Prismatic Bolt (4e Power)

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Prismatic Bolt Warmage Attack 13
A brilliantly colored bolt of energy jets from your weapon, striking your enemy with tremendous force.
Encounter Star.gif Arcane, Cold, Fire, Implement, Teleportation
Standard Action Ranged 20
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence Vs. Fortitude, Reflex, Will
Hit: The effect of the attack varies based on the defense overcome.
Hit (Fortitude): If the attack hits the target’s Fortitude defense, the target takes 2d6 + Intelligence modifier cold damage, pushed up to an amount of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier, and slowed (save ends).
Hit (Reflex): If the attack hits the target’s Reflex defense, the target takes 2d6 + Intelligence modifier fire damage, ongoing 5 fire damage, and is knocked prone (save ends both).
Hit (Will): If the attack hits the target’s Will defense, the target is teleported up to an amount of squares equal to your Wisdom modifier and is surprised (save ends).
Special: You make only one attack, but compare that attack result against all three defenses. The target might be subject to any, all, or none of the effects depending on how many of its defenses were hit. The target must make a saving throw against each ongoing effect separately.