Races (Sfartalheim Supplement)

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File:S Dragonborn.jpg
Not too unlike any other reptile.

Don't be fooled by their scaly skin and lizard-like appearance, they are just as mortal as any of us, no matter what the Tsunon propaganda says. For you see, in all the majesty that they claim to have by being descended of dragons, they forget that dragons are now extinct. The hubris which exist in them will soon bring their own downfall as in the ancient Elven stories have taught us. As shiny as the scales are, it protects them not from bolts and arrows that we'll fill them with. Don't get me started on breathing fire when one claimed to be from dragons, one best be ready to back that claim with a show of flames from one's mouth. At best, the Draken are pale imitations the gods have made to look more like us, at worst, it is a whole lot of gas from their ass to make themselves more important. - unknown Tsunon rebel

Ability Score: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 2 while your Dexterity decrease by 1.

Languages: Depending on if your character comes from Suthron or north of it, the Suthreans know the Drucharii language group while the northerners know the Draken language group. Although those within the language group can vaguely understand each other, the Draken and Drucharii tounges are unrelated to each other. Thus, the two different groups sound incomprehensible to each other.

Draken Superiority[edit]

They can stand up to a rather tall 6 1/2 feet people who are twice as heavy as a Human going up to 300 pounds. Once, a long time ago, they had vibrant different hues of scales that would put humans to shame. Although, now, due to interbreeding has caused a more uniform colors of red or green than in the past, yet there are still different colors that appear sometimes among the kids. They have four fingers with bird-like talons on each end unlike elves, gnomes, Dwarves, and Humans. This sense of superiority that exists in the dragonborn is the belief that the gods made them in the likeness of dragons. To the dragonborn, the dragons are wise and powerful creatures worthy of veneration with shrines and temples. Seeing themselves as the descended of these demigods have made them all the more prideful.

Staunch Collectivist[edit]

The very name Dragonborn is a catchall term to describe a certain race with multiple names for themselves, one being "Draken" from those that migrated from the east and another is "Drucarii" from the Suthron locals. For most Dragonborn, their natural thought process is to think of the group first rather than themselves. This inherent collectivist suggestion within their mind was an adaptation to survive as a group of predators than selfish loners. Smilier to lions in a way, the ability to create a group capable of doing anything if they work together is the reason why they have established themselves on the world stage. Honor or personal glory matters not if it would put the group in danger. The idea is that the very existence of the group would be put before all else to ensure the survival of as many as possible within said group. Yet, even this line of thinking can be twisted very easily with those who wish to be selfish to have the ability to help others later on. Of course, this later time to help others almost never arrives as the selfish Dragonborn will never find the right time to help others.


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Typical Dwarven banker with a short sword for self-defense.

She looked to have a runny nose as she stumbled in the tavern carrying God knows how many different things in her backpack. Her name was Greda and she was only staying for the night. As I would later find out when drinking a pint with Greda, she was a short tough little wondering merchant who couldn't afford a wagon or chariot. Thus she ended by carrying all her goods on her back with nobody else to help her as she walked from village to village. This, rather challenging work, was all done so that Greda could have an excuse to stay far from mining, crafting, or banking that the family wanted her to work in. Although it looked like she could handle the weight, what with being covered in muscles much like ever other Dwarf I've met. - Renold Gent

Ability Score: Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength increases by 1 while your Charisma decreases by 1.

Hill Dwarf: All the traits are the same as before, they literally are just Dwarves that live in hills.

Mountain Dwarf: The more old fashion of the Dwarves, there are no changes to their traits in this setting.

Dwarven Language: They can speak a universal speech that only Dwarves know, as it was a secret tongue based on Old Dwarven languages used to send messages when they were enslaved in the Elven Empire.

Pure Muscle[edit]

Don't be fooled by their short stature, for if one underestimates a Dwarf, one can end up landing on their ass from being slammed. The average height for these peoples is around 4' 5, give or take a few inches, as those in the north are taller while in the south they are shorter. For you see, they are able to not only live with the other taller races but thrive in is due to their muscles. The Dwarven body is born is such as to be able to absorb as much protein as possible from everything they eat to keep the body healthy. Making them have the equivalent strength of an average Human or more. That is the reason why it is unsurprising that some Dwarven families eat beans with meat-heavy diet compared to Gnomes. Sometimes a Dwarf is more than a match in a feat of strength competing with the likes of Half-Orcs. The short height also gives them an advantage in their traditional dangerous work with mining to prevent digging "unnecessarily large tunnels" while still being strong enough to handle moving heavy ores out of the shafts.

