Planar Defiler (5e Creature)
Planar Defiler[edit]
Medium aberration, neutral evil Armor Class 23 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Dex +15, Int +12 Four-Dimensional Movement. The planar defiler can move through other creatures and objects as if they were difficult terrain. Four-Dimensional Vision. The planar defiler can see into and through solid matter. Incomprehensible Form. When a creature that can see the planar defiler and starts its turn within 60 feet of the planar defiler, the creature must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or lose its grip on reality, becoming affected as if the confusion spell had been cast on it. A confused creature makes a new saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on a success. If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it, it is immune to this planar defiler's Incomprehensible Form for 24 hours. Innate Spellcasting. The planar defiler's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 21, +13 to hit with spell attacks). The planar defiler can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect thoughts, telekinesis Limited Magic Immunity. The planar defiler can't be affected or detected by spells of 6th level or lower unless it wishes to be. It has advantage on saving throws against all other spells and magical effects. Magic Weapons. The planar defiler's weapon attacks are magical. ACTIONSMultiattack. The planar defiler uses warp reality. It then makes two alien blade attacks. Alien Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach 30 ft., one target. Hit: 33 (4d12 + 7) slashing damage. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this attack, it dies, and its soul is drawn into the blade, where it becomes trapped. While the creature's soul is trapped this way, it can't be brought back to life. A wish spell can't restore the creature's soul, but it can reveal the location of the alien blade. When the planar defiler is killed, its blade dissolves into nothingness, and the souls of any creatures trapped in its blade are freed. Warp Reality. The planar defiler magically attacks one creature within 120 feet of it with imperceptible force, causing unexplainable injuries to appear on it. The creature automatically takes 60 acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, force, lightning, necrotic, piercing, psychic, radiant, or thunder damage (the planar defiler's choice). REACTIONSTwist Attack. In response to being missed by an attack, the planar defiler can force the creature that made the attack to reroll its attack, with advantage on its attack roll, against a target of the planar defiler's choice within reach or range of the creature's attack (including itself) instead of against the planar defiler as intended. |
Planar defilers are mercenaries and assassins originating from alien realms outside the known universe. Their physical appearance defies description, for they are so alien that looking at them causes madness. They are typically hired when powerful extraplanar creatures very desperately want a powerful enemy dead. |
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