Null Enlightenment (5e Blessing)

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Null Enlightenment[edit]

once per long rest, you may assume a null form as an action, lasting for 1 turn x your player level, or when you choose to revert to normal as a bonus action. while in this form, you and everything you are wearing or carrying becomes shadowy and intangible, you are able to occupy the same space as a creature, forcing anyone who ends their turn inside of you will be dealt 1d4+1 necrotic damage. if someone dies as a result of this damage, they become a shadow. additionally, you are indiscernible from normal shadow, giving you advantage on stealth saving throws when in dim light or darkness. lastly, you can pass through walls of less than one foot thick as if it was difficult terrain.

this blessing is often given by primordial beings of the darkness, and occasionally from some abominations from the far realm. the boon is given less as a reward for some kind of completed task, and more of a token given in order to assist in a task. this blessing is considered taboo by most good aligned deities.

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