udraykeland the final victory.
Afterward, the Edentatus set up their own towns and villages using the previously built tunnels as their core thoroughfare. Those that didn't join the others underground attempted to integrate with other species with minimal success. Their strict diet of insects and roots made it difficult to adapt to the available victuals of other cultures. Some groups of Edentatus integrated with societies of dwarves and gnomes since their underground lifestyles meshed well.
Of all the Edentatus, hedgehogs and armadillos integrated best into urban living. 'Dillows are welcomed by guard recruiters for their natural armor and their instinct for protecting others around them. Hedgehogs are usually pacifists, joining social groups with rabbits as herbalists, healers, and entertainers.
All Edentatus subraces can be found in underground tunnel villages and cities. Those that live above ground outside of established groups tend to be hermits, sages, or nomads.
The underground cities are not often visited by men or other bestial races. Despite the Edentatus' hospitality, their cultural norms are seen as odd at best or outrageous and offensive at worst. Some examples of Edentatus odd behavior includes random loud belching for no apparent reason, turning their backs to those they disagree with or don't like, stealing unattended food or drink, and blunt or harsh honesty in conversation. Most edentatus feel that hiding thoughts and feelings is like intentionally collapsing a tunnel. Maybe it's for the best sometimes, but it often slows things down and gets people hurt. "Don't suffer the quill." or "Tear out the quill now to heal a smaller wound."
Travel throughout many of the tunnels is hazardous to unarmored races. Visitors without adequate protection are loaned a magic ring that deflects large slow projectiles to prevent being crushed by a random rolling armadillo or being impaled by the spines of a passing echidna. These rings are loaned freely since the magic is cheap and only protects against unintentional harm. They are not sufficient to prevent purposeful harm.
Edentatus diets are restrictive, because they can only digest insects and roots. Grains, meats, and fruits in normal amounts to other races are toxic to edentatus, so their small stock of dried fruit and salted meat is all they have for visitors.
Since most visitors don't find worms and locusts very appealing, they have to bring their own rations to stay long. Few races other than Edentatus live in the tunnel systems because of this, the one major exception being kobolds with their neighboring warrens. Edentatus familiarity and acceptance of the small dragonoids into their society as equals instead of vermin has been a point of contention since before the war. It is just one more reason most men will avoid edentatus cities like the Phage.
Edentatus language is slow and cumbersome to understand. Some scholars compare it to having a conversation with an intoxicated Earth elemental. The pronunciation of most vowels are throaty and low, like trying to squeeze the words through the asophagus. Many words, particularly nouns and names, are repetitive in pronunciation to convey importance or emphasis. It requires a lot of patience to converse in Edentatus. A casual greeting can take five to ten minutes while a conversation about the weather could last an hour. Luckily, most Edentatus will usually revert to common for more in depth or important matters though their cadence is still awkward and sluggish.
Edentatus Names[edit]
Edentatus are named at birth usually by the parents. Before birth, they will have long conversations with their whole community about the names of their offspring. It is not uncommon to sell the rights to choose a name to the highest bidder, resulting in some odd names like Grargarg, which translated roughly into common means "the scent of freshly wet soil."
Male: Batíti, Dodo mi, Duranduran, Grargarg, Narago, Mabobo, Paponahnpo, Rodotaro, Tugratu, Urgurb, Yunggung
Female: Adandana, Babarb, Danidana, Feegogo, Gwenlen, Juju, Kamumii, Lulu, Nangtengi, Rondonda, Takataki, Vovonah
Edentatus Traits[edit]
Anthropomorphic Armadillos, Moles, Hedgehogs, Echidnas, Porcupines, and Platypi from the continent of Raesokera
Ability Score Increase. Edentatus are hardy and tough. Your constitution score is increased by 1
Age. Edentatus mature around age 6 and live up to 60 years
Alignment. Edentatus tend towards neutrality.
Size. Your size is medium
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Insectivore. Your strict diet of insects and roots requires you to know how to find food to fend for yourself. You have proficiency in Wisdom (Survival).
