Races -Far-away Realms (The Silver Lands Supplement)

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The Realms of afar are home to many other races, including the brutal minotaurs and the harsh fallen. The following races are organized according to region of origin.

West Northern Continent[edit]


Min-Taurus is the empire of the minotaurs, centaurs, harpians and satyrs. It lies beyond the Mountains of the Sun, and due to the difficulty of crossing that perilous range, have little contact with the rest of the Northern Continent.


You know what minotaurs do to you? Suck you dry of your blood, that's what! Or maybe that's vampyres...
—Celiendra, changeling storyteller.

The brutal minotaurs rule Min-Taurus by might alone. Their fearsome battalions have conquered their relatives the centaurs and satyrs, and now they turn their hungry eyes over the Mountains of the Sun, towards Bas'Mera, Rytha, and the smaller countries that share that continent.

  • +6 strength, +6 constitution, -2 intelligence, -4 charisma.
  • large monstrous humanoid.
  • minotaur base land speed is 40 ft.
  • scent 60 ft.
  • lowlight vision.
  • +2 racial bonus on listen checks.
  • +4 natural armor bonus.
  • a minotaur begins play with 3 levels of monstrous humanoid, which grant it two feats, skill points equal to 6 x (4+ intelligence modifier), a base attack bonus of +2, and base will +3, ref +3, and will +0.
  • natural weapons: gore (1d8).
  • natural cunning: a minotaur can never become lost in a wilderness, urban, or underground environment (not including in the air or at sea) and can always find its way out of any maze. they always know which way is north.
  • automatic languages: Mintaurian.
  • favored class: barbarian
  • level adjustment: +2.


They're just too bloody well fast!
—Niche, grayband goblin infantry.

The centaur coursers are a valuable asset to the army of Min-Taurus, they can run down foes in a matter of seconds. Unlike their cousins, the satyrs, the centaurs are completely loyal to the minotaurs.

  • +4 strength, +4 constitution, -2 intelligence.
  • large humanoid (beast).
  • centaur base land speed is 60 ft.
  • lowlight vision.
  • +2 natural armor bonus.
  • +2 racial bonus on spot and listen checks, and +4 racial bonus on jump checks.
  • -2 racial penalty on climb checks.
  • natural weapons: 2 hooves (1d6 each)
  • automatic languages: Mintaurian.
  • favored class: ranger.
  • level adjustment: +2


Swoop! Nab! Claw! Kill!
—Harpian battle saying.

The harpians are only nominally part of the Min-Taurus Empire, and that participation is by their choice alone. The truth is, the armies of Min-Taurus, for all their ferocity and tactics, could not have conquered the harpians by force. The harpian aeries are too high up, and they are too swift in flight.

  • +2 dexterity, -2 intelligence.
  • medium humanoid (air).
  • harpian base land speed is 20 ft. base fly speed is 60 ft (average).
  • lowlight vision.
  • +2 racial bonus on bluff and intimidate checks.
  • -2 racial penalty on saves against fear effects.
  • natural weapons: claw (1d4)
  • automatic languages: Mintaurian, Skraa.
  • favored class: rogue.


C'mon, lads, to battle! Not because we want to see Min-Taurus win, but because they'll kill us if we don't fight!
—Hermas, satyr captain, rallying his troops.

The satyrs now form the common infantry of their new homeland's army, although the satyrs themselves hold no love for the minotaurs. The satyr nation was conquered by Min-Taurus a mere six decades ago, and the satyrs still have the spark of rebellion alive in them. Most satyrs are between five and six feet tall.

  • +2 dexterity, -2 intelligence.
  • medium humanoid (satyr)
  • satyr base land speed is 40 ft.
  • lowlight vision
  • scent 60 ft.
  • natural armor bonus +1.
  • +2 racial bonus on move silently, hide, listen and spot checks.
  • natural weapons: head butt (1d6).
  • automatic languages: Mintaurian, Silinis.
  • favored class: bard.

Southern Continent[edit]


Fornaedra is the home of the crysaeli and duergar, lying in the Mirror Sea off the coast of Leanae. The inhabitants of Fornaedra still practice strange rites of magic that the rest of the world has forgotten.


