Planeswalker, Variant (5e Class)

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I've heard it said that a Planeswalker is someone who can always run from danger. But Gideon's right: we're also the ones who can choose to stay. — Jace

Otherworldly Travelers[edit]

On the blighted wastes of Zendikar, a Tiefling stands atop a spiral of sand-swept stone so high that it pierces the clouds, watching over the landscape. The air sits steady there, quiet, unmoving, with the light whistle of a breeze as it brushes through his lapels and threatens to sway him. He stands tall, looking out to see the world around him, and without thinking he takes a step, disappearing as suddenly as he had come; hurling though the Blind Eternities between worlds and reappearing on the crowded streets of Ravnica, running through the streets to avoid being shot by those he has angered. He releases fire from his fingertips and it swirls around the one who came through his portal. The fire surrounds the man, and just like that, he is gone, exiled to the Plane Of Fire.

Running away from the hungered cries of the monsters, an Elf woman ran through the woods, bobbing and weaving between trees to avoid becoming these ghouls' next meal. The ones chasing her still haven't given up yet. She continues running, avoiding tripping as best as she can only to feel agony as her ankle collapses at the hills peak. She screamed out in pain, crying in fear. The young girl trembled and struggled to crawl, but the creatures were close. As the creatures breach through the trees, eyes glowering beneath the moon and with claws like scythes, she shut her eyes tight and wished to be anywhere else. When she opened she was on an open plain, under skies full of angels.

In a plane of his own creation, an evil dragon schemes. His few planeswalker agents scattered across the multiverse allow him to manipulate events on a scale few others could comprehend, but, recently, a number of planeswalker had begun banding together. He would likely have to deal with them personally, and he looked forward to it.

Planeswalkers are born at random in sapient races, with no outward signs of their latent power. Only when they undergo great stress does their spark ignite, granting them the power to travel between the worlds of the multiverse, as well as to harness one of the five colors of mana. By drawing this mana from the lands they have traveled to, Planeswalkers can cast spells, summon beings and creatures from other worlds, and augment their abilities.

Gifted Through Tragedy[edit]

A Planeswalker is a being who possesses a planeswalker's spark. Planeswalkers are blessed and cursed with the great power to move freely between the worlds of the multiverse. Planeswalkers can be born at random in any sapient species, with no outward signs of their latent power. There is an incredibly remote chance that any given sentient, natural being may be born with a planeswalker's spark. When that being is put through a period of extreme stress — in many cases death — the spark can trigger, causing the individual to ascend and become a Planeswalker. A Planeswalker is specifically a being who possesses a planeswalker's spark. The planeswalker spark is more or less a one-in-a-million thing in sentient beings, and having it ignite is even rarer. There are other beings who, through various means, are able to travel between planes, but they are not considered planeswalkers The defining trait of Planeswalkers is their ability to magically travel between separate places, planes, worlds, and even universes with ease, while the vast majority of people throughout the multiverse are not even aware that other worlds beside their own exist. Though this ability starts with small jumps from place to place, as they grow in power, nothing can hold them down.

Creating a Planeswalker[edit]

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Planeswalker's are privileged to see the many ways in which life occurs around the cosmos, and they are blessed to interact with many civilizations in their lifetimes. However, this power brings with it a struggle for purpose. Should a Planeswalker interfere with their environment or leave it be? Should they bring knowledge of other planes to help, or will this knowledge bring about great destruction in the wrong hands? Should they use their Spark to conquer the multiverse, or defend it? Regardless, each Planeswalker will find themselves faced with great responsibility, for who else has the ability to be responsible for so many lives across the many planes of existence.

Planeswalkers are versatile in their backgrounds and their style of combat. Choose attributes that favor the style you wish to employ while keeping in mind that Intelligence is the Planeswalker’s spell casting ability. A Planeswalker is proficient in any one melee weapon and any one ranged weapon. Choose wisely. Any other proficiencies will have to come through feats. Be aware that you can choose multiple colors of spells in your build, and that may change the style in which you fight. White Planeswalkers will fight similar to a Paladin, while Red Planeswalkers will fight more like a sorcerer or wizard. Combining the two colors may result in some mixed ranged and melee spell slinging. Never forget that you have the creatures of the cosmos at your side. Sometimes an action will be better used to summon up a companion to fight for you rather than casting a spell.

Chromatic Magic[edit]

Planeswalkers are aware of a nature in magic spells other spellcasters are not privy to. Each spell in their eyes has a color to it. They can store up power, called mana, associated with that color in order to cast those spells.

Summoners Supreme[edit]

A common tactic used by Planeswalkers in combat is to summon up creatures to fight for them using the mana they have in their reserves. Whether they summon entire armies or just a few imposing behemoths, the ranks of creatures summoned by planeswalkers may be the deadliest tools in their arsenals.

Quick Build

You can make a Planeswalker quickly by following these suggestions. First, your highest ability score should be your Intelligence, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the Far Traveler background.

Class Features

As a Planeswalker you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Planeswalker level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Planeswalker level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Any one melee weapon, and any one ranged weapon.
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Investigation, History, Nature, Perception, Insight, Survival, and Deception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Your proficient melee weapon or (b) Your proficient ranged weapon
  • (a) Scholars Pack or (b) Explorer's Pack
  • The Planesalker's Library
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 5d4x10gp in funds.

