Pediro Tribe (Paludia Supplement)

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A typical tribe, the Pediro consist of common lizardfolk, living in a small, circular village protected by a wooden wall. The tribe is run by a chief, who is assisted by his two sons. The chief has two wives and three daughters. Each of the daughters will be married off to other tribes in the region, who will become allies of the Pediro tribe. Currently, the chief is looking to win a third wife as a prize in an arena battle.

The village of Pediro has a shaman and a magically-unskilled herbalist who lives in a hut just outside of the walls. The economy is simple, being based on fishing from the nearby river, and hunting in the nearby woods. There is a small, open space in the center of the village which serves as meeting place, arena, and market, depending on what day it is. Market days are held every three days, and arena fighting occurs monthly. Meetings are called on contingency. There is also a small wooden temple, which is the second-largest building in the village; the residence of the chief in the largest structure in the settlement.

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