Races (Setting Supplement)

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Races of Gondwana Many of the races of Gondwana are very similar yet different to the classic races of Faerun just with more pigmentation. Hence Elves would be Tall, cattle herders and hunter gathers similar to the Masai or Amhara.

The Dwarves are salt miners and farmers who build partially submerged homes in the highlands, where they keep the herds of swine and goats and farm their yams, they are experts of crafting bronze weapons and armor aka Bantu.

Humans are melanated humans of various tribes and cultures, to the North of Quajjari they are nomads and merchants to the South near Walata and Njani they are farmers and currently fighting in a great civil war Between the ruthless Sorceror-king Soumaro and his outcast Nephew Sunjata. The Great Kingdom of Suqattra is ruled by a council of magi after the last Pharaoh was slain in battle.

The Halflings are very similar to Xhosa and live pleasant lives in the deep forests and deserts as hunter gatherers aka Twa. All of these different "Races" can actually mix with each other and are all distantly related to each other. Generally from such mixtures half-elves or humans result as offspring.

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