Table: The Planeswalker

Level Proficiency
Features Spells Known Cantrips Known Mana Available
1st +2 Planeswalker's Spark, Planeswalker's Library, Spellcasting, Manapool, Locus Of Mana 2 1 2
2nd +2 Summoning, All-Tongue, Unarmored Defense 2 1 4
3rd +2 Planeswalk, Manapool Feature 4 1 6
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Chromatic Resistances, Locus Of Mana 4 1 8
5th +3 Ley Of The Land, Manapool Feature 6 1 10
6th +3 Empowered Summons 6 1 12
7th +3 Artifacts, Manapool Feature 8 1 14
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Locus Of Mana 8 1 16
9th +4 Manapool Feature 10 1 18
10th +4 Planar Sense 10 1 20
11th +4 Planar Knowledge, Planar Arcanum, Manapool Feature 12 1 22
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Locus Of Mana 12 1 24
13th +5 Manapool Feature, Planar Arcanum 14 1 26
14th +5 Completed Spark 14 1 28
15th +5 Manapool Feature, Planar Arcanum, Locus Of Mana 15 1 30
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 15 1 32
17th +6 Manapool Feature, Planar Arcanum 16 1 34
18th +6 Locus Of Mana, Manapool Feature 16 1 36
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 18 1 38
20th +6 Unmend 18 1 40

Planeswalker's Spark[edit]

A planeswalker's spark is a latent power inborn into a very small number of sentient creatures across the Multiverse, which if activated permanently turns the bearer into a Planeswalker. A spark is intangible and a part of a being's soul. A spark's link to the physical world is sometimes described as a planeswalker's "center of consciousness." A planeswalker will eventually gain the ability to travel between the planes of the Multiverse.

Starting at level 1, you gain all of the following benefits and abilities.

  • Your natural attunement to the planes give you an innate advantage against spells and abilities that involve disrupting, or otherwise moving them from their current plane of existence.
  • Your sense of other planes and planeswalking are akin to your peripheral senses. You get proficiency in Perception, and you get an additional +5 to your Passive Perception.
  • You are naturally capable of sensing the direction of other Planeswalkers within 180 feet of you, this diminishes with distance past 200 feet.
  • You gain proficiency with Arcana. You can apply double of your proficiency bonus using this skill.
  • A Planeswalker can magically transfer their spark to another humanoid creature.

Planeswalker's Library[edit]

By communing with the arcane forces that surround you, you can learn new spells by imprinting them onto special cards that make up your Planeswalker’s library. Your library is a magic item that you must attune to. It acts as an arcane focus does, in that any material components for casting spells are not required so long as you have the library on your person. If you lose your library, or if it is destroyed, you must spend a week in meditation rebuilding the deck. If you find a different Planeswalker’s library, and it is not attuned to by that Planeswalker, you may attune to it, replacing your current spell list with theirs, and becoming proficient with the colors in that deck if you aren’t already.


Spellcasting Focus

You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your planeswalker spells.


At first level, you choose a color (White, Blue, Black, Red, or Green) and you learn the cantrip associated with that color. Every time you take the Manapool class feature and choose a new color, you learn that color’s associated cantrip.

Preparing and Casting Spells

Every spell in your Planeswalker’s Library is prepared to be cast by expending a spell slot of the appropriate level at the appropriate time, i.e. an action or bonus action. Every other level starting at level 1, new spells are added to the library. Whenever you take the Manapool class feature, you may choose either to learn more advanced spells of the color you chose at an earlier level, or you may choose to begin adding spells to your library from the first stage of a different color.

Ritual Casting

You can cast a planeswalker spell with the ritual tag as a ritual if it is on a spell list you have access to and the spell's level is no higher than half your planeswalker level (rounded up).

Spellcasting Ability

Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your planeswalker spells, since the power of your magic relies on your ability to project your will into the world. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a planeswalker spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell Save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier

Spell Attack Bonus = proficiency bonus + Intelligence modifier


You possess the ability to cast spells by using colored Mana. The colors of Mana , and their schools, are as follows: White Mana is used to cast spells from the school of Abjuration, Red Mana is used to cast spells from the school of Evocation, Black Mana is used to cast spells from the school of Necromancy, Green Mana is used to cast spells from the schools of Conjuration and Transmutation, and Blue Mana is used to cast spells from the schools of Illusion, Enchantment, and Divination.

You have an amount of colored Mana based on your level, as shown in the Colored Mana column of Table: Planeswalker. Starting at level one, choose a color (White, Blue, Black, Red, and Green). You learn the cantrip associated with that mana color. You also learn two level one spells from the list of four. Those spells manifest themselves as cards in your library. So long as you have those cards and expend mana of the appropriate amount you may cast the spells imprinted on them. the level of a spell is the cost in mana to be cast. (a level two spell will cost two mana.)

