Monk, 4th Variant (5e Class)
This is meant to be a revision of the monk class to make it more useful in the current game meta as well as differentiate itself from some of the other existing classes. Some of the information may be missing that would normally be included on this page. In this event, refer to the Monk Class to fill in anything I may have missed, although I believe this will be a rather complete summary...[edit]
Creating a Monk[edit]
Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d8 per monk level Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per monk level after 1st
Starting Proficiencies[edit]
You are proficient with the following items, in addition to any Proficiencies provided by your race or Background.
Armor: none Weapons: Weapons without the two-handed or heavy property, Quaterstaffs Tools: any one type of artisan's tools or any one musical Instrument of your choice Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Religion, and Stealth
Starting Equipment[edit]
You start with the following Equipment, in addition to the Equipment granted by your background:
• (a) a Quaterstaff or (b) Weapons without the two-handed or heavy property • (a) a Dungeoneer's Pack or (b) an Explorer's Pack (c) a Diplomat's Pack
Class Features:[edit]
Unarmored Defense (1st)[edit]
Beginning at 1st Level, while you are wearing no armor and not wielding a Shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your Wisdom modifier.
Martial Arts (1st)[edit]
At 1st Level, your practice of Martial Arts gives you mastery of Combat styles that use unarmed strikes and monk Weapons, which are Quaterstaffs and any Weapons that don't have the Two-Handed or heavy property.
You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed or wielding only monk Weapons and you aren't wearing armor or wielding a Shield.
• You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for the Attack and Damage Rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk Weapons.
• You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your Unarmed Strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial Arts column of the Monk table. (1d6 at 5th level, 1d8 at 11th, and 1d10 at 17th)
• When you use the Attack action with an Unarmed Strike or a monk weapon on Your Turn, you can make one Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action. For example, if you take the Attack action and Attack with a Quarterstaff, you can also make an Unarmed Strike as a Bonus Action, assuming you haven't already taken a Bonus Action this turn.
Certain monasteries use specialized forms of the monk Weapons. For example, you might use a club that is two lengths of wood connected by a short chain (called a nunchaku) or a Sickle with a shorter, straighter blade (called a kama). Whatever name you use for a monk weapon, you can use the game Statistics provided for the weapon.
Ki (2nd)[edit]
Starting at 2nd Level, your Training allows you to harness The Mystic energy of ki. Your access to this energy is represented by a number of ki points. Your monk level and Wisdom Modifier Determine how many Ki points you can store. (Wisdom Modifier [minimum of 1] + Monk Level)
You can spend these points to fuel various ki features. You start knowing three such features: Flurry of Blows, Patient Defense, and Step of the Wind. You learn more ki features as you gain levels in this class.
When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until regenerated. There are two ways of regenerating Ki. When you land an unarmed strike on your turn or use all of your available movement on your turn, you regenerate one Ki point. For example, if on your turn, used all available movement and landed two unarmed strikes, you would regenerate 2 Ki points.
When you finish a short or Long Rest, at the end, you draw all of your expended ki back into yourself. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your ki points.
Some of your ki features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the feature's Effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
Ki save DC = 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier
Flurry of Blows[edit]
Immediately after take the attack action on your turn, you can spend 2 ki points to make two additional attacks as a bonus action with a monk weapon or unarmed strikes
Patient Defense[edit]
You can spend 2 ki points to take the dodge action as a bonus action on your turn or as a reaction.
Step of the Wind[edit]
You can spend 2 ki point to take the disengage or dash action as a bonus action on Your Turn, and you jump distance is doubled for the turn
Unarmored Movement (2nd)[edit]
Starting at 2nd level, your speed increases by 10 feet while you are not wearing armor or wielding a shield. This bonus increases when you reach certain monk levels, as shown in the Monk table. (15ft at 6th level, 20ft at 10th, 25ft at 14th, 30ft at 18th) At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids on your turn without falling during the move.
Deflect Missiles (3rd)[edit]
Starting at 3rd Level, you can use your Reaction to deflect or catch the missile when you are hit by a ranged weapon Attack. When you do so, the damage you take from the Attack is reduced by 1d 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your monk level.
If you reduce the damage to 0, you can catch the missile if it is small enough for you to hold in one hand and you have at least one hand free. If you catch a missile in this way, you can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged Attack (range 20 feet/60 feet) with the weapon or piece of Ammunition you just caught, as part of the same Reaction. You make this Attack with proficiency, regardless of your weapon Proficiencies, and the missile counts as a monk weapon for the Attack.
When you reach 3rd level, you commit yourself to a monastic tradition. Your tradition grants you features as you level up. To see the list of monastic traditions created by me for this version of the class, look at the end of the page past the base class features.
Ability Score Improvement[edit]
When you reach 4th Level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two Ability Scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.
Slow Fall (4th)[edit]
Beginning at 4th Level, you can use your Reaction when you fall to reduce any Falling damage you take by an amount equal to five times your monk level.