Dark History[edit]

To be one of the Elder Races is to have the life expectancy of 200 years and bring with it a lot of personal history. Some could trace back their family to the time of the Elven Empire when most of the Dwarven race was enslaved by Alfenheim. There were those that personally took part in the slave revolts back some 170 years ago to then later write about it after the fall of Alfenheim. This perceptive in time makes them have vows of vengeance which is kept even after a century or so, maybe long after the wrongdoer is dead. Many personally remember their once proud underground cities being razed by Elves then told their children. Many remember growing up as slaves for most of their lives then told their children. Many remember taking part in the revolts to free themselves from their Elven oppressors then going to exterminate the Elves then told their children. That is why both the Elves and Dwarves still bring racial tension most of the time they are around each other.


Elves, I plowing hate Elves. They can never be humbled or be taught to act like the rest of us. There is an air of arrogance around them at all times, in the way they stride with their long legs to looking down on the other races. For in their long lives of 200 years they can't see what is right in front of their faces. This is true of the Vesterlings who claim to be the true inheritors of the Elven Empire while still themselves covered in mud and dirt. At least the Osterlings aren't as bad although they have actual records telling if they actually are descended from Imperial Elven nobility, to justify their arrogance. The only exception to this rule is the Skanii who come not from this realm and Half-Elves that are naturally more like us due to being hybrids. - Sabrina Schnider

Ability Score: Your Dexterity increases by 2 and your Constitution decreases by 1.

Languages: All Elves start off with Common while Elvish, Alt Alf, and Skanii are reserved for their respective sub-races.

Beautiful Facade[edit]

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Some still wear the tribal tattoos from their respective reservations from the time of the fall of the empire.

Coming to a height of around at least 6 feet, short Elves are considered to only be just shy of that height. With a weight of around 130 pounds, even Dwarves think Elves are lighter than Humans. They have non-existent body or facial hair to speak of while sexual dimorphism between the two genders for these peoples is insignificant compared to Humans or Dwarves. Skin color for them can range from anywhere as pale as snow for those that live in Skanza to a tanner tone for ones in Suthron. Although lacking the wider range of skin tones as Human, they do have more hair colors to be born with like white or green. Beyond the simple beautiful appearances of an Elf, as far as Humans and Gnomes consider it, all the other races see Elves as rather unsettling for their graceful precision in all things they do.

Double Lifespans[edit]

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The snow-white hair with fur clothing are commonly seen on most Elves that descend from the frozen north.

Elves being able to live around more than twice as long as a Humans would make them wise to an unimaginable degree, yet that would be false. Somehow, the Elves were able to destroy their own empire while ruling most of the Continent within one Elven lifetime. As patient as an Elf can be by biding time, they are still quick to anger, depression, and happiness like those straight out of antiquity. Having lived for a long time, some of them are able to quickly resolve the matter by wiggling themselves out through negotiation or violence before the other party knows what hit them. Many have either ended up living in the woods following the fall of Alfenheim and have a deep seeded hatred for the other races passed down to their children.

Osterling Elves[edit]

Those that live in the east are known as "Osterlings", they are the ones who still retain the scrapes of knowledge from the ancient days of the Elven Empire. Most would come from Belogradie Kiev as it is naturally the largest state east of the Diniper. Although, there are some Osterling Elves who live among the nomadic Kazar tribes of the south, forgoing the settled civilized lifestyle of many others. The nickname "High Elves" is also given to them as they have the prestigious bloodlines compared to the Vesterling and Skanzen Elves. They can directly trace their lineage back to the times of the Elven Empire. With dark hair colors like crimson and navy blue being the norm for these peoples, they are a bit different to the earthy colors of Vesterlings and light colors of Skanzen. Compared to other Elves, the other races see them in a warmer light as the most empathetic or noble. This comes from the long tradition of the Osterlings intermingling with the other races that live in Osterland. The most prominent being the more symbolic Elven-Dwarven marriages as a sign of trust between the two families, while this might be the case in many Elven-Human pairings there is still some who are simply lovestruck. Even the Osterling nobles in Belogradie Kiev have a much higher tolerance for infidels and other races than the Vesterlings. Of all of the Elven peoples, Osterlings truly have earned their name as "High Elves" with their ancient arts and cultures retained through the fall of Alfenheim. Then to share the fruits of civilization after accepting the would-be barbarian invaders and potential rebellious slaves as equals.

High Elf Traits: Most of the traits remain the same as High Elf traits.

Ability Score: Your Intelligence and Charisma increases by 1.

Osterling Weapons Training: You have proficiency with rapiers, shortswords, and hand crossbows instead of Elven Weapons Training.