You take this feature at levels 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, and 18. Each time you take this feature, you may choose to continue learning spells of higher levels in a color you are already proficient in, or you may choose to start at the beginning of a different color’s list, learning its cantrip and two first level spells out of a list of four. You may only learn spells whose school belongs to a color you have access to. All spells are detailed at the end of the class description.

Manapool Feature[edit]

Additionally, when you reach 3rd level, and again at 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th and 18th level, you gain new abilities related to the use of Mana. At each of these levels, choose one of the following abilities:

Additional Mana Color
You choose one additional color of Mana that you have access to.
Additional mastery Mana Color
You choose one additional Manapool of Mana color you have access and is not your primary color.
Mana Color Expertise and power
You add +1 to spell attack rolls made with spells and +1 to the spell save DC for spell of one chosen color of Mana .
Mana Color Specialization
You add your Intelligence bonus to damage dealt by spells of one chosen color of Mana . This may be selected only once per Color of Mana.

Locus Of Mana[edit]

At level 1, when you are imbued with mana your essence is modified. Choose between Lux Viator, Mendem Viator, Mors Viator, Ignis Viator, Silva Viator or Hyalina Viator. You attune over time with the powers linked to your mana color, all detailed in the Locus Of Mana section. You then benefit from this function at levels 4, 8, 12, 15 and 18.

At level 18, you have complete mastery of any color you choose. You'll also have a +6 addition to your spell save DC and spell attack bonus involving any use of your specific color.

Unarmored Defense[edit]

At second level, when not wearing armor or a shield, your AC is equal to 10+Intelligence modifier+your proficiency bonus.


At 2nd level, you gain the ability to call a servant to aid you. You have to have seen the summoned creature. Each color has an associated creature type attached to it that are listed below:

  • White: Celestial, Fey, Humanoid, Elementals
  • Blue: Aberration, Fey, Monstrosities, Elementals
  • Black: Undead, Fiend, Ooze, Elementals
  • Green: Beast, Ooze, Plant, Elementals
  • Red: Giant, goblin, Dragon, Elementals
  • Colorless: Construct, Aberration

Once per short rest, as a bonus action, you may summon a creature with a Challenge Rating less than or equal to half of your Planeswalker level rounded up. The summoned creature listens to your commands and carries them out to the best of their abilities. The number of creatures you may summon is dependent on the CR level of the summoned monster, i.e. four CR .25's, one CR 1's'. Your total Summons CR determines the number of creatures you spawn. The summoned creatures die when its health hits zero, but due to the nature of your summoning it does not vanish. However, they can be dismissed as a bonus action on your turn.

Summoning Sickness
In combat, creatures summoned using this ability cannot act on the first turn they are present. They roll initiative after your turn is over. You control summoned creatures’ movements and actions.


At 2nd level, you gain the ability to understand all spoken languages, and to be understood while speaking by anyone who speaks any language. This does not let you understand written languages.


The signature ability of the Planeswalker is to travel the length and breadth of will. At 3rd level, you may transport yourself to another plane of your choice a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier. The planeswalker can change planes as a full turn action. When you first planeswalk to a plane, you appear in a random location on it unless you are given a location on the plane to go to. When you planeswalk to a plane you've been to before, you appear in the location you were last at on that plane. If you are planeswalking with another Planeswalker then you can follow their aether trail to appear at the same location they appeared at after planeswalking. You may only target yourself. You regain any expended uses when you finish a Long Rest. The planeswalker is not limited by his knowledge of the multiverse, he can planeswalk into a world he does not know and where he has never been simply by wishing or purely by reflex, however this is risky and can be very dangerous on this one, after all Many plans are similar... (a planswalker will not appear in a place causing its death. Torrent of lava, bottom of an ocean, vacuum of space.)

Planeswalk Experience
You gain additional planeswalking uses equal to your Proficiency bonus at levels 5(+3), 9(+7), 11(+11) and 13(+16) as you gain a greater control over your ability to crawl through the planes. Additionally, you gain the ability to transport others. However, doing so costs double the cost and causes the non-Planeswalker a level of exhaustion per planeswalk. EX: If you and one non-Planeswalker were to travel that would be a total of 3 uses (1 for the Planeswalker and 2 for the non-Planeswalker).

Chromatic Resistances[edit]

Starting at 4th level, because of your innate understanding of the chromatic nature of the arcane energy you have in your body, you've learned to specialize in one of the chromatic elements. You may choose one of the following damage types to become resistant to: Fire, Cold, Lightning, Acid, Poison

Ability Score Improvement[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You cannot increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Ley Of The Land[edit]

Beginning at 5th level, you can draw additional power from the land directly around you if it is rich in a color of mana that you are attuned with.

  • Plains are rich in white mana.
  • Islands and large bodies of water are rich in blue mana.
  • Swamps and cemeteries are rich in black mana.
  • Mountains are rich in red mana.
  • Forests are rich in green mana.

Some lands can be rich in several mana spells. A plain with a cemetery would be rich in white and black mana. A volcanic island would be rich in blue and red mana. An oasis in a desert would be rich in blue and white mana.

While you are in such terrain, you have a +5 bonus to your Spell Save DC and Spell Attack rolls and an additional bonus to your total mana equal to your proficiency bonus After a short rest.

