Octofolk, Variant (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Octofolk are furless humanoids with a patch of 10 to 16 tentacles where a head of hair would normally be. Their skin is smooth and can be of virtually any color (red and brown being the most common), with simple patters, such as circles and stripes dotting their bodies. The females are usually taller than the males, but nothing too drastic.

Their eyes are never the same tone as their skin, usually a bright red, yellow, blue, or a mix of said colors. An Octofolk's pupils can be of a variety of shapes, they can be round, a horizontal line, a sideways "8", and even a "w". The inner side of their forearms is covered in tiny suction cups.

They possess 5 fingers and a fine membrane between each of them (except for the thumb) in each hand. Their toes are fused together with exception of the big toe.

Ears are optional, but if present, they are round and soft, like the Dumbo Octopus' fins.

Octofolk do not possess noses, but instead, two separate airways right below their jawline, which close once their mouth in open.

As they do not possess teeth, they possess a serrated beak like structure on the inside of their mouths, that can be projected outwards (analogous to a Moray eel's second jaw).


As the majority of Octofolk live underwater, most of their history is passed down in oral form. Most of what we know about their past is recounted to us by them.

This of course leaves room for misrememberings but Octofolk have remarkable memory, rivaling even that of Loxodons.

From what we can tell, their settlements started about 6000 years ago, but Octofolk themselves originated about 7000 years ago. They have always worshipped gods of the sea, volcanoes and weather, always with some variation between communities.

Although they all have one thing in common, a nameless dirty, called 'the first one'. According to salvaged engravings and worshippers, this god looks like a floating cyclops' head with 4 to 10 tentacles (there's divergence in retellings) coming out of it.

Said deity bears a striking resemblance to what we call Beholders. Our current theory is that they originated from one of those creatures' reality-bending dreams.

Octofolk have an extensive history of inter-planar travel. In several occasions, rulers of the elemental plane of water would visit Octofolk cities. In one such occasion, Jiraad, Admiral of the Invincible Fleet was received as a guest of honour for the coronation of Gourmunad IV. It is said that that him and the newly crowned king had a short affair within the palace's walls.

-Tesi, Charlotte


Octofolk societies can range from simple hunters and gatherers to highly complex communities. They for the most part are governed by a dominant individual that has proven their worth.

Every 10 years a new ruler is chosen to replace the old. The new ruler is normally decided by a vote process, although duels for dominance aren't that uncommon.

Octofolk settlements occur more frequently in underwater cave networks, though it isn't unheard of octofolk cities in shipwrecks, underwater ruins, and even above water on beaches, large lakes and swamps.

Religion is an important part in their communities, once they depend so heavily on the sea. Sea related gods are among the most popular, followed closely by weather gods and volcanic gods.

Octofolk Names[edit]



Octofolk Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 1 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Octofolk reach maturity at about 20 years and can live up to 120 years.
Alignment. Octofolk do not tend to any alignment in particular.
Size. Male Octofolk range from 5'4" to 6'1" and the females range from 5'10" to 6'7". Your size in medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You have a swimming speed of 25 feet. And a climbing speed of 25 feet.
Darkvision. you can see in darkness as if it were dim light and in dim light as if it were bright light up to 60ft. In any case, you can't discern can't see colours, only shades of grey. Even in bright light.
Scape artist. You can squeeze your body through a hole or trench of at least 5x5 inches. Items larger than that can't go through with you.
Extra Hands. The tentacles sprouting from your head can pick up and hold objects but can't manipulate them with any degree of dexterity.
Ink sacks. once every long rest you can spew a jet of black ink out of your mouth onto a creature up to 20 feet away from you(this counts as a ranged attack). On a hit, the target becomes blinded for 1d4 + CON turns.
Amphibious. You can breath both in air and in water.
Grappler. Due to the presence of suction cups on your inner forearms and palms you have advantage on STR checks used to restrain a creature.
Natural Mimicry. You can change your body's colours, patterns and textures at a moment's notice. Giving you advantage on DEX (Stealth) rolls. This trait needs concentration to work. If you take damage, are knocked unconscious or use an action you must succeed on a Constitution saving throw DC=14 or revert to your natural colours.
Blindsight. you have a Blindsight radius of 10 feet, creatures within that radius (in bright light) cannot surprise you. You can discern light sources and vague shapes (up to the DM's discretion), but can't tell colours nor faces apart. This ability does not work in darkness, magical or not. In dim light creatures can surprise you but do so with disadvantage.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Aquan.

Hapalos (Blue-ringed octopus)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Charisma
Poison Point. If you make an unarmed attack with your claws or bite, on a successful hit the target must make a DC=10+CON, saving throw or be poisoned and take 1d4 + CON poison damage per turn for 1d4 turns. At 3rd level this trait now deals 1d6 + CON poison damage per turn.
Menacing display. You can, as an action make your irises and the deep blue circles on your skin glow an iridescent bright blue. All creatures in a 30 feet radius that can see you must succeed on an Intelligence saving throw DC=10+CHA or become frightened. A creature frightened by this effect can repeat their save at the end of their turns, on a success they're no longer frightened. A creature with an Intelligence of 4 or lower fails the save automatically.

Thalmos (Mimic Octopus)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity
Enhanced mimicry. You can use the trait "Natural Mimicry" without having to make saving throws for every action and upon taking damage. Although if you are knocked unconscious you still revert to your natural state.
One Of Us. You can, by changing your colours, body shape and body language, try to convince a medium creature with 6 or less intelligence that you're of the same species or a predator. The creature must roll a WIS save, DC=10+CHA. On a failed save the creature is convinced of your lie, on a successful save the creature is not fooled and becomes immune to your deception for 24 hours.

Enteros (Giant Pacific Octopus)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. +2 to Strength
Enhanced Grappler. Your tentacles can be used as natural melee weapons, dealing 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit. The same can also be used to grapple a medium or smaller creature, if so make a STR check against the creature's AC. On a success the creature becomes restrained. Repeat the STR at the end of every turn of the restrained creature, on a fail the creature frees itself.

Tremos (Blanket Octopus)[edit]

Ability Score Increase. +1 to Dexterity
Feather fall. Your tentacles have a thin but sturdy membrane between them. In case of a fall, they can be opened to function like a parachute, neglecting all damage from that fall. You can hold up to 2 creatures while falling, in that case the damage is instead cut in half for all parties involved.
Poisonproof. While your HP is full, you're immune to poison damage. If your HP is not full you're resistant to poison damage.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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