Puzzle Treasure (3.5e Equipment)
Puzzle Treasure: Altritek: both models look or resemble each other closely. the craftable model appears to be just a floating cube. But upon further inspection (spot/perception dc15) it is actually a floating cube that is sectioned into multiple smaller cubes that are all inscribed with runes. The True Artifact models look closely similar to the craftable models, save the runes on the smaller cubes that make up its original form randomly shift into different runes and move around the surface of the cubes and this model has much smaller cubes that move much more and much more freely. The cube itself levitates within 1 foot of the wielder or at least 6 inches above any surface the wielder removed it from themselves and placed it at. This levitating effect does not have to apply if the wielder chooses it not to and can have a separate form. To change forms, simply state the name of the artifact and name the configuration you'd like to use. New configurations can be created by concentrating for an hour, but only once a day by concentrating on Altritek and rolling above 75% with a d100 to create a new configuration (within reason). If you find a True Artifact model and don't have a craftable model then when found unless it is already currently in the possession of another ( Possession being linked by last user within a line of sight, or if not in line of sight telepathic link within 30ft of last wielder.) you may attempt to unlock the form that your character would be most attuned to ( use will save as skill modifier when doing this because it is a matter of will to work through the confusion of the changing puzzle box and takes wisdom to slowly learn the different combinations that form on the cube over time). All damages shown here are for medium size. they do scale their damage with increases in size category and the puzzle treasure will automatically adjust to a new wielder when they Possess (see farther back in description to see explanation) it and unlock the first mode for the True Artifact model. Craftable model automatically just adjusts because its forms are automatically unlocked
The First form is a pair of razor sharp scissors that deal 2d4 slashing or piercing damage. This forms blades are extremely sharp and give the ability when attacking an enemy to attempt to either sunder weapon/armor by attempting to cut through the metals or what the weapon/shield is made of (hereby referred to as materials) or whatever their armors/gear are made of (hereby referred to as fabrics). the scissors give you a plus 10 to sunder attack and damage rolls with them. this models ignores half of hardness/dr of materials and fabrics. The True Artifact model completely ignores hardness/dr, and automatically comes with ghost touch by being able to slightly cut through the veil between planes when targeting something that is on or in between this plane and another that would normally render them unable to be hit by physical means without shifting to another plane yourself. both models can also use their sunder attack bonuses on using sunder style attack against other things such as doors, walls, anything that can be sundered or broken.
The Second form is a golden Lance that acts as a normal one. If wielder has more than one attack available, they can choose to sacrifice their attacks to make a single attack at double double damage (str mod included reflex half dc 15+ wielders max attack bonus per round)in a cone of force from the tip of the lance 20ft long 15ft wide. If wielder is wielding one of the true artifacts the cone deals the combined die damage of all sacrificed attacks including str mod bonus damage and reflex for half dc 20+ double max attack mod per round range 40ft long by 30ft wide. Does 2d10 damage and has a range of 10ft. Both models if used by a paladin add charisma mod to attack and damage along with strength mod. fighters add dexterity mod.
The Third form is a Sickle on a chain, increasing it's range to 30 Feet, and letting one make a ranged binding attack if the opponent fails a Reflex Save with a DC of 25. This binds the enemy till they can make a successful Strength or Escape Artist Check. The wielder must make a Dex Check to correctly have thrown and retrieve the weapon if attempted ranged binding attack and missed or was succeeded and target died. If wielding one of the true artifact models it can partially be mentally controlled while out so wielder can have it return automatically next round if failed or target dies, also will automatically let wielder attempt ranged binding if successfully hits with atleast half of available attacks within a round instead of giving the opponent the immediate reflex. Does 2d8 Damage when used to attack. Both forms if used by Monk add wisdom mod to attack and damage. Rogues add intelligence mod.
The Fourth Form is a metal Staff lightweight but dense enough to be a useful weapon. It seems to function as a normal staff (except 2d10 bludgeoning) until a spell caster casts magic while wielding it, when spells are cast with this staff in hand it can act as a focus to replace other focuses and replace the components required for a spell as long as they are not exp, or anything above 1/6 of the Puzzle treasures original cost up to 6th level spells. (if wielding the true artifact version functions as any component needed for spells up to and into epic level spells. (( save for exp, that still has to be paid regularly for the spell and health or a living sacrifice or part of)). If used by a spellcaster add key spell casting stat mod to attack and damage.