Empowered Summons[edit]

Starting at 6th level, your ability to summon greater and more powerful creatures has improved and you may choose to enhance a creature you have summoned. Once you have used this feature, you may not use it again until after your next long rest.

Depending on the mana colors you are proficient in, you may enhance creatures in different ways:

  • White: First Strike: The enhanced creature gets +5 to its attack rolls. On a successful hit, the summon cannot be targeted for an attack of opportunity until its next turn
  • Blue: Unblockable: The enhanced creature gets +5 to its attack rolls and +3 to the AC.
  • Black: Deathtouch: The enhanced creature gets -5 to its attack rolls and +10 to its damage rolls.
  • Red: Haste: The enhanced creature gets its movement speed doubled, and +5 to its initiative rolls. The creature is also no longer affected by summoning sickness.
  • Green: Trample: The enhanced creature deals an additional 1d8 of bludgeoning damage on an attack roll of ten or higher, even if the result of that roll would be a miss on its target.


Artifacts are objects Planeswalkers can acquire through their travels that represent magical items, animated constructs, pieces of equipment, or other objects and devices. At the 7th level these can be used to greatly enhance your pre-existing abilities, or to grant you additional proficiencies to augment your offensive, defensive, and explorative abilities. A Planeswalker may only pick one artifact from the following list of artifacts. If your artifact is lost or destroyed, you can summon it back to you. This requires meditating over a long rest to complete. You must be on the same plane of existence that you lost the weapon to succeed in this. These artifacts are useless in the hands of any non-Planeswalker.

  • DM Note - As these items are essentially free legendary items, the use of Artifacts in your campaign is up to DM discretion, and entirely optional.


A mystical soul-drinking weapon, made of blood-spattered steel seared by flames and quenched with souls. When you choose to wield this artifact you immediately gain proficiency with the weapon, as well as medium armor. You can use your Intelligence modifier to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. Upon dropping an opponent to 0 hit points this pitch black blade sucks the soul from your opponent and allows you to regenerate 1d6 + twice your character levels worth of hit points whenever you use the blade to drop an enemy, and any excess hit points are converted to temporary hit points, this does not stack. This weapon can be used as a spellcasting focus upon hit.

  • This artifact counts as magical for the sake of overcoming resistances and immunities.
  • This weapon levels up with you, dealing an additional 1d8 necrotic damage on hit at level 9. This additional damage becomes 2d8 at level 13, 3d8 at level 17 and 4d8 at level 20.

Illusionary Mask

An odd mask, carved from fire-hardened hickory wood carved with eldritch symbols, and lacking any distinguishable feature aside from a mouth, nose, and eyes. When you choose to wield this artifact you gain proficiency on deception, and performance, expertise if applicable, and advantage on rolls pretending to be someone you're not. In addition you can cast disguise self at will, without expending a spell slot as well as casting Alter Self once per long rest.

  • You gain an additional use of Alter Self at levels 9 (2), 13(3), 17(4), and 20(5).
  • At level 20 you gain the ability to cast Silent Illusion without expending a spell slot, and in addition make the illusions you create capable of interacting with every sense save for touch.

Steel Golem

A strangely crafted humanoid-like body, made of steel and with an oddly proportioned head and body. When you choose to wield this artifact you gain proficiency on Constitution and Strength saving throws, and ability rolls, as well as the service of a familiar, a spirit that resides in the steel body of the golem. It acts independently of you, but it always obeys your commands. It's incapable of speech, and instead communicates with you through telepathy. In combat, it rolls its own initiative and acts on its own turn. and upon being killed instead of outright dying it enters an inactive, motionless state, and will reawake with maximum hit points after a short rest. You are capable of using the Golem as a casting implement for spells.

  • The Golems stats are as followed: 18 AC, 150 HP, 30 movement speed. It has a 28 (+8) to Strength, and a 28 (+8) bonus to Constitution. It has disadvantage on all rolls involving Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
  • You gain an additional +15 of hit points at levels 9(+15), 11(+30), 13(+45), 15(+60), 17(+75), and 20(+90).
  • See "The Iron Golem" monster for information regarding the Steel Golems attacks, and damage rolls.

Mox Diamond

This necklace bears a finely cut diamond dangling from a gleaming golden chain. When you choose this artifact your health is permanently halved, and you gain double proficiency in all saves and throws related to Intelligence. This artifact grants you a +4 bonus in both your spell save DC, your spell attack modifier, as well as gives you the ability to cast False Life at the 6th level without expending a spell slot. Spells of 1 and lower can be cast without expending a spell slot in addition to allowing the user to cast Darkness once every long rest.

  • You gain an additional use of Darkness at levels 9(2), 11(3), 13(4), 15(5), 17(6), and 20(7).
  • You gain an additional +1 to your Spell Save DC, and Spell Attack Modifier at levels 9(+1), 11(+2), 13(+3), 15(+4), 17(+5), and 20(+6)
  • At level 20 you gain the ability to cast 2nd level spells without expending a spell slot.

