PFSRD:Ornament of Healing Light
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This material is published under the OGL 1.0a. |
Price 10,000 gp; Aura faint conjuration; CL 5th; Weight 1 lb.
This palm-sized holy symbol is composed of tiny pieces of stained glass held in a gold frame. The exact symbol is determined upon the item's creation. As a free action, the creature holding the ornament can project the image of the holy symbol upon any creature or surface within 15 feet, similar to using a shadow puppet and lamp. This light is not bright enough to illuminate an area. If the bearer is a paladin, she may use her lay on hands ability on a creature touched by the symbol's light (effectively increasing her lay on hands range from touch to 15 feet).
Construction Requirements
Cost 5,000 gp
Craft Wondrous Item, sacred bond
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