Optional Mimic Ecology (3.5e Other)

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Upon the campaign world of Earthe' Mimic's have a unique ecology.

Tako, Mimics, and Dopplegangers.

The Tako are an ancient race of Sentient, hyper-intelligent Octopi like beings. They are ancient enemies of the Illithids and Aboleth, and have existed for as long as both of those races. Truth be told only the Tako know the origins of their race, and they do not talk about it.

The Tako are extremely long lived, with an average lifespan of 10,000 years, with some living up to 50,000 years. They are extremely resistant to Magic and Psionics, Elemental damages, and are immune to normal Poisons and Diseases, can regenerate from any wound, even if killed, unless the most powerful of corrosive liquids are used or a disintergrate ray is used to destroy the body.

The Tako are psionic as a race, and many are Sorcerers or Wizards. Some are Druids, and very very few are clerics. No Tako has ever been reported as being a Warlock, Paladin, or Berzerker.

The Tako live most of their lives in the Ocean, in hidden cities that even the best Sahaugin Trackers are hard pressed to find. Though they can live on land without issue, they prefer the 3 dimensions of the Ocean.

The Tako do not call themselves Tako, this is just what most mortal races call them, or some derivative of Octopus. One of the words that sages have learned they call themselves is In'et, another is Aizuh. Whether this is true or the In'et messing with sages may never be known.

The In'et created the Mimic species millenia ago as an offensive force against the Illithids. The Brains of Mimics are built into the Mimic's nervous system and as such they do not have a lobed brain the Ilithids can eat. Their stickiness and malleability of their flesh, as well as their unique defense against psionics, makes them ideal creatures to take out Illithids.


The In'et are some of the greatest natural Mimics in the Multiverse. They can change their shape and colors to match any environment. It was these genetic traits that were used in the creation of the first Mimics, and which are carried by them today.

Mimics have a considerablly long natural lifespan due to their parentage, such that sages have yet to find a Mimic that has actually died of Old Age. Most Mimic deaths are due to predation or adventurers or starvation. They do seem to be highly resistant to poisons and toxins, but there are a number of Mimic only diseases that can affect them.

Mimics reproduce by budding. Once a Mimic get's to a certain size, and if food is readily available they will form 1-4 buds that will spawn into baby mimics about the size of a marble. They are born able to eat any organic but will gradually become almost completely carnivorous.

Mimics care for their young for a year or so until they are old enough to fend for themselves, using this time to teach them how to use their shape shifting cells, and chromataphores, how to ambush prey, and all the other life things a mimic should know.

Mimics can be trained, and can make decent companions if trained properly. Care must be taken to keep them fed, for they become extremely aggressive if they do not have enough food.

Mimics are smart and cunning, and they get more intelligent the longer they live. The average mimic will have an Intelligence and Wisdom score of 4-7, with older ones potentially reaching scores of 8 or 9. Most mimics can learn to understand languages, and some have learned to speak said languages, but they have to either be taught or one that exists in an Urban setting.

Mimics are carnivores. They can eat plants, but will always go for meat and offal first. The Mimic's digestive system is powerful enough to break down bone, cartilidge, and Keratin.

Mimic Predation

There are few creatures that prey on mimics, as mimics are considered an apex predator. Those that do have evolved ways to deal with their unique traits. Slimes, Molds, Oozes are the primary creature types that can prey upon Mimics, with the main preadator being Gelatinous Cubes.

Black Pudding. Due to Black Pudding corrosive attacks it can be a formidible predator of Mimics, however Black Puddings are mostly found underground and in the underdark. So Mimics who prey on Underdenizens would be the ones affected.

Grey Ooze. Similar to Black Pudding's Corrosive attacks, Grey Ooze can also be a predator of Mimics, however as they are mostly found in cold environments in marshes, they do not often exist in the same territory as mimics.

Ochre Jelly. Another Ooze that secrets corrosive slime to consume their prey, this Ooze lives in Temperate Marshes, and can often share the same territory as Mimics, especially if the Marsh has old Ruins.

Green Slime. Green Slime lives to consume anything living, by enveloping them and inflicting a disease that partially consumes the target and turns what remains into another Green Slime. Adult and older mimics can often resist this and either escape or in some cases eat the Green Slime. Smaller and younger Mimics can fall to predation by Green Slime.

Mimic Lifecycle

Most Sages believe that mimics cannot die of old age, much like the belief that sharks and lobsters cannot die of old age. They postulate that a mimic can theoretically just keep growning and could become as large as a city if they are not killed in predation, or other means. This is somewhat true.

Bear in mind that the truth is a closely guarded secret, and those who have uncovered the truth most often meet untimely ends, or are never seen again. There are rumors that state some who found the truth cannot be forced to divuldge that knowledge, cannot have their minds read for the knowledge, or have had that knowledge wiped from their mind unrecoverable.

The Hidden Truth

The In'et (Tako), created the Mimics as one of their weapons against the Illithids (Mind Flayers).
The In'et used their own genes to create the Mimics, thus Mimics are related to The In'et.
The In'et can communicate telepathically with Mimics and Vice Versa.
Mimics will not attack the In'et unless corrupted or genetic conditioning is broken (nigh impossible as they are nigh invulnerable to Mental control or Enchantment Powers.)
Mimics reproduce by budding usually 1d4 buds.
Mimics will keep living and growing as long as they are not killed by physical means, supernal means, disease, suffocation, desication, or starvation.
Mimics will reduce in size if they are unable to get enough sustanance and then die of starvation.
Mimics can get large enough to be the size of a small city but this is extremely rare.
Mimics are self aware and gain more intelligence the larger and older they are. This allows some Mimics to understand Languages, and in some cases allow the Mimic to speak.
Mimics can become Dopplegangers.

Dopplegangers wtf? When conditions are right, instead of budding 1-4 infant Mimics a Mimic can undergo a metamorphosis and evolve into the being known as a Doppleganger.<br? How and why this happens is a mystery. The In'et (Tako) aren't talking, Divination Spells produce vague and often contradictory answers. Dopplegangers themselves have no idea how or why they evolve from Mimics either.


Can Dopplegangers reproduce mimics?
Maybe. Up to the DM.

Can Dopplegangers procreate?
Maybe. Up to DM.

Can Dopplegangers devolve back to Mimics?
In this campaign world yes. (Earthe'). After time a Doppleganger can revert back to their Mimic phase. This is similar to the Turritopsis Dohrnii "Immortal Jellyfish."

Summary The Tako are immortal enemies of the Illithids.
Mimics were created by The Tako as a weapon against Illithids.
Mimics are relatively immortal.
Mimics are self aware and have some intelligent. Some can learn languages and some can speak.
Mimics could get to the size of a small city if the conditions are right.
Dopplegangers come from Mimics and can revert back to Mimics.
Any other details can be edited by a DM to fit any campaign or encounter.

Alternate Optional Mimic Templates.

Psionic Mimics
Arcane Mimics
Corrupted Mimics (Infernal, Fiendish, Abyssal. etc)
Divine Mimics
Awakened reincarnated
Biomechanical Mimics
Saltwater and Freshwater Mimics
Advanced Mimics that can duplicate plants and animals.

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