Alt Alf: You know the ancient language spoken and written by government officials within the Elven Empire.

Vesterling Elves[edit]

Their hair is a more "natural" color like midnight black, hazel or brunette compared to their eastern and northern cousins. Physically, they are most similar to the Osterling than Skanzen Elves. On a more cultural level, the Vesterlings are on the complete opposite spectrum to the Osterlings. Being driven to live in the woods and forests of the west have not taught them the lessons of their ancient arrogance. If anything, this has caused them to not only embrace the ideals of the Elven Empire but strive to create a Pan-Elven realm where all Elves are included. The original flight from their marble cities following the fall of Alfenheim forced them to regress in a manner on par with the barbarian invaders and freed slaves. Fighting for their very survival during the Grove Wars, many of what would become Vesterling Elves were naught but regular citizens who have no experience in fighting. That made them forgo preserving the finer relics and culture of the past to focus on their own self-defense. It comes as no surprise that almost all of them have forgotten "Alt Alf", the universal language used by government officials in the Elven Empire. Darker arts like necromancy and warlocks are reluctantly accepted to ensure the defense of the wooded havens. Earning themselves the nickname "Wood Elves", the other races see them in a hostile light due to their willingness to revive the enslaving Elven Empire while harboring a deep hatred for the other races.

Wood Elf Traits: All traits remain the same as Wood Elves.

Ability Score: Your Dexterity increases by 1 and you can increase either Wisdom or Strength by 1.

Elvish: An artificial language made to allow communication between the different reservations in the west, the other Elven peoples don't start off knowing this language.

Skanzen Elves[edit]

As pale as snow itself, even amongst the lighter skin tone races, the Snow Elves are thought to be the lightest of the skin colors. Their hair also matches this trend of pale colors, what with dyed blond and pearly white colors. The reasoning for them being so different from the other Elves is that they aren't related to the Imperial Elves. Around the time of the formation of the Elven Empire to try to unify all the Elven city-states, the Skanzens kept resisting colonization by the Imperials. One must understand that the Skanii culture is totally different from the other Elves in at they aren't natives of the Continent like the Imperials. In fact, by the time the Elven Empire tried to conquer Skanza, the Skanii have just finished migrating from the east to settle the northern realm. Other Elven tribes have also been pushed north to later be assimilated into the Skanzen as the Elven Empire colonized further north and north. Holding personal honor, glory, and kin above all else, the Snow Elves threw themselves in suicidal wars of defense in an attempt to gain immortality through history. For in a Skanzen eye, all else in life had little mean but these three things, honor, kin, and glory, in that order of importance. Honor so that their action is just no matter the cause, kin to keep the family happy and united, and glory so that they wouldn't be forgotten. Called Skanzen in Common, Skanii in their mother tongue, and Drow in Alt Alf (due to them being perceived as being evil and vile under the protection and unified by a dark goddess).

Drow Traits: All traits are the same as for the Drow.

Ability Score: Your Strength and Wisdom increase by 1.

Skanii Weapons Training: You have proficiency with the skis, shortsword, shortbow, and longbow.

Skanii: You know the language of the ancient northerners.


Something I've noticed in Gnomish slaves is how difficult it is to break them. Ever the optimist, I can't seem to find a way to tear down their sunny worldview quickly enough. Whipping them, starvation, torture, sometimes even just randomly beating them for no reason, all of it has been for not. One would believe that because they have pointed ears like us it would be easier to understand them as they could be related to us, yet this seems to not be the case. They are rather useful in crafting tiny things like locks or mechanisms compared to the stubby hands of a Dwarf. Maybe I could break up their family in an attempt to gain obedience then test them by forcing them to betray their family. That could work as I haven't tried that before for these tightly-knitted people, it could also blowback on me if they end up in a catatonic state, and that would make them very useless. - Tibria Krassus

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Rheenisch. Traditional Rheenisch is written using Dwarven runes but some modern Rheenisch uses Alt Alf letters as it is easier to print things using these letters.

Ability Score: Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Wisdom increases by 1 while your Constitution decreases by 1.

Energitic Lives[edit]

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Living in the swamps and marshes around the realms, they have developed into a different variant compared to city-dwelling Gnomes.

