OGC:Magical Weapons

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Magical Weapons: Non-epic magical weapons of various types, forms and abilities.

D&D 3e Magical Weapons

Magical Weapons Market Price CL Aura School Prerequisites

D&D 3.5e Magical Weapons

Magical Weapons Market Price CL Aura School Prerequisites
Sleeper Net (3.5e Equipment) 52,000 gp 12 Strong Conjuration and Enchantment Craft Magical Arms and Armor, cure light wounds, sleep
Spellbane's Bolt (3.5e Equipment) 500 gp 6 Strength varies based on caster level Abjuration Magic Arms and Armor, dispel magic
Spellbane's Bolt, Greater (3.5e Equipment) 1,800 gp 12 Strength varies based on caster level Abjuration Magic Arms and Armor, greater dispel magic

D&D 5e Magical Weapons

Magical Weapons Rarity Type
Adamantine Bullet (5e Equipment) uncommon bullet
Calamity Blade (5e Equipment) Very Rare any sword
Dragon's Breath Shot (5e Equipment) rare shot
Spark Staff (5e Equipment) uncommon hand cannon
The Proclaimer (5e Equipment) Very Rare any musket or pistol

d20 Modern Magical Weapons

Magical Weapons Purchase DC CL Aura School Prerequisites