Lets see... I know I had that spell around here somewhere...
—Klythrostos, crysaeli mage.

The crysaeli are a race of sorcerers and wizards, and have wandered the Silver Lands for millennium. Crysaeli are amazingly long-lived, having a lifespan twice as long as almost any other race besides the dragons. They make their home in Fornaedra, although they often leave the south and hire their spell-weavers out as mercenaries. Crysaeli are around five or six feet tall.

  • -2 strength, -2 constitution, +2 intelligence, +2 charisma.
  • medium fey.
  • crysaeli base land speed is 30 ft.
  • +2 racial bonus on will saving throws to resist enchantment effects.
  • lowlight vision.
  • immunity to sleep effects.
  • +2 racial bonus on spellcraft and bluff checks.
  • SR 11 + hd.
  • spell-like abilities: 3/day: Magic Missile, 1/day: Charm Person. caster level same as character level.
  • automatic languages: Fornaedran, Ancient.
  • favored class: sorcerer or wizard.
  • level adjustment: +1


Undead don't scare me. They scare you, but they don't scare me.
—Siliana, duergar necromancer.

The duergar are a race of magicians, similar in a way to the fair crysaeli. However, the duergar are corrupted and twisted, striving to understand the foul secrets of necromancy that destroyed the Age of the Golden Lands so many years ago. The duergar dwell in the south west, near the Mountains of the Sun. They stand almost five feet high.

  • +2 intelligence, +2 constitution, -2 wisdom, -4 charisma.
  • medium humanoid.
  • duergar base land speed is 30 ft.
  • darkvision 60 ft.
  • +2 racial bonus on saves against poison.
  • spell-like abilities: 3/day: touch of fatigue. 1/day: cause fear.
  • automatic languages: Fornaedran, Ancient.
  • favored class: wizard


In all the years since they first developed our race, we have been given nothing but the dregs. We are called an "experiment". Well, our day will come...
—Untha Eleven, mongrel pariah.

The mongrels are a race of creatures specifically bred by the crysaeli as an experiment, linking the bloodlines of several major races. The basic mongrel type includes ogres, trolls, goblins, hobgoblins, salamanders, elves, faeries, gnomes, valkaries, roane, athames, banshees, changelings, onlar, caetai, minotaurs, satyrs, harpians, duergar, and crysaeli. Needless to say, many magical effects are used in the careful breeding of mongrels, as most of these races cannot normally interbreed. All mongrels vary greatly, but most are between four and a half and six and a half feet tall.

  • +4 constitution, -2 charisma, -2 wisdom.
  • medium humanoid (mongrel).
  • mongrel base land speed is 40 ft.
  • improved low-light vision.
  • darkvision 120 ft.
  • +4 racial bonus on intimidate, bluff, and sense motive checks.
  • +1 racial bonus on all saving throws.
  • bonus feat.
  • automatic languages: Fornaedran.
  • favored class: any.

Leanae (The Caetai Tribes)[edit]

Leanae is a hot, arid land of the fierce caetai warriors and the regal sphinxes, living gods. The caetai are nomads, worshiping the gigantic sphinxes, and sometimes capturing the proud griffins for steeds.


My people have hunted prey in these lands for generations. Don't make yourself one of those prey.
—Kjallan, caetai hunter, warning a valkarie intruder.

The caetai roam Leanae in tribes, each paying homage to a great sphinx, or, in rare cases, a pride of sphinxes. The caetai sometimes hire themselves out as mercenaries, and hitch a ride to the northern continent (Rytha, Bas'Mera, or Min-Taurus) aboard valkarie or roane ships. Caetai are about five feet in height.

  • +4 dexterity
  • medium humanoid (feline).
  • caetai base land speed is 40 ft.
  • improved low-light vision.
  • +2 racial bonus on tumble, balance, listen, and jump checks. +4 racial bonus on move silently checks.
  • automatic languages: Caetaian (tribal dialect.)
  • favored class: ranger.

