Necromorfo (5e Class)

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The Necromorfo[edit]

you are what you eat, so I want to devour everything
I will make far better use of your adaptations than you ever did.

Forced Evolution[edit]

Hunger is present in everyone, why not connect with it for something Sublime? A death should not be forgotten, so why not get a reward after the kill? Necromorphs have the ability to manipulate your flesh at will, stealing traits and abilities from other creatures after killing them. they will no longer be necessary for him, Only the strongest survive.

Creating a Necromorfo[edit]

When creating a Necromorfo, Keep in mind that at the beginning the Necromorph is nothing more than an ordinary person, and initial help is necessary so that you can evolve as a whole. How did your character become one Necromorfo? Did it happen through some Ritual, or he was simply born that way? Does your character hate all life because they see themselves as better, or does your character love life, and see it as a sacred thing that they themselves can alter? Answer these questions as you make your character.

Quick Build

Due to the way the class functions, there is no way to make a quick build for it.

Class Features

As a Necromorfo you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d12 per Necromorfo level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 7) + Constitution modifier per Necromorfo level after 1st


Armor: None
Weapons: None
Tools: All
Saving Throws: Constitution, Strength
Skills: Choose four of your choice.


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Clothes.
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 2d4x10 gp in funds.

Table: The Necromorfo

Level Proficiency
Features Predatory Evolution Limit
1st +2 Biological Template, Predatory Evolution 4
2nd +2 Armored Adaptation 5
3rd +2 New Mind 6
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement, Late proficiency 6
5th +3 Extra Attack,shaping your flesh 7
6th +3 Convergent Evolution, Abiotic Factor 8
7th +3 Hematophagic Mutation 8
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement, Reflection of yourself, New Body 9
9th +4 Reactive Adaptation 10
10th +4 Metamorphosis 10
11th +4 Extra Attack 11
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement, Copy Cat 12
13th +5 Echoes of Hollow 12
14th +5 Natural Adaptation 13
15th +5 Biomass Storage, Abiogenesis 14
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement 14
17th +6 15
18th +6 Psychetophagic Mutation 16
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement 16
20th +6 Hollow Hunger 17

Biological Template[edit]

At 1st level, due to your transformation into the Biological Apex, your stats have equaled out in order to keep your new body stable. Add all of your ability scores together and then divide by 5 (rounded up). That is the new score for ALL of your ability scores, Additionally, the cap for each of your ability scores is 22 rather than 20.

Predatory Evolution[edit]

Also at 1st level, you are able to take and/or replace the racial traits of any creatures (other than undead, aberrations, and constructs) after they have reached 0 hit points (and you make physical contact with them or a piece of them) and give them to yourself. Traits at this level are considered any racial trait or action that a creature can take. Additionally, you can’t take movement speeds or vision types. For instance, if a frog was reduced to 0 hit points, you would be able to take its ability to breathe in air and water. You can choose to “turn off” any of these traits as a Free action and reactivate them as a bonus action as well. If there is any confusion with this feature, default to the ruling of your DM. You can only take and/or replace one trait at a time, and cannot take a trait from a creature that's been dead for more than a day. (Predatory Evolution Limit = the number on the chart for your level + an ability score of your choice).

Armored Adaptation[edit]

At 2nd level, you can add one ability modifier of your choice to your AC. You can change which ability modifier this is after a long rest remembering that your AC for not wearing armor is 10 + Dextr.

New Mind[edit]

At level 3, you attune to the spells used by the target. You store spells in special traits, and the number of these special traits is half of your total traits (rounded up). Each spell occupies a number of slots equal to spell level. You can cast each stored spell a total number of times equal to your Proficiency bonus, recovering them after a long rest.

The spell save DC for your spells is 10 + your Proficiency bonus + a inteligence modifier + arcanism.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You can increase the ability score past 20 thanks to the Biological Template,

Late proficiency[edit]

At level 4, you can now steal the Proficiencies and skills that the target had, Taking a skill you already have makes you have expertise in it. This does not count towards your Predatory Evolution Limit.

Extra Attack[edit]

At 5th level, and again at 11th, you gain an additional attack.

Shaping your flesh[edit]

At 5th level, you gain the ability to shape your flesh to resemble items and replicate them. as a bonus action when you have an item in hand, you can make an Intelligence test to analyze it and attempt to reproduce it. The DC is 10 + X (the DC increases by +2 for the size of the item). Creating an item costs life, the cost of creating items is reduced by your constitution modifier :

Size Damage
Small 1
Medium 5
Large 10
Giant 15
Gargantum 30

Failing the test results in twice the cost. Magical items have an additional cost increase of +3. Items generated this way last for 1 day. You can choose to create any number of items with a bonus action as long as they are the same size This duration increases to 1 week at 10th level, 1 month at 15th level, and indefinitely at 20th level.