Coming to about only a bit higher than 3 feet and weighing up to 45 pounds, they may seem like an unimpressive lot but don't be fooled. Some of the best adventurers and inventors in the Continent are Gnomes. Originally introduced from Suthron as slaves by the Imperial Elves or migrated from the east near Kazar, they would end up freeing themselves then settling all over the realms after the fall of Alfenheim. The Gnomish tribes would settle down in the different realms, after arriving from beyond the east of Kazar, during the time of the warring Elven city-states. The Snow Elves would start to migrate a century later after the Gnomes finished to make the Gnomes be the second most recent race to settle in the Continent during the Antiquity Age. With their unnaturally pale and light skin tones, they are easily discernible from Dwarves, not to mention their lack of a stocky or muscular build. Although, they do share a common trait of having noses that curve downward like the Elves and Dwarves that live near the sea in Suthron, while their light hair seems to point in every direction as it is hard to keep it flat. Being from Suthron makes the Gnomes have traits that differ from the other local northern races of the realms. Things such as the naturally unkempt hair and bent nose of the Gnomes are almost uniquely Gnomish features. Although some Humans do have naturally wild hair they are by far the minority or those that style their themselves that way. The bent nose too also exist as a rare trait amongst the other races like Elves or Dwarves, even if they live in the east like the Gnomes. Their lighter skin too is found only similar to the Dragonborn of the warmer realms, although this is for completely unrelated reasons.


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The tough wintery and harsh mountains have forged these Gnomes to become more like Dwarves than anything else.

One of the first things the Elves noticed when their interactions with the Gnomes frequented, it is that they always seem to be happy no matter the circumstance. The Imperial Elves quickly found ways to exploit this when they found out that being alive made them happy if nothing else. Invitations to fests and elaborate traps easily trick many of the old Gnomes into enslavement, if nothing else worked, the Elves would threaten them with death like what happened to the Halflings in Vesterland. Something that shone through the chattel slavery is that even the beatings and whippings did little keep the Gnomes hopeful and happy. This had made some of the Elven master happy to keep them that way as there was almost no chance of escaping in their eyes. Other crueler masters found it annoying as they try to break the Gnomish spirit. After freeing themselves from Elven bondage, many found it a great opportunity not to hunt down their former masters, but to venture to lands unknown from their home. The call to adventure comes naturally to most Gnomes as they would want to leave the comforts of home to see a world of excitement. Others delve into the world of tinkering, magic, and invention as a way to stay home while still finding happiness to grow their craft.

Sudbotal Gnomes[edit]

There is a name made to identify a certain sub-race that developed after the fall of the Elven Empire, at least in the Hegemony, they are known as the "Sudboltal". Translated, from Alimanisch and Rheenisch, meaning literally as "Southern Mire", it comes from the tale of a Gnome who live in a swamp of a southern province who was different from those that live in the rocky heights. The original Gnomes that moved to live in dreaded swamps, marshes and mires of the world were those that wanted to live away from outsiders while having a sense of adventure from the dangers of their new homes. Although Sudboltals aren't hostile to foreigners, they wish to remain mostly left undisturbed by the world outside their home. The native dangers of the murky wildlife provide a constant test of reflexes for these Gnomes. Taking all the advantages they can get, most of the Sudboltals have been either taught or encouraged to learn to communicate with small animals to befriend. This friendship the Gnomes would later use to help them live in these dangerous swamps, like critters warning them of an approaching predator. The ones that do know magic, often use illusions to trick outsiders into venturing away from their homes or in self-defense. The total number of the Sudboltals are few compared to the general Gnome population, it is them that practically charted the unknown natural deathtraps of the Continent.

Hochisch Gnomes[edit]

The name "Hochisch", coming from Alimanisch, means "Highish" or "High folk". Different from the Rheenisch name for the Gnomes "Hoogisch", which means the same thing. When Alfenheim fell, most of the Gnomes didn't have any real restrictions from simply leaving revolting to move to a safe place, which most of them did. The Imperial Elves didn't have any real authority or power to stop them once the capital sank. To the Gnomes, most of them though that mountains were a great place for daily excitement while still making it be tough for others to try to subjugate them again. Unlike the Dwarves who also live near mountains, the big difference is the most Dwarves are hold up inside the rocky place rather than on the surface. Understandably, this has made the Gnomes be more durable than their swampy cousins due to the harsh climate. One of the things many different Hochisch cultures do is to study the past. Specifically, to try to understand the advanced magical and historical knowledge from the times of the Elven Empire. Their natural close proximity to Moutain Dwarves have allowed them easy access to plenty of metal to tinker and create devices with, not to mention some travel far from home to study the arts of machinery.


