Nanotech Smart-Armor (Pathfinder Equipment)
This suit of armor was created long in the past via nanotechnology, and the means to recreate it are either lost, or tightly kept secrets. The entire suit is a single nonomachine colony, programmed to take the form of a suit of body armor. The colony is capable of gestalt processing, allowing it to hold and process much more data than one would expect. Due to the processing method, the entire suit is a single autonomous entity, controlled by a rudimenty AI. This AI is entirely restricted to the colony, and may not be targeted or destroyed as long as the suit functions. The AI is completely loyal to who ever wears the suit.
The suit holds 24 charges of nanites, and has 100 hp.
It drains one charge per hour it is powered, and when unpowered, functions only as a masterwork set of armor without the Mithril property, and none of its special properties may be used.
The armor comes in 3 forms, and functions differently depending on form.
Light: As per Mithril Leather armor (Ignoring leather may not be mithril), +4 Dex, +2 Str
Medium: As per Mithril Breastplate, +3 Dex, +3 Str
Heavy: As per Mithril Full Plate, +4 Str, +2 Dex
In all forms, the suit possesses a Prismatic forcefield, that is considered always active, and drains no charges, and is air tight, containing 2 hours worth of air, and protecting from all airborne and contact based poisons. Anything the suit protects from that would apply to constructs, harms the suit instead. As a full round action, the user may drain any number of charges, and repair the suit 10 hp per charge drained. If the charges consumed do not come from the suits internal banks, then this is treated as temporary hp that disappears after the duration of the ability.
While the suit may be used without proper knowledge, understanding how the suit works greatly increases its utility. Its base uses require the technologist feat, and further uses require ranks in Craft: Technology, or Knowledge: Engineering.
Consume Metal: As a full round action, the user has the suit consume metal. The armor deals damage up to its current hp in damage to the indicated objects, and repairs itself an equal amount. While this ignores Hardness, it cannot target enchanted items, constructs, or anything made of nanites.
Passive Mapping: As swift action, the user may project a map within the visor. While the map is projected, and the user is flanked, they may make a DC 20 Wisdom check to negate flanking bonuses against themselves. They still count as flanked. Additionally, the map displays a record of the last days worth of travel. Dismissing this map is a free action.
Active Mapping: As a full round action, the user may project a sonic pulse. This functions as a 1 mile emanation that spreads around corners. For the next 24 hours, the passive map displays a map of the area affected by the effect. Any effect that would suppress noise (Such as a silence spell) prevents this effect from spreading within it. Any creature with sound or touch based vision (Blindsight, sense, or darkvision lost upon deafness, Tremor sense, and similar abilities) notices this on a DC 10 Perception check, and on a DC 15 Perception check, may determine the direction and distance of the center of the effect.
5 Ranks:
Reflexive Protocols: As a swift action, the user may initiate this mode. This provides DR 10/-, and +5 Competence bonus to AC. For each attack that targets the user, they take 2d4 damage.
Emulate Limb: As a swift action, the user may activate this mode. While active, the suit acts as if the user was not missing a limb.
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