Pathfinder Spell Preload
<onlyinclude><!--NOTICE! Any text between these arrows shows up when you're editing the page, but doesn't show up when the page is viewed normally (e.g., after you click "save page" or "show preview"). Delete the arrows as you move through the page.--> {{Pathfinder Spell |name=<!--Your spell name--> |school=<!--abjuration, conjuration, divination, enchantment, evocation, illusion, necromancy, transmutation, universal--> |subschool=<!--calling, charm, compulsion, creation, figment, glamer, healing, pattern, phantasm, scrying, shadow, summoning, teleportation--> |descriptors=<!--acid, air, chaotic, cold, darkness, death, earth, electricity, evil, fear, fire, force, good, language-dependent, lawful, light, mind-affecting, sonic, water.--> |level=<!--Classes and spell levels--> |cast=<!--Casting time.--> |comp=<!--Components: Verbal (V), Somatic (S), Material (M), Focus (F), Divine Focus (DF) --> |range=<!--Range: personal, touch, close, medium, long, unlimited, range expressed in feet--> |aim=<!--Aim: Target(s), Effect, Area, or Line of Effect--> |aimdesc=<!--Aim description.--> |dur=<!--Duration: timed durations, instantaneous, permanent, concentration, discharge, (D) Dismissible, see text--> |save=<!--Saving Throw: Negates, Partial, Half, None, Disbelief, (object), (harmless).--> |spellres=<!--Spell Resistance--> |summary=<!-- A brief summary of your spell.--> |desc=<!--A detailed description of your spell.--> }} ---- {{Pathfinder Bard Spells Breadcrumb}}<br> {{Pathfinder Blackguard Spells Breadcrumb}}<br> {{Pathfinder Cleric Spells Breadcrumb}}<br> {{Pathfinder Druid Spells Breadcrumb}}<br> {{Pathfinder Paladin Spells Breadcrumb}}<br> {{Pathfinder Ranger Spells Breadcrumb}}<br> {{Pathfinder Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Breadcrumb}} [[Category:Pathfinder]] [[Category:User]] [[Category:Spell]] <!--Delete all of the following that are not applicable, input the correct number, and delete THIS line. [[Category:Bard <!--Spell level (0-9)-->]] [[Category:Blackguard <!--Spell level (0-9)-->]] [[Category:Cleric <!--Spell level (0-9)-->]] [[Category:Druid <!--Spell level (0-9)-->]] [[Category:Paladin <!--Spell level (0-9)-->]] [[Category:Ranger <!--Spell level (0-9)-->]] [[Category:Sorcerer/Wizard <!--Spell level (0-9)-->]] <!--Delete all of the following that are not applicable and delete THIS line. [[Category:Acid Effect]] [[Category:Air Effect]] [[Category:Chaotic Effect]] [[Category:Cold Effect]] [[Category:Darkness Effect]] [[Category:Death Effect]] [[Category:Earth Effect]] [[Category:Electricity Effect]] [[Category:Evil Effect]] [[Category:Fear Effect]] [[Category:Fire Effect]] [[Category:Force Effect]] [[Category:Good Effect]] [[Category:Language-Dependent Effect]] [[Category:Lawful Effect]] [[Category:Light Effect]] [[Category:Luck Effect]] [[Category:Mind-Affecting Effect]] [[Category:Nature Effect]] [[Category:Sleep Effect]] [[Category:Sonic Effect]] [[Category:Teleportation Effect]] [[Category:Water Effect]]--> </onlyinclude>