Even compared to Dwarves and Gnomes, Halflings were considered short by that standard. Although, the only written accounts describing them all came from Odonata, the very same Imperial Elven military governor who would go on to exterminate the Halflings. Thus, one must be wary of historical revisionism from one of the few recorded pieces that go into detail about this race before their untimely demise. Often said to be short and fat from eating too much, even giving stories of how parents would eat their own children instead of going hungry for a few days. Thought to be too lazy unless people disturb their daily life, in the governor's case, it was civilization that she brought which angered them. Quick to rebellion, or so how she writes, Odonata was given no choice but to put down all of this backward, sad, and violent race. They are portrayed to be pathetic peoples who bit off more than they can chew. Although, one must remember that this book by Odonata was made to be a propaganda piece back in Alfenheim to keep the state funding her wars. - Espanosa Remerous

Small Weaklings[edit]

What little is there about the Halflings, we know two things for sure about them. First, it was that they didn't call themselves "Halflings", the actual name is either "Ezkafol" or "Escefal" as being called "Halfling" was a demeaning name developed by the Imperial Elves. As the name comes from Odonata who calls them "Mideis", meaning "Half-People", which got popularized when her armei conquered Vesterland. Second, is that they used to live in the Bask mountains in present Voolon. Other than that, all other accounts are rather biased against this forgotten people. The last living member of this race died off long before the fall of Alfenheim. Odonata describes them as such in her book "Comintarii di Belis Occitalis", They were a brutish people when Odonata first personally encountered them, although she didn't underestimate them as her grandfather's eyes were pulled by these people. Standing to a little taller than the average Gnome, they looked to be fat compared to either a Dwarf or Gnome. The first thing the local chieftain tried to impress her with is by welcoming the general to his home than showing off his collection of decapitated heads, everything from rivel Mideis to Orcs did he display. It seems they would happily roll around in mud if it means they get to live in their underground hovels as there was plenty of mud which made up the floor. Gathering them for a special religious celebration, wine, and burnt food was brought before them to feed on. They were about to throw a Mideis into a great basket before filling it with rocks then burning it, the weight, smoke, or fire was going to kill him. From then on as the natives cheered, Odonata knew what she must do.


Odonata writes about her reasoning, plan, then execution of Letan Mideis (translated as "Halfling Ruination") during her governorship of Hispanola. At all began with the conspiracy of the barbarians, Odonata's agents had informed her that the Mideis high-chief, Gutherin, was willing to attempt at a kingship of the west. In order to fulfill this plan, as the last king was ousted by the nobles, he would call together a league of barbarians who would all attack the Elven Empire at the same time. During the time she received this message the plan was already in motion, while the general had no other information present. First, the Mideis would go on to hunt down then kill every citizen in the colonies of Artis and Edinera, each respectively located just east and west of the Bask range. With the aid of Hill Dwarves no less, then came the Dwarven raider from Sentra and Gnomish pirates from the northern island. There was not enough time to deal with all these threats at once for her, thus Odonata turned to magic. The magi conjured large quantities of vile diseased bombs for her warriors to use. Similar to the way she used them against Dwarven cities, the clay bombs shatter to release a magical lethal illness that specifically targeted the Mideis. She didn't believe that the effects would be as destructive as the magi said before she saw the result, bodies, and blood so high in their villages that it made her soldiers slip. Knowing that a job can't go half finished, she tirelessly slew the last of the Mideis. When the last of this vile race died off the other threats melted like snow in a summer's day.


"What happens when you take the best and worst of both worlds? Well, you get the Half-Elves, as they receive the weaken strengths of both and the lessen weaknesses as well. Now, the fact that they can grow beards is a bonus, if you know what I mean. But not to stray far from the topic, one of the things they can do is either gracefully blend in as a short Elf, or cowshite their way through as a tall Human. If you think about it, Half-Elves don't really have an advantage, just a different set of perks, unlike their parents."

"But, aren't you a hybrid too?"

"Shush, nobody else needs to know."

- Jennyver Fedlimid the Play

Mixed Bloodlines[edit]

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The Ausborem is a catchall term for any type of Half-Elf who comes not from Osterland. Skanii hybrids are the largest group to be included in this.

Coming to an average 6 feet, the Half-Elves are seen to be tall by Human standards and short by Elven standards. Inheriting the Elder lifespans of their Elven blood to live around 150 years old, they more than outlive their Human parent and Gnome acquaintances who die around 70. Some even acquire the different hair colors and stocky build from their parents. Depending on the realm that they live in, a Half-Elf can have noble privileges or sent to be publicly executed by religious zealots. By their very nature, the Half-Elf can seem impatient by Elves while still being precise compared to Human. That fact is the reason why many Half-Elves go out of their way to move away from the comforts of home to prove themselves. Those that live in the east are seen by most to have an inherent nobility about them while the ones in the west are viewed in a hostile light. The westerners still remember the threat of a powerful Elven realm inflicted upon the other races and fear an offspring of a Human with an Elf. Being able to understand both Elven and Human worldviews have allowed these hybrids to also be better at negotiations. Unless facing the most fanatical of enemies, a Half-Elf is able to come to an understanding then defuse the situation. Should the hybrid be able to hide the fact they are partially Elven, they often coming in as diplomats and ambassador for political or judicial disputes.