The Fifth Form is Boomerang. The Boomerang is larger than normal, and doesn't take the improvised weapon penalty. It does 3d6 Damage, has a range of 30, can be used as Melee at a -3, and can be used as Total Cover as a full round action. true artifact model gives the wielder the ability to shield bash with it on rounds used as total coverage without the minuses as if the wielder had the feats necessary and reduces the minus for using it in melee to 0. fighters and barbarians add strength mod or con mod to attack and damage bonuses.
The Sixth Form is a Metal Longbow. It functions as if a normal one, but requires no arrows as it creates its own from energy and they disappear after impact. Rather than normal it does 2d8 Damage, and has a range of 130 ft. Allows wielder to fire two arrows with every shot as the Manyshot feat without minuses, True artifact model gives wielder ability to have arrows hit separate targets using same roll as long as both targets are within same directional line of sight. Fighters can add strength mod or con mod to attack and damage. a ranger can add strength mod or wisdom mod to attack and damage.
To change the weapon's form, one must spend a standard action changing it to the desired form. If you have the Quick Draw Feat, you can do it once as a Free Action per round.
Each form actually deals different amounts of damage with a few different things. Always gets a x3 On Criticals, for True Artifact model they have a range of 13-20, for the craftable model its 16-20. Each time the weapons form is chosen, a new form of elemental damage may be chosen as well. The damage from the element chosen does 1d10 damage.
Puzzle Treasures are odd weapons that can only be enhanced by expert blacksmiths working with or also being an Expert Alchemist/Enchanters (does not mean they cant be enchanted or given pluses per individual form by basic enchanters. It means altering its original appearance or form with enchantments other bonuses that apply to all weapons. Any normal enchanter can enchant the separate weapon or other forms it can take individually,The True Artifact models original form can only slightly be altered (DM discretion), but the craftable model is almost completely customizable (DM discretion).
Long ago it was a weapon used in wars by a group called the Ane, known for their skills at making amazing weapons. Though when they died out, they hide the blue prints away, which were only found by a master blacksmith who reintroduced the weapon to the world. Shortly after discovering the prints he took them to his home forge and built one. When it didn't work as the prints instructed it would he began wondering what he was missing he employeed the help of multiple wizards and other spellcasters under a work contract. Eventually finding out that it also took a great deal of magical power and incantations to function properly. They went through months of preparation and finally the day came to complete it. That day was when horror struck. The finishing of the item caused a devastating explosion as the power was called and sealed within it killing all but the head sorcerer that was involved. He then knowing its original make was to dangerous for the average mortals to be able to make, so he took the original plans and the item to the astral plane where he hid the blueprints. Then returning to the material plane he took the item home made it a proud but dark family heirloom. Over years he began studying and spending his families fortune and selling their land to fund his research. Two long centuries ( with the use of one of the forever stones, which he found in the astral plane) but he finally finished the rituals and plans to make a lesser version that would not need the power of a currently living beings soul but rather could be powered by a summoned or captured soul. but in doing and finishing the research the one he had made had been destroyed and when it was it released a large scale wave of magic power that awoke the other slumbering puzzle treasures deep in their ruins leaving them waiting to be discovered. A total of 5 of these were thought to originally existed and left on each plane the race had been to and been willing to continue existing on for a length of time, but due to a few thousand years of continuous adventuring and ancient ruin looting it has been found that up to 20 of them can potentially be found on each plane. Not that they would all be left still in ruions or even on the mortals original planet/world anymore. Plus recent and continual trading between multiple planes including ones that had no reason for some of them being as some plane cant use magic has caused more to be found and able to be found around the world. Often sought after by semi powerful adventurers and powerful evil doers, on the minor artifacts list for the craftable model, there is a 5% chance of finding them in treasure from encounters, 10% chance of finding them in liches treasure stores and 15% chance to find it in an adult and above age category dragon hoards, chances on finding the true artifact models is 1% on minor artifacts, 5% on medium, 15% on major and able to found on those charts for treasure in any fight with potential wielders above CR10.(meaning groups of enemies with atleast 1 intelligent enemy above or at CR10 by themselves/themselves)
Weight 10 lb. craftable-Artifact model-Creation Cost: 40,000 Gold Craft staff, Craft Arms/Armor, Craft Magic Arms/Armor, Craft Epic Arms/Amor. Market Cost: 50,000 True Artifact model Market cost 150,000 and must trade a non True Artifact model in at purchase if able to be found at the particular market or merchant in question (5% chance rolled by purchaser or Dm, Dms choice.
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