Pact of the Reaper (5e Subclass)

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Pact of the Reaper[edit]

Warlock Subclass

You have entered a pact with a god of death, an avatar of demise, or a reaper of some kind, perhaps from finding an eldritch tomb that whispered necromantic secrets to you or you yourself have fallen before and met a being who guided you to the afterlife, but either way you've found yourself with the touch of death at your finger tips.

Grim Scripture

1st Level Pact of the Reaper Warlock

At 1st level you gain a tome of death rites, poems about the deceased, or the likes which hide within it's pages spells. You gain access to 2 Cantrips that are from the Necromancy school of magic and additionally you can add Necromancy Spells with the Ritual Tag to your Grim Scripture at the cost of 50 gp per spell level and 2 hours of work per spell level as long as the spells are a level you can cast. If you have the Ritual Caster feature the cost is reduced by half to 25 gp per spell level and 1 hour of work per spell level. The lowered cost will also apply to copying down spells for your Ritual Caster feature.

If you lose your Grim Scripture, like Pact of the Tome, you can spend 1 hour to do a ritual to resummon it to you. Also like the Pact of the Tome the book will turn to ash upon your death.

Reaper's Implement

1st Level Pact of the Reaper Warlock

At 1st level you can choose a weapon or unarmed to select as your reaper's implement. You gain the ability to summon a copy of that weapon made up of necrotic energy. The weapon deals an additional 1d4 necrotic damage to it's attack and if you miss with the weapon you still deal 1 necrotic damage to the target. You can summon the weapon using a bonus action on your turn. You are considered proficient with what ever weapon you choose and you can dismiss the weapon at will. You can also call the weapon back to you with a bonus action if the weapon is on the same plane as you. You can use your Charisma modifier instead of the normal modifier for the weapon you pick for their attack and damage.

If you hit an enemy with your Implement they are marked with a dark veil of necrotic energy. This does not apply to the damage dealt during a miss. Enemies marked take an additional 1d4 necrotic damage when ever you deal necrotic damage to them. The mark lasts 4 rounds. If a marked enemy has resistance or immunity to necrotic damage they loose their resistance or their immunity is treated as if they are resistant.

If you pick unarmed your unarmed attacks become 2d4 + Charisma necrotic damage and the attack is Charisma + Proficiency. Instead of summoning a weapon you modify your fists with necrotic energy in some way.

Your Implement benefits from any feature that would improve it as if it were a normal weapon. If you find a magic version of your given weapon you can make that item your implement with a changing ceremony, taking it's stats for your implement, but if you change your implement again the magic item will be consume.

You can change your Implement during a long rest. If you die your Implement will dismiss itself.

If you have Pact of the Blade You can change your implement during a short rest as well, your Implement counts as magical, you can have a second implement allowing you to dual wield them, and your missed attacks deal 2 necrotic damage instead of 1.

Benefits of Death

6th Level Pact of the Reaper Warlock

At 6th level, when an enemies dies that you can either see or is within 120 feet of you, you can reap a portion of their soul, regaining 1 spell slot and a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your Charisma modifier. You can do this a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier per long rest.

If the target is Marked by you (See Reaper's Implement) when they die it does not take away from your total uses per long rest of this ability. Additionally you can heal an ally within that same range for 1d4 hp.

Solemn Apotheosis

10th Level Pact of the Reaper Warlock

At 10th level the time you've spent as a reaper has granted you time to ponder on your skills and the existential nature of your powers. You gain the following benefits:

  • Immunity to being frightened
  • You mark any target you deal any necrotic damage to
  • Your implement gets an innate +5 feet reach
Touch of the Reaper

14th Level Pact of the Reaper Warlock

At 14th level you gain the ability to apply a touch of death upon your targets. Once per day, at will, You can touch a target whose hit points are equal to or lower than your total level and snuff out their life, instantly killing them. If their hit points are higher than your total level, it has no effect.

Targets killed by this activate Benefits of Death instantly with out using a charge, all rolled number being maxed out for the ability.

Additionally, at a total level of 20, this ability will be upgraded further to if the creature you choose has 100 hit points or lower, essentially acting as power word kill.

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