Osterling Hybrids[edit]

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The more common of the hybrid bloodlines, many Half-Elves can trace their family back to Osterland.

Many of the eastern hybrids come from a long line of families that would have probably intermarried between Humans and Elves. In some cases when a family believed that they've heard of the first Half-Elf child in their bloodline, it can be the case that there was another Half-Elf older in their history that they've forgotten. Adopting the natural enduring traits from their Human parent while retaining the prestigious aura around them with their Elven blood. Many of the other races both inside and outside of Osterland carry over the positive view of Osterling Elves to their hybrid children as well. It also helps that many of the Osterling Hybrids, whether it be noble or commoner, do emphasize the importance of education. That includes the fact that many of the Osterling Hybrids know the basics of Alt Alf in an effort to read copies of ancient texts preserved after the fall of Alfenheim. Although, the pronunciation of these Alt Alf texts might have been altered due to the fact the last Elf to use the language regularly, died around 1500 years ago. There is something to note when talking about these people, it is that they adopted the natural endurance of the Humans. Some, especially Elves, are amazed by how much of a beating an Osterling Hybrid can take in sparring. Not just negotiators, there are even a few Osterling Half-Elves that have taken the laborious career as smiths and builders.

Half-Elf Traits: Almost all the traits remain the same.

Ability Score: Your Charisma score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1 while your Intelligence score increases by 1.

Languages: You can speak and write in Common and Alt Alf.

Ausborem Hybrids[edit]

The Ausborem name come from the Alimanisch word "Aus" meaning outside and the Tallean word "borem" meaning foreigner. Both the Alimanisch and Tallean live on the frontier where Osterland and Sentra meet to see many Elves migrate from the east to west. It is a term to mean any Half-Elf that doesn't come from Osterland, like a Skanzen, Vesterling, or Suthrean can have this name. Many of these hybrids come from Vesterling origins where the Elves try to isolate themselves from the rest of the realm. That, in turn, has caused a low amount of Half-Elves to exist in the first place even when the Ausborem is in every realm. It also dosesn't help that Vesterling Elves also ostracize the Elf who mingle with Humans, as most see Humans as collaborators who help Dwarves that tried to exterminate the Elven race. Although, still being able to understand the differences between the races due to their heritage, these hybrids have a purer Elven bloodline compared to Osterlings Hybrids. With the higher purity of the Elven blood, they don't retain the more enduring traits of Humans while still not inheriting the weaker frame of Elves. The advantage that they do have is in their greater dexterity due to Elven blood. Ausborem Hybrids are treated differently depending on the realm that they live in. Places like Kiev and Skanza treat them no differently than Osterling Hybrids, with unnecessary extra prestige and respect. While places like in Mustallyon and Abbynid Empire, they are hunted down to be publicly executed.

Ability Score: Your Charisma score increases by 1, and your Dexterity score increases by 2.

Languages: You can speak and write in Common while only being able to speak in either Elvish or Skanii.


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Orcs see them as skinny, scrawny, or weak-looking compared to a normal Orc.

I've never seen anything like it in my life, as I write to you, there is an army we are about to face which has the oddest collection of a minority amongst them. There are a group of barbaric warriors who look to be too slender to be Orc but still too bulky to be Human. Some sort of abomination which is the product of a fusion of both the Orcs of old and the new Human invaders. They have the right amount of animal cunning from Humans to not suicidally charge into fights yet still retain enough raw strength to smash us. For that is what happened when a foraging party stumbled upon this new threat, our scouts quickly routed when these monsters brought themselves together to try to encircle our youngsters. Thankfully, there is only a handful of them we've encountered so far in the great infidel army. I fear if we face too many of them, we are sure to flee. - Letters from Brutus

Ability Score: Your Strength score increases by 2, and your Constitution score increases by 1 as well as your Wisdom score by 1. Your Charisma decreases by 1.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and speak Urk-Hai. Although Urk-Hai, the Orcish speech, has no real written form other than writing the approximate pronounced words in Alt Alf letters, even that differs from dialect to dialect.