Unwinding Clock

This oddly made, glowing blue and golden hand clock has two buttons on top of it, and the screen over the clock face can be opened and the arms can be moved, the clock also measures the time perfectly. When you choose this artifact you become immune to any and all illusion spell effects or conditions (I.E. Charmed, Sleep, ETC). You cannot be surprised, have advantage on saving throws from traps, and while holding the hand-clock, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC. As an action, you can cast the modify memory spell at the 7th level without expending a spell slot once every long rest.

  • You gain an additional usage of Modify Memories at levels 9(2), 11(3), 13(4), 15(5), 17(6), and 20(7).
  • You gain an additional +1 to AC at levels 9(+2), 11(+3), 13(+4), 15(+5), 17(+6) and 20(+7)
  • At level 20 you can cast the Time Stop spell a number of times equal to half of your proficiency, rounded down.

Planar Sense[edit]

At 10th level your greater attunement to planeswalking allows you to sense any alien or invading presence nearby. You know the location of any creature or item not native to the plane you’re on within 60 feet of you. You can also sense if there are gateways to or from other planes within a mile of you. You do not know where. Additionally, you gain double proficiency in Perception, and are incapable of being surprised as long as you are on a plane that you have been to before.

Planar Arcanum[edit]

At 11th level, whenever you prepare your list of planeswalker spells, choose one 6th level spell from any of your planeswalkers Library spell lists you have access to as this arcanum. You can cast your arcanum spell once without expending a spell slot. You must finish a long rest before you can do so again. At higher levels, you gain access to more planeswalker spells that can be cast in this way: you can prepare one 7th level spell at 13th level, one 8th level spell at 15th level, and one 9th level spell at 17th level. All of these spells must come from spell lists you have access to. You regain all uses of your Planar Arcanum when you finish a long rest.

Planar Knowledge[edit]

Your travels through the planes of existence have granted you first-hand knowledge of the planar system. At 11th level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any History, Investigation, Religion or Nature ability check you make that uses any of the chosen proficiencies as you have a deeper understanding of the planes you have visited, and how they are connected.

Completed Spark[edit]

Your spark has achieved its final evolution and has became fully completed. Your now a fully fledged Planeswalker: At 14th level you can now planeswalk endlessly, and you may transport up to 8 willing creatures, and any number of inorganic objects to a single plane of your choosing. In addition, you can now forcibly planeswalk an opponent as an attack, to transport an unwilling creature you must make a spell attack roll against the unwilling creature. On a hit, the creature must make an Intelligence saving throw against your spell save DC or be transported to a random location on a plane that you specify. Transporting others no longer causes any levels of exhaustion and cost only one use of planeswalking.


Long ago, Planeswalkers were like gods: immortal and able to create entirely new planes out of nothing but their own raw magical power. This power was given up in order to prevent the destruction of all existence. At 20th level, however, you have regained some of this long lost power. You no longer age, and, by spending 1 year working on it, you can create a new plane of existence. A plane you create is entirely as you wish it to be in terms of terrain, weather, and non-sapient life. Additionally, you can now planeswalk as an action

Locus Of Mana[edit]

Lux Viator[edit]

White tends to bring a planeswalker that plays on the defense; summoning creatures, healing and being hard to hit. These planeswalkers tend to be either Good or Lawful, or both.

The Best Offense is a Good Defense

You aren't an aggressive type so you tend to play on the defensive side of fighting. At level 1, You gain proficiency in Medium Armor, Heavy Armor and Shields. In addition, you can perform the somatic components of spells even when you have a weapon and a shield in each hand.

Here for your Friends

With you tending to play on the defensive, At level 4, you have learned how to help your allies with your magic and have them play on the offensive. If you cast a spell with a spell slot of 1st level or higher and target an ally with the spell, that ally can use their reaction immediately after the spell to make one weapon attack against a creature of your choice that you can see. If the spell targets more than one ally, you choose the ally who can make the attack. In addition, you learn the Cure Wounds spell as a prepared spell, it doesn't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared.

High Health

Your use of heavy armor and healing magic makes you a formidable barrier against your enemies. At level 8, While wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC and whenever you use a spell of 1st level or higher to restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains additional hit points equal to your proficiency bonus + the spell's level. You also learn the Aid spell as a prepared spell, it doesn't count against the amount of spell you can have prepared.

Accurate Assistance

At level 12, when a creature within 30 feet of you makes an attack roll, you can use your reaction to grant that creature a +10 bonus to the roll, by spending 3 mana. You make this choice after you see the roll, but before the DM says whether the attack hits or misses.

Wall of Iron

At level 15, while wearing heavy armor, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. In addition, you can take the Help action to aid an ally’s attack, when do, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Supreme Healing

At level 18, when you would normally roll one or more dice to restore hit points with a spell, you instead use the highest number possible for each die. For example, instead of restoring 2d6 hit points to a creature, you restore 12.

Mendem Viator[edit]

The more you know, the better you can control the masses, knowledge is order to you, and you want to bring justice to those that mess with your perfect structure. Blue Planeswalkers value balance and knowing, tending to be Lawful Neutral but can be anything from Good to Evil.