Convergent Evolution[edit]

At 6th level, your Predatory Evolution allows you to take movement, damage resistances, damage immunities, and vision types, such as swimming speeds and tremorsense. You can steal up to 3 traits from a single creature rather than 1, and can now steal traits from a creature that’s been dead for no longer than a year. The cap on your ability scores is now 24 rather than 22.

Abiotic Factor[edit]

Also at 6th level, you no longer have to eat, sleep, or breathe in order to survive. When taking a short or long rest, you simply cannot do any strenuous activity for said amount of time, and you will get the full benefit. If your long rest is interrupted, it will count as a short rest.

Hematophagic Mutation[edit]

At 7th level, you heal an amount equal to half the damage you do to a creature. Any healing that would usually be lost due to you reaching maximum health becomes temporary HP. If you have a severed limb, or are transformed into stone, poisoned, charmed or bewitched by some magic or any Debuff you can spend 10 hit points as a reaction to remove a condition and fully restore your body to original form.

Reflection of yourself[edit]

At 8th level Spending an action, you can create a clone of yourself. It has half of your current hit points and cannot create duplicates. The clone possesses the same abilities, traits, and spells as you. You can only have one clone of yourself at a time.

New Body[edit]

Also in 8th you gain the ability to teleport from a part of your body, regenerating from it. With a bonus action, you can sever an excess part of yourself, taking 1d4 damage. This part serves as a sort of anchor. With another bonus action, you rapidly regenerate where the part is, losing an additional 1d4 and discarding your previous body. If you fall to 0 hit points and have an anchor, you regenerate from it, with half of your life until you take a long rest, and with 1 level of exhaustion.

Reactive Adaptation[edit]

At 9th level, as a reaction to being hit with a damage type that is not bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing, you gain resistance to that damage type until the start of your next turn ,If you are already resistant, become immune.


At 10th level, when using the Predatory Evolution feature, you can now steal other creatures' ability scores, and switch one of your ability scores with another after a long rest. Additionally, all of your attacks, even ones gained from the Predatory Evolution feature, count as magical. You can now take traits from undead, aberrations, and constructs. The cap on your ability scores is now 26.

Copy Cat[edit]

At 11th Level with a Action, you can Cast in yourself Metamorphosis without the need to maintain concentration on metamorphosis, When level 15 this skill turns into true metamorphosis

Echoes of Hollow[edit]

At 13th level, you no longer age past your prime. If you were already past your prime, you revert to your prime. All of your ability scores get a +1 (this +1 carries over even if you take another creature's ability score). Additionally, when using Predatory Evolution, you can now take size categories as well as being able to absorb traits from a creature no matter how long they’ve been dead. You can now also absorb up to 5 traits from one creature rather than 3. You can also assimilate the magical effect of an item to yourself.

Natural Adaptation[edit]

At 14th level, you are now resistant to all nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Biomass Storage[edit]

At 15th level, any hit points you regain through the Hematophagic Mutation feature can be stored for an indefinite amount of time until you need them. You can either release the biomass as a reaction to reaching 0 hit points (this can only be used once per long rest) or give them to your allies upon physical contact. The cap on your ability scores is now 28.


Also at 15th level, you can instantly revive any creature that has died (within the last week) by sacrificing one of your traits and gaining 2 levels of exhaustion. The revived creature cannot do anything other than move until it takes a long rest, and is revived with half of its total hit points. You can also use this feature in order to cure an undead of their undeath, even if they’ve been dead for longer than a week. the creature revived in this way has an effect similar to Dominate Person, with the difference that overpass charm immunity and the effect only ends when it dies again

Psychetophagic Mutation[edit]

At 18th level, your Hematophagic Mutation has mutated further, into something far, far greater. Now, you add an ability modifier of your choice to the amount you heal. Additionally, whenever you heal yourself or someone else, you also cure yourself or someone else of all ailments that you or they could possibly have, magical or nonmagical.

Hollow Hunger[edit]

At 20th level, you’ve reached the peak of biological potential. You are the absolute. The ultimate, perfect being! You can steal up to 7 traits at a time and gain another +1 to all of your ability scores. Additionally, the cap on your ability scores is now 30. you no longer have Evolution limits instead of healing only half, you heal the entire damage caused


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the Necromorfo class, you must meet these prerequisites: Atleast one ability score of 18.

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