Weird Body[edit]

"Pou-Pafvora" is the oldest known name for Half-Orcs and it comes from the Tallien tribes that fought against the Orcs as they fled west from a great Orcish hoard. Coming to a height of at least 6 feet and growing up to 7 feet or more, they weight somewhere around more than 200 pounds on average. With a skin tone of anywhere from gray, green, or purple hues, these peoples are surprisingly colorful compared to Orcs. The Half-Orc is often the creation of Orcs raping Humans to accidentally impregnate or be impregnated with a hybrid. These things happen when an Orc tribe raids across several different borders to ignore the laws of the realms. Another such instance where this happens is when Human commoner or nobles sent their sons or daughters to serve as political hostages under the front of marriage. The Humans almost never return their original home and would likely be stuck living with the Orcs to raise the offspring. Although there are stories of genuine love between a Human and an Orc, these cases are almost non-existent. The hybrids inherit the traits of endurance from their Human blood while strength naturally comes to them with Orcish heritage. Thought to be the more brutish of all the "understandable" races, they are often sought after as either trophies or warriors. Their strength is considered helpful in the more laborious jobs as builders, miners, and warriors. There are a few that go out of their way to find then spent an exorbitant amount of coin or gifts to hire them as mercenaries.

Harsh Treatment[edit]

Accepted by neither Orcish society or civilized realms, the Half-Orcs are often the butt of jokes and blame. Within the Orcish social hierarchy, these hybrids are thought to be impure mutts who can't be trusted with important tasks, unlike a pure Orc. Most end up within the rank of Freemen or their equivalent of the tribe. The Freemen are bearly above the slaves to put things into perspective. Within civilized realms, they are second most persecuted of all the races listed on this page, in terms of brutality and consistency. Most others simply refer to them as "bastards" for their circumstances of birth. Officially, most realms don't actually have laws forbidding Half-Orcs from attaining high ranking positions in either society or the government. This still doesn't prevent the other races from automatically mistrusting Half-Orcs for any sort of superficial reason. Realistically, a Half-Orc would be lucky to become a merchant or be made an officer. The history and fear of the Orcs that haunt the realms of all of the time still linger around the Half-Orc like a shadow. On the other hand, Orcs see the hybrids as mongrels that harbor the treachery and weakness of Humans. To be a Half-Orc is to be considered by many to almost be as bad as Teiflings, except the former isn't thought to be a literal incarnation of evil. Simply a very dumb, strong, and dangerous brute who is a danger to themselves and those around them by their nature.


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There are many different appearances for Humans, but in the end, they are too physically similar to have true sub-races like Elves or Gnomes.

Humans exist with at least one aspect of their lives to have one extreme or the other that they live with. Never are they able to adopt the middle ground as it all comes from their lack of specialization. As these peoples lack the physical strengths of the other races, all except that they seem tireless and can endure laborious tasks for a long time. This has made them ambitious as well, what with them suddenly appearing into history from out of nowhere, then strong-arming their way to become an important race like Dwarves and Dragonborn across the realms. I don't envy them but neither will I pity them, as their short-sightedness have always come back to bite them in the leg. - Detrich Hochpine

Language: You can speak and write in Common and a language of your choice. It includes but is not limited to Kievan, Belogradie, Alimanisch, Rheenisch, Jutisch, Nordien, Geatisch, Occiton, Entisch, Ontisch, Valoon, Lyonese, Tsuon, Eierish, Tallien, Skanii, Karzak, Turken, Sudergoder, and Abbynic.

Ability Score: Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score decreases by 1. All other ability scores increase by 1.

Odd Collection[edit]

Coming to anywhere from 5'6 to 6 feet tall on average with the weight of 125 to 250 pounds, Humans are an odd collection of peoples that have arrived recently onto the world. Their skin can be as pale as a Snow Elf to (supposedly) being as dark as a shadow. The hair for Humans can be pale blonds like Elves or midnight black like Orcs. There is no record of Humans even existing back some 3000 years ago compared to the other races like Gnomes, Halflings, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Dragonborn. The other races have been living in Sfartalheim since time immemorial while Humans, Half-Elves, Centaurs, Tieflings, and Half-Orcs are relatively new to this world. What is more troubling for the other races is that nobody knows where Human actually comes from. What little it is known is that the earliest Human tribes claim to be reincarnations from a different world with only Humans inhabiting it and that once they die in Sfartalheim, they will reincarnate back in their old world. They say that it is an endless cycle of death, glory, and happiness to be reborn again and again between the two worlds. Another thing of note is that the oldest sightings of Humans come from beyond the eastern Steeps of the Continent. Although the origin stories for Humans have changed over time as different religions and theories tried to explain the sudden appearance of Humans into the world history.