Enforcing Order

At level 1, you have taken the law into your own hands and wield your weapons to battle, you gain proficiency in Medium Armor, Shields and Martial Weapons. You also gain proficiency in Intimidation and can use Intelligence for Intimidation checks and persuasion checks rather than Charisma.


At level 4, you've learned how to use a little more power to speed up your spells, you can spend an extra mana equal to one third of the level of the spell (at the lower) below casting a spell that has a casting time of one action to reduce the time to one bonus action, you can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus until you need a long rest.

Mage's Veto

At level 8, you gain the ability to stop your enemies from using magic against you. Whenever you cast Counterspell, it doesn't take up your first reaction in a round cycle. You learn the Counterspell and Dispel Magic spells as prepared spells, they don't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared.


At level 12, you can cast Augury at will, without expending mana or material components. You also learn the Scrying spell and Sending as a prepared spell, they doesn't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared.

Aspect of Azor

At level 15, you gain the ability to sprout a pair of Sphinx wings that represent the flight of your thoughts. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn, giving you a flying speed equal to your current speed, if you have the ability to fly you gain 25 feets speed. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn. You can cast Teleport twice until you need a long rest without preparation.

Time Freeze

At level 18 you learn the Time Stop spell as your 9th level Planar Arcanum, in addition to the one you have, you can use your Planar Arcanum for this spell or the one you chose. When you cast the Time Stop spell, you can use the Attack action without ending the spell.

Mors Viator[edit]

Knowledge is Power, and you know more than most, and more than most know you do, whether they like it or not. Black Planeswalkers tend to be Neutral and sometimes Evil, and can be anything from Lawful to Chaotic.

Discrete Secrets

In order to keep what you know out of the public eye, you learned how to secretly spread your information. At level 1, you gain proficiency in Martial Weapons. You also gain the Encode Thoughts cantrip if you don't know it already, you learn the Dissonant Whispers spell as a prepared spell, it doesn't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared.

Let's Talk

At level 4, you gain the gain the capacity to speak telepathically to any creature you can see within 30 feet of you for 5 mins, you can do this once per long rest. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and the creature can respond only if you speak to them first. While telepathically speaking to someone, you have advantage on Persuasion, Deception and Intimidation checks against them.

In the Shadows

You've gotten good at getting around without being noticed. At level 8, You gain proficiency in the Stealth skill, if you already have proficiency in it, you can double your proficiency bonus. You also gain the Rogue's Sneak attack ability, starting at 1d6 at 8th level, increasing by a 1d6 at 10th level, 14th level and 18th level. You also learn the Detect Thoughts spell as a prepared spell, it doesn't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared.

Well Talented

At level 12, you've gotten exceptionally good at certain tasks needed to do your job. Choose two skills you have proficiency in, while making a skill check with one of those skill you can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10.

Learning What to Say

At level 15, choose an ability.

  • Silver Tongue: Whenever you make an Intelligence skill check, you may use your Charisma modifier rather than Intelligence.
  • Book Smarts: Whenever you make a Charisma skill check, you may use your Intelligence modifier rather than Charisma.
Mind Cleanse

At level 18, you've learned how to take information directly from the minds of those less than you. You can spend 10 mana from your pool and target a creature you can see within 10 feet of you, that creature makes an Intelligence saving throw, on a failed save you enter their mind and steal all the information they know, that creature takes 5d6 psychic damage, and the target's Intelligence score is reduced by 2d4. The target is stunned if this reduces its Intelligence to 0. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. Once you use this ability, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

Ignis Viator[edit]

Red Planeswalkers are almost a living embodiment of chaos, preferring the companying sound of blades and destruction over most else. Red Planeswalkers are almost always Chaotic and are usually Neutral.

Fervor Fighter

Being a being of rage and chaos, you enjoy the thrill of battle, and with battle comes experience. At level 1, you gain proficiency with martial weapons, shields and you now have an unarmored defense equal to 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Constitution modifier. You learn the Compelled Duel spell as a prepared spell, it doesn't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared.

Smash Smash Song

At level 4, When you make your first attack on your turn, you can spend 2 mana to attack savagely. Doing so gives you advantage on melee weapon attack rolls using Strength during this turn.

Extra Attack

At level 8, you can attack twice, instead of once, each time you perform the attack action during your turn. Starting at level 12 you can attack three times. You learn the Conjure Barrage spell as a prepared spell, it doesn't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared.


At level 12 you gain advantage on Initiative rolls. Additionally, your base movement speed is increased by 10 feet.

Savage Magic

At level 14 you gain advantage on ability checks and saving throws made against enchantment and illusion spells. In addition, spells you cast are unaffected by Counterspell.

Indomitable Might

At level 18, if your total for a Strength check is less than your Strength score, you can use that score in place of the total.

Silva Viator[edit]

You understand the evolution of nature, studied it, and know its ways, and you've decided that its not fast enough so you're gonna take that into your own hands. Green Planeswalkers tend to be Neutral but can be anything other than that.

One with the Wild

With your connection to nature, you have gained some useful knowledge on how animals get around. At level 1, you gain proficiency in Nature, Animal Handeling, Medium Armor and Shields. You have a climbing speed equal to your current speed. You gain the Druidcraft cantrip if you don't know it already and can now speak, read, and write Druidic.

