Namund (3.5e Deity)

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Greater Deity
Symbol: A White Ribbon or Rose
Home Plane: Material
Alignment: Chaotic Good/ Chaotic Neutral
Portfolio: Change, Chaos, Water, Laughter, The aspects of Innocence
Clergy Alignments: Any Evil
Domains: Water, Machine, Chaos
Favored Weapon: Bastard Sword
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Namund Is the patron god of all that is wondrous and of the imagination and protector of that which is innocent, such as children and virtuous men and women. Namund's methods of madness are strange and often hilarious to those who have a sense of humor, using unorthodox ways of teaching those around him of the goodness within the world and in others and setting examples in humorous tones. His presence is of coming change usually for the good and exciting ways, he considers all mortals to be his children no matter their alignment, race, or origin.

He is a passive God, defending those who need to be defended and himself should the event ever occur but above all he never kills anyone unless that is the absolute last option, for he will do everything in his power to prevent such a thing for it hurts him to kill those he considers his children. While he is against killing he is always up for a good duel or brawl. Namund will never, ever force a mortal or any living thing into something they do not wish to be apart of, Freedom to him is a right that all mortals have and never mess with with some acceptations that cause will always have an effect. Namund loves to laugh, spread joy and chaotic fun to every person he meets and is always approachable for he thinks that the best way to spread happiness is to be there with his children.


While Namund appreciates the gesture of worshipers, he finds that the distance that they create is not what he is about but he lets them do as they wish. The Clergy that worship Namund often sport his white ribbon, a holy symbol, as a testament of spreading joy and laughter to those around them. a Pilgrim of Namund may where completely white robes and sport the Three Ribbons of Color (The Three Ribbons of Color: They are the Ribbons that Namund wear on his person at all times, which were to represent his past regrets and sins that he cannot change, Red for his Anger, Blue for his Sorrow, and Yellow for Regret) as an act of complete humility to his or her faith and will travel the world trying to spread as much joy as they can. The Clergy and Namund himself are absolutely against the ideas of Rape, pedophilia, and the homicide of pregnant women, Those who preform such tasks will receive his wrath by tipping the scales of the universe to giving them extreme bad luck.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

Anywhere that still brings wonder and mystery to the beholder is his temple, he is not picky to who speaks to him or where they speak to him.


He is apart of the Anterrian Pantheon, which houses 10 other Light Gods and 10 Dark gods.

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