Pegasifolk (5e Race)

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Strong and Scarred[edit]

Pegasifolks' skin, wings, and mane can come in various different colors. The length of their skin can also vary. They have a lot of hidden muscles and are usually scarred.



Once a week, Shineday is celebrated. Each neighborhood gathers together for a time of socializing and giving gifts to Pelor. You live in a peaceful anarchy. You worship Pelor, God of the sun and healing, who built the city of clouds, where you live.

Pegasifolk Names[edit]

You have a fist name and a family name. If you are religious enough, you get a Shine name, going in-between your first and family name.

Pegasifolk Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score decreases by 1. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Age. You mature at 18 and die at 100.
Alignment. You are restricted to Neutral.
Size. You are about 10-11 feet and weigh 550 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. Your flying speed is 30 feet.
Kick of the Wind. When you kick and hit, do an additional 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
Poison Fall. You are vulnerable to poison damage.
Light of Love. Because you worship Pelor, he has granted you the power of healing. Once per long rest, you can use an action touch someone or target yourself. The target regains 1d6+1 hit points, up to their HPM.
Sheild of The Sun. As a reaction, once per long rest, you can use a reaction to spread your wings. If someone/thing is being attacked with a ranged attack that would hit, you can spread your wings, taking half the damage. The original target takes no damage. Once you do this, you cannot fly until you either complete a long rest or a short rest plus an hour of tending to it.
Horse-like Positions. You can sleep on four legs. When you are on four legs, your speed is halved.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Auran.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

10′ 0'' +1d12 500 lb. × (10d10) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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