One with the Water

You have adapted to being in the sea. At level 4 you gain a swimming speed equal to your current speed and can breathe water and air. You learn the Shape Water cantrip if you don't know it already.

Natural Augments

Your body becomes more animalistic due to your nature magic, At level 8 choose an ability:

  • Chameleon Scales: You have gained the ability to camouflage yourself in your surroundings to hide. You gain advantage on Stealth checks made to hide.
  • Ox Hide: You have tough skin making you harder to hurt. You now have an unarmored defense equal to 14 + your Dexterity modifier.
  • Bear Claws: You have claws that let you hit like a Grizzly. You now have an unarmed attack of 2d4 + your Strength modifier.
  • Owl Eyes: You gain darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. If you already have darkvision from your race, its range increases by 30 feet.

from level 12, you learn the Polymorph spell as a prepared spell, it doesn't count against the amount of spells you can have prepared and you can cast Polymorph without spending mana, once you cast it this way you need a long rest to cast it again. When you cast the Polymorph spell on yourself, you can have your mental abilities stay the same instead of becoming the transformed creatures mental abilities.

Gift of Flight

At level 15, You gain the ability to sprout a pair of bird-like wings. You can create these wings as a bonus action on your turn, giving you a flying speed equal to your current speed. They last until you dismiss them as a bonus action on your turn.


At level 18, you learn the True Polymorph spell as your 9th level Planar Arcanum, in addition to the one you have, you can use your Planar Arcanum for this spell or the one you chose. Whenever you cast the True Polymorph spell, the duration of it is 30 minutes concentration instead of 1 hour.

Hyalina Viator[edit]

Colorless is what you are you find cold comfort in nothingness machines and the other worldly are your cores of study, the ticking of cogs and the foul non-Euclidean geometry make the most of your interests, you hear the whispers of the realm and mechanus and they tell you the secrets of the void

Null Colores

With your studies into the other worldly, you have gained some useful knowledge on how space and the gears of reality turn. At level 1 you gain proficiency in Arcan, Investigation, Heavy Armor and Shields. You have a hover speed equal to your current speed. You gain the Mending cantrip if you don't know it already and can now speak, read, and write Deep Speech, Primordial, and Undercommon.

Open Your Mind

Your mind has been altered through your studies opening to new possibilities, at level 4, you gain 60ft telepathy and now can cast the telekinesis at will.

Mechanical Madness

Your body becomes more mechanical due to your breech into the void, from level 8, you no longer require sleep, need to eat, drink, or breath, you become immune to the charmed, frightened, paralyzed, and stunned conditions

Mind's Eye

At level 12, you gain access to the mind sliver cantrip and can cast mind blast with a recharge of 4 due to your connection to the far realm, while your strengthening connection to mechanus has allowed all you to average any of your rolls.

Chaos in Order

From level 15, The darkness in the cosmos calls and you know how to answer now, creatures cannot read your thoughts magically or non magically and you grow an extra set of tentacles on your back giving you a spider climbing speed and advantage on grapple checks. they can also act as tertiary arms that can hold items and the like they have a ranged of 120ft and can also be used as rope

Order in the Chaos

Your connection has been fully established. At level 18, You gain the power to exile someone from the fabric of existence. By spending 5 mana, make a spell attack roll against a target on contact, if the target is hit, it disappears from reality. At the end of each of her turns she can attempt an intelligence or wisdom saving throw, if this is successful she reappears a maximum of 15 feet from the place from which she disappeared.

Planeswalker's Colors List[edit]

Your color determines the spell list used. As you level up you may choose to continue learning spells of higher levels in a color you are already proficient in, or you may choose to start at the beginning of a different color’s list, learning its cantrip and two first level spells out of a list of four.



Manapool 1 


Guidance, Resistance

Lv. 1 (Choose 2):

Cure Wounds, Bless, Mage Armor, Magic Missile

Manapool 2
Lv. 1 (Choose 1)

Shield, Thunderous Smite

Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Spiritual Weapon, Lesser Restoration

Manapool 3
Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Magic Weapon, Warding Bond

Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Aura of Vitality, Spiritual Gaurdians

Manapool 4
Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Lightning Arrow, Remove Curse

Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Guardian of Faith, Sickening Radiance

Manapool 5
Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Banishment, Death Ward

Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Circle of Power, Banishing Smite

Manapool 6
Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Steel Wind Strike, Holy Wind

Lv. 6 (Choose 1)

Heal , Globe of Invulnerability

Manapool 7
Lv. 7 (Choose 1)

Prismatic Spray, Resurrection

Or choose two Lv. 3 or lower spells from above.'

Manapool 8
Lv. 8 (Choose 1)

Holy Aura, Sunburst

Or choose two Lv. 4 or lower spells from above.