The East[edit]


Gavrial is a cold, unforgiving land that juts out from the north of the Eastern Silver Lands. It is the homeland of the ettins and uldras, two ferocious races that hold a primitive, tribal honor deep within their hearts, and still tell stories of the lost Golden Lands.


We could come to an accord of some kind with these ettins, I suppose. They just have to promise not to try and eat us.
—Tyneer, valkarie battle-chief.

The barbaric ettins are a race related to trolls and ogres, and one can see the family resemblance with a passing glance. Ettins stand around eight to ten feet tall, and have the same jutting under bite and fangs as their more civilized cousins. They live in a simple tribal structure, trading with the uldras the the occasional valkarie ship that happens to pass through.

  • +6 strength, +8 constitution, -2 intelligence, -4 charisma.
  • large giant.
  • ettin base land speed is 40 ft.
  • improved low-light vision.
  • +2 racial bonus on saves against poison.
  • +2 racial bonus on fortitude saves against cold.
  • an ettin begins play with 2 levels of giant, which grant it one feat, skill points equal to 5x (2+ intelligence modifier), and a base attack bonus of +1, and base ref +0, will +0, and fort +3.
  • +2 racial bonus on survival checks.
  • natural weapons: bite 1d6.
  • natural armor +5.
  • automatic languages: Ettinese.
  • favored class: barbarian.
  • level adjustment: +2.


Ha! You call that stealth? My three year old daughter could do better then that.
—Uldra hunter mocking a daone.

The uldras are a small, slight race more akin to goblins or gnomes than trolls or ogres. They do not have the same characteristic under bite as most vaetteran descended races do, and are much more agile and quick. However, they do share the same ferocity and tribal nature as their cousins the ettins. Uldras are around three or four feet tall.

  • +2 dexterity, -2 strength, +2 wisdom, -2 intelligence.
  • small humanoid (goblinoid).
  • uldra base land speed is 30 ft.
  • improved lowlight vision.
  • +2 racial bonus on saves against poison.
  • +2 racial bonus on fortitude saves against cold effects.
  • +4 racial bonus on move silently, hide, survival, listen and spot checks.
  • automatic languages: Uldran (tribal dialect).
  • favored class: ranger.


Tamara is a dark land south of the cursed kingdom of Nial. In the ages pass, in the time of the Golden Lands, a terrible calamity transformed Nial into a dark wasteland, and struck down the living, changing them into the deathless creatures of the night they are today. The deva, the rulers of the Golden Lands, used the undead as warriors until the undead were subverted by the daemanon. The proud race known as the seraphs lived in Tamara at the time, and were charged by the deva with keeping the undead under control. The seraphs failed in this task, and the deva took from them the thing which they were most proud of: their flight.

Now, the descendants of the seraphs, a race known as the fallen, keep a watch over Nial, and seek to destroy the Undead that inhabit that evil place.


In ages past the fallen had the power of flight. Now, they have only tattered remainders of that former glory to remind us of our shame. What fairness is this?!
—Gestrauln, fallen warlord.

The fallen ave lost their power of flight, but retain the wings which once pushed them through the air. Now, instead of the white and dove gray of their past, they are an iron gray. Fallen generally stand around six feet tall.

  • +2 wisdom, +2 intelligence.
  • medium humanoid (seraph).
  • fallen base land speed is 30 ft.
  • resistance to fire 5, electricity 5, and cold 5.
  • darkvision 60 ft.
  • spell-like abilities: disrupt undead 3/day, cure light wounds 1/day. caster level is same as class level. save dc is wisdom based.
  • +2 racial bonus on saves against energy draining effects and death effects.
  • automatic languages: Tamaran, Ancient.
  • favored class: fighter.
  • level adjustment: +1


The dark realm of Nial includes two playable races: the deathborn and ghostborn. both these races inhabit Nial, the deathborn serving as half-living, half-dead soldiers that can cross the fast-moving waters of the canals that the Tamarans build to keep the undead at bay, and the ghostborn serving as assassins. However, some break away from this dark calling, and find room as adventurers in the Silver Lands.


We kill. We die. We arise again, and kill.
—Deathborn battle chant.