Extra Attack (5th)[edit]
Beginning at 5th Level, you can Attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on Your Turn.
Ki-Empowered Strikes (6th)[edit]
Starting at 6th Level, your Monk Weapon Attacks count as magical for the Purpose of overcoming Resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.
Stillness of Mind (7th)[edit]
Starting at 7th level, you can use your action to end one Effect on yourself that is causing you to be Charmed or Frightened. Or you can spend 6 ki points to end the effect as a bonus action.
Evasion (7th)[edit]
At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the way of certain area Effects, such as a blue dragon's lightning breath or a Fireball spell. When you are subjected to an Effect that allows you to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Purity of Body (10th)[edit]
At 10th level, your mastery of the ki flowing through you makes you immune to disease and poison. Additionally as an action, you can spend 3 ki points and roll a Martial Arts die. You regain a number of hit points equal to the number rolled plus your proficiency bonus.
Tongue of the Sun and Moon (13th)[edit]
Starting at 13th level, you learn to touch the ki of other minds so that you understand all spoken Languages. Moreover, any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say.
Diamond Soul (14th)[edit]
Beginning at 14th level, your mastery of ki grants you proficiency in all Saving Throws. Additionally, whenever you make a saving throw and fail, you can spend 3 ki points to reroll it and take the second result.
Timeless Body (15th)[edit]
At 15th level, your ki sustains you so that you suffer none of the Frailty of old age, and you can't be aged magically. You can still die of old age, however. In addition, you no longer need food or water. You gain Immunity to Necrotic Damage.
Empty Body (18th)[edit]
Beginning at 18th level, you can use your action to spend 4 ki points to become Invisible for 1 minute. During that time, you also have Resistance to all damage but force damage.
Perfect Soul (20th)[edit]
At 20th level, when you would be reduced to zero hit points, if you have Ki points, you are instead reduced to 1 hit point. This effect consumes all remaining Ki points.
Monastic Traditions[edit]
Three traditions of monastic pursuit are Common in the monasteries scattered across the multiverse. Most monasteries practice one tradition exclusively, but a few honor the three traditions and instruct each monk according to his or her aptitude and interest. All three traditions rely on the same basic Techniques, diverging as the Student grows more adept. Thus, a monk need choose a tradition only upon reaching 3rd Level.
Way of the Open Hand[edit]
Open Hand Technique (3rd)[edit]
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd Level, you can manipulate your enemy’s ki when you harness your own. Whenever you hit a creature with an unarmed strike, you may spend 2 ki to impose one of the following effects - It must succeed on a strength saving throw or be pushed 15 feet away from you -It must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone -It must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or have it's concentration broken
Stunning Strike (6th)[edit]
Starting at 6th Level, you can interfere with the flow of ki in an opponent's body. When you hit another creature with an Unarmed Strike, you can spend 6 ki points to attempt a Stunning Strike. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
Hurricane of Blows (11th)[edit]
Starting at 11th level your flurry of blows in improved, you may now spend 3 points to make 4 additional attacks as a bonus action.
Shattering Blows (15th)[edit]
Beginning at 15th level, your fists resonate a powerful frequency allowing you to obliterate anything in your way, your unarmed strikes deal 5x damage to structures and constructs.
Quivering Palm (17th)[edit]
At 17th level, you gain the ability to set up lethal vibrations in someone’s body. When you hit a creature with an Unarmed Strike, you can spend 3 ki points to start these imperceptible vibrations, which last for a number of days equal to your monk level. The vibrations are harmless unless you use your action to end them. To do so, you and the target must be on the same plane of existence. When you use this action, the creature must make a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, it is reduced to 0 Hit Points. If it succeeds, it takes 10d10 necrotic damage. You can have only one creature under the Effect of this feature at a time. You can choose to end the vibrations harmlessly without using an action.
Way of the Four Elements[edit]
As you level up and gain features in this subclass you will often pick 1 of 4 options to obtain. You may change which option you select each time you level up.
Elementalist Technique (3rd)[edit]
Starting when you choose this tradition at 3rd Level, you can manipulate your ki to produce elemental force. When you make an attack with a monk weapon or Unarmed Strike you may deal an addition damage die of elemental damage, either fire(fire), thunder(air), cold(water), or bludgeoning(earth)
5th Level[edit]
Starting at 5th Level, you can manifest your ki to project elemental energies beyond physical touch and into powerful ranged attacks
-Thermal Manipulation: Your ki forms a beam, draining the warmth from a creature and redirecting it towards another source. You may spend 4 ki to attempt a Thermal Manipulation, target creature withing 60ft must make a constitution saving throw or take 4d6 cold damage. On a success, you may make a ranged attack against another creature within 60ft that you can see, on hit dealing the damage equal to the amount of cold damage as fire damage. This You are proficient with this attack and use dexterity for its attack bonus.
-Tide Lash: You ki manifests aqueous arms protruding from the end of your own. You may spend 3 ki to summon the aquatic lash. On this turn, these aquatic arms replace your unarmed strikes. They have a range of 20ft and deal 2d8 cold damage.
