Oil Elementals (D20 Modern Creature)

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Created by: Dracomortis

Oil Elemental[edit]

Oil elementals spring up in places where mass quantities of crude oil are found; refineries, storage warehouses, oil spills, and the like, are all likely places for an oil elemental to come into being. Some bizarre locations have also been the site of an oil elemental creation, such as gas stations, oil transport trucks, and in at least one case, a car’s gas tank.

An oil elemental’s ink black body seems to constantly flow, and small bubbles occasionally well up and pop around its mass. It appears, coincidentally, slick and oily, and it leaves behind blobs of crude oil; although usable, it isn’t recommended, as sometimes a section of oil left behind will reanimate and attack.

Oil elementals can speak, although their speech is slurred and thick sounding, making them very difficult to understand. Weight varies depending on the size of the elemental, from 34 lbs. to over 24,000 lbs.

Species Traits[edit]

Oil elementals of all sizes have the following traits:

  • Elemental: Oil elementals are immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, and stunning. They are not subject to critical hits, flanking, or the effects of massive damage. They cannot be raised from the dead.
  • Caustic (Ex): An oil elemental’s slam attack deals bludgeoning damage plus acid damage from the caustic oil in its body. Creatures hitting an oil elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take acid damage as though hit by the elemental’s attack.
  • Flammability (Ex): An oil elemental is extremely flammable. It takes a -10 penalty on all saves made to avoid catching on fire.
  • Fire Vulnerability: Oil elementals take 50% more damage when they fail a save against any fire-based attack.
  • Oil Elemental, Small: CR 1; Small elemental; HD 2d8+2; hp 11; Mas -; Init +0; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 17, touch 11, flat-footed 17 (+1 size, +6 natural); BAB +1; Grap -1; Atk +4 melee (1d6+3 plus 1d4 acid, slam); Full Atk +4 melee (1d6+3 plus 1d4 acid, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ elemental, caustic, flammability, darkvision 60 ft.; AL none; SV Fort +4, Ref +0, Will +0; Rep +0; Str 14, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Listen +2, Spot +3.
  • Feats: Power Attack.
  • Possessions: None.
  • Advancement: 3 HD (Small).
  • Oil Elemental, Medium: CR 3; Medium elemental; HD 4d8+12; hp 30; Mas -; Init +1; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 19, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (+1 Dex, +8 natural); BAB +3; Grap +6; Atk +6 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d6 acid, slam); Full Atk +6 melee (1d8+4 plus 1d6 acid, slam); FS 5 ft. by 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.; SQ elemental, caustic, flammability, darkvision 60 ft.; AL none; SV Fort +7, Ref +2, Will +1; Rep +0; Str 16, Dex 12, Con 17, Int 4, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Listen +3, Spot +4.
  • Feats: Cleave, Power Attack.
  • Possessions: None.
  • Advancement: 5-7 HD (Medium).
  • Oil Elemental, Large: CR 5; Large elemental; HD 8d8+32; hp 68; Mas -; Init +2; Spd 20 ft.; Defense 20, touch 11, flat-footed 18 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +9 natural); BAB +6; Grap +15; Atk +10 melee (2d8+5 plus 2d6 acid, slam); Full Atk +10 melee (2d8+5 plus 2d6 acid, slam); FS 10 ft. by 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.; SQ elemental, caustic, flammability, darkvision 60 ft.; AL none; SV Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +2; Rep +0; Str 20, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Listen +5, Spot +6.
  • Feats: Cleave, Great Cleave, Power Attack.
  • Possessions: None.
  • Advancement: 9-15 HD (Large).
  • Oil Elemental, Huge: CR 7; Huge elemental; HD 16d8+80; hp 152; Mas -; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 21, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (-2 size, +4 Dex, +9 natural); BAB +12; Grap +27; Atk +17 melee (2d10+7 plus 2d8 acid, slam); Full Atk +17 melee (2d10+7 plus 2d8 acid, slam); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ elemental, caustic, flammability, darkvision 60 ft.; AL none; SV Fort +15, Ref +9, Will +7; Rep +0; Str 24, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Listen +11, Spot +12.
  • Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Iron Will, Power Attack.
  • Possessions: None.
  • Advancement: 17-20 HD (Huge).
  • Oil Elemental, Greater: CR 9; Huge elemental; HD 21d8+105; hp 199; Mas -; Init +5; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 22, touch 13, flat-footed 17 (-2 size, +5 Dex, +9 natural); BAB +15; Grap +31; Atk +21 melee (2d10+8 plus 2d8 acid, slam); Full Atk +21 melee (2d10+8 plus 2d8 acid, slam); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ elemental, caustic, flammability, darkvision 60 ft.; AL none; SV Fort +17, Ref +14, Will +9; Rep +0; Str 26, Dex 20, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Listen +14, Spot +14.
  • Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack.
  • Possessions: None.
  • Advancement: 22-23 HD (Huge).
  • Oil Elemental, Elder: CR 11; Huge elemental; HD 24d8+120; hp 228; Mas -; Init +6; Spd 30 ft.; Defense 23, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (-2 size, +6 Dex, +9 natural); BAB +18; Grap +35; Atk +25 melee (2d10+9/19-20 plus 2d8 acid, slam); Full Atk +25 melee (2d10+9/19-20 plus 2d8 acid, slam); FS 15 ft. by 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.; SQ elemental, caustic, flammability, darkvision 60 ft.; AL none; SV Fort +19, Ref +16, Will +10; Rep +0; Str 28, Dex 22, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 11.
  • Skills: Listen +29, Spot +29.
  • Feats: Alertness, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Critical (slam), Improved Sunder, Iron Will, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack.
  • Possessions: None.
  • Advancement: 25-48 HD (Huge).

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