Unusual Body Type. Edentatus cannot wear regular armor, due to their unusual body structure. Armor can be made specially for this race, but it will generally cost more to make it specifically for this race.
Languages. You can read, write, and speak common and Edentatus.
Subrace. Choose one between Armadillo, hedgehog, porcupine/echidna, mole, and platypus.
Ability Score Increase. Armadillos are slow and bulky but powerful. Your Constitution and Strength scores each increase by 1
Natural Plating. Your unarmored AC is 13 + Dex. Due to your odd shape, armor has to be made or adapted special for you. An armadillo wearing any armor does not reduce movement speed.
Ball Defense. As an action, if you are not wearing armor or wearing armor specialized to your body structure, you can roll into a ball, gives you a base AC of 20 (your Dexterity modifier doesn't affect this number). This action does provoke opportunity attacks. While rolled up into a plated ball, you can't perform any action except moving at 30 feet on a flat surface, or exiting your ball defense.
Ability Score Increase. Hedgehogs are meek, friendly, and perceptive. Your Wisdom and Charisma scores each increase by 1
Herbalist. You have proficiency in nature and herbalist tools.
Quills. Any creature using a combat action to grapple you while you're unarmored or wearing specialized armor takes 1d4 damage and 1 bleed damage that accumulates every turn grappled. Only light armor can be made to allow use of Hedgehog quills.
Quilled defense. As long as you are either wearing no armor or wearing Hedgehog armor, you may roll up into a ball as a bonus action on your turn, raising your AC by 4. While using this ability, you cannot perform any action except to exit or move at 30 feet on a flat surface. You cannot enter and exit quilled defense on the same turn. Any unarmed or natural attacks against you deal 1d4 piercing damage and 1 cumulative bleed damage to the attacker.
Ability Score Increase. Porcupines and Echidnas are hearty and insightful. Your Constitution and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.
Spiny defense. Any unarmed attacks, natural attacks, or combat maneuvers to grapple you cause 1d4 quills to get stuck in the opponent, dealing 1d4 damage and 1 point of bleed damage per quill to the attacker that continues every turn until a heal check is performed to remove the quills similar to removing caltrops.
Grassy Spines. While you are in tall grass, you have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks against being seen.
Ability Score Increase. Moles are enduring and perceptive. Your Constitution and Wisdom scores each increase by 1.
Scent sight.. Your eyes are useless, but this is supplemented by a strong sense of smell. As long as your scent isn't impaired, you are considered to have blindsight and are unaffected by blindness. If a scent cloak is used or the room you're occupying has a strong scent, you are considered blind. Darkness has no effect on your senses.
Burrower. You have a burrow speed of 20 feet.
Strong nose. You have advantage on survival checks to track and nature checks to identify a creature by smell.
Ability Score Increase. Platypi are agile and skilled with their hands. Your dexterity score is increased by 2
Unnatural. You have disadvantage on all Charisma based skill checks and the starting attitude of other non-hostile creatures toward you is a step lower than normal with a minimum attitude of "distrustful." You gain proficiency in dexterity saves, or if you already have proficiency, you gain double proficiency in dexterity saves.
Amphibious. You have a swim speed of 40 feet and you can hold your breath for ten minutes.
Poison Barbs. You have a natural attack that is usable as long as your elbows are bare or you're wearing specialized sleeves. This natural attack deals 1d4 damage, and once per short or long rest, this natural attack can poison your opponent.
Platypus venom becomes inert after 1 hour if harvested and unused. A creature that is poisoned with this venom must succeed at a constitution save equal to 8+CON+Proficiency. On a failed save, they take 1d6 poison damage for every third level rounded up, and gains the poisoned condition for 1d4 rounds. The target creature takes half damage on a successful save. Platypi are immune to platypus venom.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 0'' | +3d6" | 200 lb. | × (5 x 3d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 9'' | +3d6 | 100 lb. | × (5 x 3d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 3'' | +3d6 | 150 lb. | × (5 x 2d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
4′ 0'' | +3d8 | 150 lb. | × (5 x 5d6) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
3′ 6'' | +3d6 | 100 lb. | × (5 x 2d10) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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