The deathborn are the soldiers of Nial, more cunning and crafty than average undead.

  • +4 strength, -2 constitution.
  • medium humanoid (undead).
  • deathborn base land speed is 30 ft.
  • darkvision 120 ft.
  • resistance to cold 5.
  • resistance to acid and fire 5.
  • dr 5/ +1.
  • fast healing 1.
  • +4 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
  • as undead, deathborn are affected negatively by positive energy spells, and positively by negative energy spells. (i.e. cure spells harm them, and inflict spells heal them.)
  • deathless fury (su): deathborn automatically die if their hit points fall below 0. they can never fall unconscious, do not require any sleep, and ignore all sub dual damage.
  • spell-like abilities: 1/day: Magic Weapon. caster level same as class level.
  • automatic languages: Ancient.
  • favored class: fighter.
  • level adjustment: +2


I am a shadow. A whisper in the night. An illusion, a forgotten dream. You cannot see me.
—Unknown ghostborn assassin.

The ghostborn serve as assassins and spies for their vampyric overlords, and are good at what they do.

  • +4 dexterity, -2 constitution, +2 wisdom, +2 charisma.
  • medium humanoid (undead, incorporeal).
  • ghostborn base land speed is 40 ft.
  • darkvision 120 ft.
  • resistance to cold 10.
  • +4 racial bonus on saving throws against poison.
  • +4 racial bonus on move Silently and hide checks.
  • +2 racial bonus on climb and jump checks.
  • as undead, ghostborn are affected negatively by positive energy spells, and positively by negative energy spells. (i.e. cure spells harm them, and inflict spells heal them.)
  • spell-like Abilities: at will: Invisibility, 3/day: Fog Cloud. caster levels same as class level. When a ghostborn reaches 10 HD, he/she gains Greater Invisibility, as a spell-like ability, usable 1/day.
  • ghost step: a ghostborn can become incorporeal for rounds per day equal to twice their wisdom modifier. This is a supernatural ability.
  • automatic languages: Ancient.
  • favored class: rogue.
  • level adjustment: +3


These races fit into no particular country.


Fate has chosen to ignore us! But we have not chosen to ignore fate!
—Tarnal, dunaelfen warlord.

The dunaelfen are a race related to the elves. They make their home deep below of Rytha, however, dwelling underneath the surface of the earth. Incredibly warlike, the dunaelfen have all but killed themselves off fighting wars with other races; their strong personalities and unbending pride means that they rarely surrender. Now, they dwell underground, in tunnels they themselves dug centuries ago. Dunaelfen are divided into various clans. Dunaelfen stand between five and six feet tall.

  • +4 dexterity, -2 wisdom, +2 charisma.
  • medium humanoid (elf).
  • dunaelfen base land speed is 40 ft.
  • lowlight vision.
  • darkvision 60 ft.
  • +2 racial bonus on search, listen, and hide checks.
  • +4 racial bonus on move silently checks.
  • spell-like abilities: 3/day: ghost sound, dancing lights.
  • immunity to sleep effects.
  • +2 on will saving throws to resist necromancy and enchantment effects.
  • automatic languages: Aelfen.
  • favored class: fighter.
  • level adjustment: +1


Now, if there were a reason for the weird-marked, then I would understand.
—Shask, ogre priestess.

The weird-marked are a race of beings that survived the cataclysm that destroyed the Golden Lands, but with a terrible price. They were changed, left with strange, magically made scars that reflect their strange heritage. They are now shunned by most if their nature becomes known, and can find welcome only in parties of adventurers. Weird-marked stand between five and six feet in height.

  • +2 dexterity, -2 wisdom, -2 charisma.
  • medium aberration.
  • weird-marked base land speed is 40 ft.
  • lowlight vision.
  • resistance to electricity OR fire 5.
  • SR 11 + hd.
  • +2 racial bonus on fortitude saving throws to resist poison.
  • vulnerability to acid (+25% damage).
  • +2 racial bonus on intimidate, bluff, listen, and move silently checks.
  • automatic languages: Ancient, one other.
  • favored class: rogue.

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