Necoho Tiefling (5e Subrace)

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Tiefling Subrace[edit]

You carry the daemonic influence of the Chaos God of atheism, revealing the gods and their faith, Necoho. You likely feel an innate aversion to the divine and spiritual faith and power, disgusted by the very concept of higher powers. The daemonic influence of your bloodline may have originated from being born at the center of a strong atheism within an area, or an ancestor being part of a contradictory cult of Necoho.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Legacy of the Doubter. You have resistance to force and radiant damage, and whenever you are to be affected by a spell, you may make a flat check (DC = 16 + half the spell level rounded down), and on a success, you are immune to the immediate effects of the spell. (This trait replaces the Hellish Resistance trait.)

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