Manapool 9
Lv. 9 (Choose 1)

Power Word Heal, True Resurrection

Or choose two Lv. 5 or lower spells from above

Manapool 10
Lv. 9




Manapool 1 


Mage Hand, Ray of Frost

Lv. 1 (Choose 2)

Command, Charm Person, Id Insinuation, Ice Knife

Manapool 2
Lv. 1 (Choose 1)

Silent Image, Witch Bolt

Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Mind Spike, Invisibility

Manapool 3 
Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Phantasmal Force, Levitate

Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Counterspell, Mirror Image

Manapool 4
Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Fly, Psionic Blast

Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Phantasmal Killer, Ice Storm

Manapool 5 
Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Charm Monster, Greater Invisibilty

Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Cone Of Cold, Synaptic Static

Manapool 6 
Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Modify Memory, Dream

Lv. 6 (Choose 1)

True Seeing, Mental Prison

Manapool 7
Lv. 7 (Choose 1)

Mirage Arcane, Etherealness , Teleport

Or choose two Lv. 3 or lower spells from above

Manapool 8 
Lv. 8 (Choose 1)

Clone, Illusory Dragon, Telepathy

Or choose two Lv. 4 or lower spells from above

Manapool 9
Lv. 9 (Choose 1)

Forsight, Weird

Or choose two Lv. 5 or lower spells from above

Manapool 10: 
Lv. 9(Choose 1)

Psychic Scream, Imprisonment



Manapool 1

Chill Touch, Toll the Dead

Lv. 1 (Choose 2)

False Life, Hex, Inflict Wounds, Ray of Sickness

Manapool 2
Lv. 1 (Choose 1)

Cause Fear, Bane

Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Crown of Madness, Ray of Enfeeblement

Manapool 3
Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Cloud of Daggers, Melf’s Acid Arrow

Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch

Manapool 4 
Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Bestow Curse, Fear

Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Shadow of Moil, Conjure Shadow Demon

Manapool 5
Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Blight, Vitriolic Sphere

Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Raise Dead, Danse Macabre

Manapool 6
Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Contagion, Geas

Lv. 6 (Choose 1)

Harm, Magic Jar

Manapool 7 
Lv. 7 (Choose 1)

Finger of Death, Power Word Pain

Or choose two Lv. 3 or lower spells from above

Manapool 8 
Lv. 8 (Choose 1)

Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting, Maddening Darkness

Or choose two Lv. 4 or lower spells from above

Manapool 9
Lv. 9 (Choose 1)

Power Word Kill, True Ressurection

Or choose two Lv. 5 or lower spells from above

Manapool 10
Lv. 9

Time Ravage


Download (1).png

Manapool 1 


Fire Bolt, Create Bonfire

Lv. 1 (Choose 2)

Burning Hands, Chaos Bolt, Searing Smite, Hellish Rebuke

Manapool 2 
Lv. 1 (Choose 1)

Chaos Bolt, Chromatic Orb

Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Scorching Ray, Dragon’s Breath

Manapool 3 
Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Pyrotechnics, Heat Metal

Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Lightning Bolt, Fireball

Manapool 4 
Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Haste, Flame Stride

Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Fire Shield, Stone Skin

Manapool 5 
Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Summon Elemental, Wall of Fire

Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Animate Objects, Flame Strike

Manapool 6 
Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Immolation, Infernal Calling

Lv. 6 (Choose 1)

Disintegrate, Chain Lightning

Manapool 7 
Lv. 7 (Choose 1)

Fire Storm, Delayed Blast Fireball

Or choose two Lv. 3 or lower spells from above

Manapool 8 
Lv. 8 (Choose 1)

Earthquake, Incendiary Cloud

Or choose two Lv. 4 or lower spells from above

Manapool 9 
Lv. 9 (Choose 1)

Blade Of Disaster, Storm of Vengeance

Or choose two Lv. 5 or lower spells from above

Manapool 10 
Lv. 9

Meteor Swarm



Manapool 1 


Thorn Whip, Druidcraft

Lv. 1 (Choose 2)

Speak with Animals, Goodberry, Hail of Thorns, Earth Tremor

Manapool 2 
Lv. 1 (Choose 1)

Entangle, Hunter’s Mark

Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Beast Sense, Barkskin

Manapool 3 
Lv. 2 (Choose 1)

Animal Messenger, Wither And Bloom

Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Leomund’s Tiny Hut, Revivify

Manapool 4 
Lv. 3 (Choose 1)

Conjure Animals, Plant Growth

Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Guardian Of Nature, Grasping Vine

Manapool 5 
Lv. 4 (Choose 1)

Giant Insect, Locate Creature

Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Commune With Nature, Insect Plague

Manapool 6 
Lv. 5 (Choose 1)

Wrath Of Nature, Tree Stride

Lv. 6 (Choose 1)

Bones Of The Earth, Druid Grove

Manapool 7 
Lv. 7 (Choose 1)

Transport Via Plants Mordenkainen’s Sword

Or choose two Lv. 3 or lower spells from above

Manapool 8 
Lv. 8 (Choose 1)

Dominate Monster, Animal Shapes

Or choose two Lv. 4 or lower spells from above

Manapool 9 
Lv. 9 (Choose 1)

Invulnerability, Shapechange

Or choose two Lv. 5 or lower spells from above

Manapool 10 
Lv. 9

Mass Polymorph


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Planeswalker class, you must meet these prerequisites: Must have an Intelligence score of 16. Must have awakened your Planeswalker Spark

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the planes walker class, you gain the following proficiencies: Arcana, History, Survival