Master of None[edit]

Able to develop extreme stances on life is a rather helpful ability when confronted by extreme circumstances. Their adaptability to changing environments and times have allowed Humans to settle on every part of the Continent from the coldest of the north to the hottest of the south. Even in situations where the odds are stacked against them or hope seems lost, they are able to turn defeat into opportunity. Exploiting the misfortunes of others or themselves, Humans can seem like manipulative bunch when compared to the other races. It is simply in their nature to survive and thrive in any environment by poking holes in a disadvantage then tearing it apart to turn it into their advantage. Without the long lives or presence that the other races have of existing on Sfartalheim for long, these peoples seem to bully their way to essentially cheat to earn a place as one of the civilized races. The lack of natural specialization within their own body might first appear to be a disadvantage until one considers that Humans have an incredible talent to dedicate a lifetime perfecting a field. Being able to create societies with rather extreme worldviews is also useful when competing with hostile neighbors unlike stubborn races being the case with Elves and Dwarves. That is the main difference between the Humans and the other races, it is that they develop radically different cultures with adopting extreme specializations while a Gnome on the opposite side of the Continent might behave the same as any other Gnome. For with Humans, one can be totally natural living in an underground city while another dread stepping one foot in a cave and would much prefer staying inside a tent on a flat open grassland.


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All of them looked cursed to appear as a daemon with two horns on their head and a shade of red or blue skin.

The funny thing is nobody knows where the Tieflings originated from. I mean back when the tribes moved in from the east, Human babes were being born with two head horns and weird skin colors for no reason it seems. At least, that was the first accounts of this happening that I could find. It was always the same pattern, two horn on their head and a shade of either red or blue skin. The hoofs instead of feet came later and were also apparently random if a Tiefling was born with either Human feet or hoofs. The theologians believe that those born as Tieflings are cursed by the gods as punishment for a crime they will commit later in life, specifically something related to anger the gods. Magi think that some sort of magical disaster in the past caused Humans to be infected by this dormant illness, the only time this illness is active is when a mother conceives a child. - Halmut the Mad

Language: You can speak and write in Common and Infernal.

Ability Score: Your Intelligence score increases by 1, and your Charisma score increases by 1 as well as your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Cursed Family[edit]

Long have this race come as the offspring of Humans from the time of the fall of Alfheim. They would always be born with some pair of horns on their head while their skin was a hue of either purple, red, or blue. Coming to around Human height, they may be the more similar in terms of abilities to Humans than any other races. More on the random side is the fact some Tieflings are born with hoofs instead of feet but that was a trait developed long after the destruction of the Imperial Elven capital. No other races have ever experienced something like a seemingly cursed defect to grow into a daemon replica like the Humans. Long have the Humans try to deal with the Tiefling question to hide their embarrassment from the other races. At first, the tribes tried to find and kill any Tieflings at birth. That didn't work as the babies were left to die in a forest which either animals wouldn't kill or a wanderer might adopt. Later on, the policy changed to rounding up all the undesirables in the tribe to live in a cramped place called the Sore Camp so that they can hide them from the outside world while still working for the tribe. Even that was eventually abandoned when members of said camps kept escaping to, later on, have these places go out of fashion as the leaders didn't bother assigning guards to keep the Tieflings in the Sore Camps. Some still live in a manner not too different from these camps in the form of the city's ghettos.

Social Outcasts[edit]

Known to be associated with criminals in all different realms, that often can be a disadvantage in regular conversations for a Tiefling. Yet, this can be used to their advantage in negotiations as they can try to intimidate the other party. With most societies rejecting Tieflings for work in most jobs, many go down a life of crime for quickly attaining wealth. Thus there are many crime families who hire or is led by Tieflings prominent in many realms. This has also led to many Tieflings not trusting other races as said other races would also betray them given the right opportunity. They have also learned the use of the Infernal language from birth due to an unknown reason, for as soon as a Teifling understands the concept of language, they can read, write, and speak in the ancient tongue of the daemons from the different planes of existence. This was often used as a clear sign for Teifling ancestry condemning their offsprings with a pact. Although if this argument was used against a child of nobility they run the risk of being executed for speaking out the ruling nobles. Commoners try their best to avoid employing or even interacting with Teifling in general. This has led to isolated Tiefling communities being formed, as the parents of a Tiefling would send them to live in the ghettos with either a relative or friend who lives in these places. It would also come as no surprise as angry commoners have also blamed Tiefling more than any other race to result in massacres and genocide. Death by immolation and hangings are a fate that Tiefling face if they angered one too many people.

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