Nephalem, Variant (5e Race)
Nephalem are the offspring of a Devil and an Angel and thus have features of both their celestial and infernal backgrounds.
“ | And, alas, we are of our fathers and mothers, alike and yet opposite, one decay and the other light. Indeed, the union of angel and demon created a third essence. And we are those children. We are the nephalem. We exist as half angel and half demon, yet fully a new entity. And because of our lineage, they loved us. And because of our difference, they feared us. Within the trembling balance between love and fear is the relation of us to our fathers and mothers. | ” |
—Deckard Cain, The Book of Cain |
Mixed Bloodline[edit]
Being touched by both celestial and infernal planes through their heritage also grants them great affinities from both sides, though they would normally be considered a disgrace to either side of the spectrum.
There are almost no recordings of nephalem, as it is very rare for a Angel and Devil to tolerate the other, let alone have a child together. As such, it is unclear of their true potential, whether they gain many of the strengths of both of their heritages or if they are simply dilated by the mix. Either way, they are sure to have at least some potential from the combination of celestial and infernal heritages.
Physical Description[edit]
Similar in appearance to humans, nephalem are set apart from their human companions by an eerie, unnerving air of physical perfection. They share many characteristics with the humans that their race has grown to mimic, although small vestiges of their angelic and demonic bloodlines show that they aren't quite what they seem at first glance. They are thin, lithe, typically well-muscled but lean. Their bodies border on perfect, though they may have distinguishing features that show what they really are.
Some nephalem have a stronger infernal biological inheritance than they do celestial. As such, they have a few more devil-like features than other angels. Their skin is more red, your horns are slightly larger, and they're very likely to have a tail.
Some nephalem have a stronger celestial biological inheritance the they do infernal. As such, they have a few more angelic features than other devils. Their skin is less red, your horns are slightly smaller, and they're much less likely to have a tail.
In wars long past, the world was soaked not only in the blood of mortals but also immortals, ranging from devils and demons, to celestials and deities. The sanguine essence of such power was believed to be cycled back into the natural state of the world in a feedback loop. In the nephalem's case, they were born from humans who were reborn from this cycle. The energies completely changed the original being into one that was no longer human, but still appeared like it. This is thought to explain their strange bodies that emanate an unhuman aura. The nebulous case of their origin leaves for a lot of speculation, with some claiming to be reborn from dreams of dead gods, and others saying they were spawned of the Planes Below.
- Lore
During the Soul-bound wars the angels of the High Heavens and the Demons of the Burning Hells waged war on each other in a war of Light versus Dark until some rogue angels and demons grew sick of the eternal struggle between their sides, and fled to make a new home on the material plain. They produced offspring that they called the Nephalem. These offspring found their way to many other realms, eventually finding that their powers made them very good adventurers.
Due to their low numbers and mixed census data, nephalem are not known to have any society they call their own. Instead, they blend seamlessly with humans and therefore circulate wherever their populations reach, allowing them exposure to elven kingdoms and dwarven dynasties. Most are even raised by human families.
Nephalem do not have their own system of social hierarchy. Often they are loners, doing their best to blend in to the towns they end up in. They do their best to use their talents to help those around them.
- Religion
They serve a god of some sort, and view this as a very important part of their daily lives. What kind of god they worship can vary greatly but they tend to be followers of Auppenser and other deities of balance.
- Lands
The Outlands or in more rural settlements.
- Relations
As rare as they are, most people have no real opinions on nephalem as a whole. It normally depends on their views of aasimer and Tieflings separately. If they have strong mistrust of Tieflings, they will often be hesitant towards Aaslings as well. But with the celestial background mixed in as well, most people have a hard time knowing how to feel about nephalem as a race and will often take into account their names and personality to see which side they take more from in order to form an opinion. But either way, their Infernal background they have causes most people to have at least some level of hesitation and mistrust towards them instinctually.
They are very good at making friends, due to their charismatic and kind-hearted nature, getting along well with lizard folk, Elves of all kinds, Halflings, Gnomes, Half-elves, Half Orcs and Dwarfs. They generally distrust Orcs and Goblins due to their corrupt nature.
- Personality
The nephalem are bold and possess the heart of a lion, often being protective of their friends. They know of their half-breeds nature, living with the blood of angels and demons inside them. They have a deep inner desire to help those in need, and to see the world.
Nephalem tend to be somewhat introverted preferring not to involve themselves in matters they don't feel concern them. When that is not the case they prefer to solve things rationally or take a more dualistic approach. Some are very introspective and curious trying to understand themselves along with whether they lean more to being Infernal and Celestial in nature.
Nephalem are thus very open to new cultures and receptive to other views. However, they are not notably excitable and actually have a very serious face on most of the time. They also have a bit of repulsion towards overtly celestial or fiendish themes and do not particularly take well to being mistaken as aasimar or tiefling.
Nephalem Names[edit]
Nephalem are extremely rare, and thus have no common names they are often given. However, on the rare occasion one is born, it is often given a name from either its devil or angel background. The name is often chosen dependent on how the parents wish their offspring to be viewed as, whether it be as one from an infernal or celestial background. Other times, they are given a more generic name or a name that combines aspects of both cultures. Either way, aaslings often take their names to heart and attempt to embody what they are meant as. Most nephalem live their whole lives with human names. Some who discover their strange heritage may take on a new name to mark their coming to being.
Male: Aeroth, Biarlec, Esiln, Hyrok, Ineras, Judrias, Kuldun and Macil
Female: Aassyr, Chashesa, Ema, Jannalda, Lythisha, Shema, Shiri and Zanni
Nephalem Traits[edit]
Half-Angel Deva, Half-Devil Pit Fiend.
Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your choice of Strength, Dexterity or Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Nephalem age at the same rate as humans during the early stages of their life reaching maturity at 18 years old. However, they can live to be up to 15,000 years old.
Alignment. Due to the nature of their origin, nephalem often find themselves balanced between good and evil tendencies, which can make them rash and chaotic. Neutral Good is the most common, though other alignments within the realm of good or neutral are also possible.
Size. Nephalem have the same size range as Humans. Your size is Medium.
Type. You are a Celestial and Fiend Type. As such, you are immune to spells like crown of madness or dominate person because they specifically target humanoids.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Divine Resilience. You have advantage on saving throws against effects that deal radiant or necrotic damage.
Martial Training. Because of the nature of their birth, nephalem have a harsh life growing up amidst others had to learn quickly to defend themselves from intolerant people or of cultural ignorance. Some have even sought out combat instructors. You have proficiency in light armor and two simple or martial weapons of your choice.
Ambivalent Detection. Your senses are highly attuned to the cosmic forces around you and their extremes. As an action, you can cast the detect evil and good spell. When you cast this spell via this trait, it is not considered magical. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all use after a long rest.
Wings of Good and Evil. Starting at 5th level, you develop wings that grant you 30 feet of flying speed.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Infernal Celestial.
Random Height and Weight[edit]
- Males
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 5'' | +1d6 | 90 lb. | × (1d4) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
- Females
Base Height |
Height Modifier* |
Base Weight |
Weight Modifier** |
5′ 4.5'' | +1d6 | 70 lb. | × (1d3) lb. |
*Height = base height + height modifier |
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