-Spike Growth: Your ki flows into the earth shaping small spikes on a total of 10 squares or 50sqft. As an action on your turn, you may spend 6 ki points to channel this ability. You may choose any ground you can see within 60ft. These squares now act as though they have caltrops scattered upon them. (Any time an enemy would make movement on one of these square, must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving and take 1 piercing damage. Until the creature regains at least 1 hit point, its walking speed is reduced by 10 feet.) If a creature ends its turn on one of the spikes you may use your reaction to redirect all of the ki into the spike under that creature, removing all other spikes. But massively increasing the other spike, the creature standing on the remaining spike must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or take 6d10 piercing damage.
-Invisible Hand: Your ki flows into the air, allowing you to redirect projectiles. When a creature, including you, makes a ranged attack, you may spend 1 ki to add or subtract 1 from its attack roll. You may do this any number of times as a reaction, you know whether or not the attack will hit before you take this reaction, but you do not know between each use of ki, you must decide how many to use before you use the ki.
Bear the Elements (6th)[edit]
Beginning at 6th level, you gain resistance to one of the following damage types: -Fire -Thunder and Slashing -Cold -Bludgeoning
Elemental Movement (11th)[edit]
At 11th level pick one from one of four elemental evolutions to your Step of the Wind ability.
-Windstep: Your Step of the Wind now only costs 1 ki point and doubles your movement speed. You may activate it as a reaction, regaining all your movement and moving again. While active, you can enter and occupy the space of another creature. You can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and even mere cracks, however, treat liquids as though they were solid surfaces. During your Step of the Wind creatures have disadvantage on attacks of opportunity against you.
-Flame Dance: Your Step of the Wind now surrounds you in a torrent of flames and heat. While active any creature who is within 5ft of you at any point during your turn takes 3d10 fire damage at the end of your turn.
-Earth Dive: Your Step of the Wind now grants you a tunneling speed equal to your walking speed. If you do tunnel, at the end of your turn you may decide whether or not to close the tunnel behind you or to leave it open. If you do not close it at the end of your turn, the tunnel will close itself after an hour. When the tunnel closes, any creature inside takes 3d8 bludgeoning damage. However, the earth remains soft enough for them to push their way out 5ft at a time. You may close the tunnel as a reaction to a creature entering or leaving the tunnel, or as a bonus action on your turn.
-Wetslip: Your Step of the Wind now allows you to Wetslip. When you activate your step of the wind and touch water, you may slip into the water disappearing and reappearing out of another space in which you can fit from a body of water within 120ft. You retain your movement between slips.
Elemental Mastery (15th)[edit]
Starting at 15th Level you have mastered a powerful technique to control the battlefield with outstanding displays of elemental energy.
-Entomb: When you attempt an unarmed strike against a creature you may spend 12 ki to harness complete control of the earth around you, swallowing the creature and entombing it. An entombed creature takes 3d10 bludgeoning damage a turn. To escape their tomb, a creature must succeed on a DC 20 strength saving throw. An entombed creature may reattempt this save at the start of each of its turns.
-Entreat: Weaving your ki into the molecules of the air, in a sudden twist of the body, you send the rocketing in a massive wave of destruction. You may spend 10 ki to send a wave of Rolling Thunder in a 100ft cone extending from yourself. All creatures within the cone must make a Strength saving throw or be knocked prone and pushed 50ft away from you. Any structure or object within the cone takes 10d10 Thunder damage, if a structure or object is destroyed this way, each creature within the cone takes 1d10 damage for each object or structure destroyed. This also applies to any loose objects such as arrows or weapons not held by a creature.
-Enlighten: Rather than weaving a complex web of key to achieve your goals, instead your ki becomes entirely focused on one point. You may spend 12 ki to Enlighten yourself. When you do so your hands burn with blinding light. Each creature that can see you and would make an attack against you must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute. Any unarmed strike you make while this effect is active deals an additional 2d10 fire damage and blinds the creature for 1 minute on a success. If a creature is wearing non magical metal equipment, they must succeed on a dexterity saving throw or have that equipment melted. Acting as though it was affected by the heat metal spell. This effect lasts for 1d4 rounds plus your wisdom modifier.
-Engulf: Your ki seeps into the ground, drawing out the moisture from it and engulfing the area around you. You may spend 6 ki to Engulf. A torrent of water surrounds your feet in a 100ft circle, and creatures within the circle can either gain double movement speed or lose half of it up to your discretion. The same is for advantage and disadvantage on dexterity saving throws. This effect lasts for one minute.
Avatar of the Elements (17th)[edit]
Beginning at 17th level you become an Avatar of the Elements, you may now use each technique from each element, meaning for each feature where you would have picked one of four, you now possess all four.
Way of the Alien Mind[edit]
The Way of the Alien Mind Monks follow of unique, far less physical form of training. Rather than training their bodies, they spend years opening their mind to the foreign influences of the stars. For a time, many Alien Mind Monks realized wildly different powers, however over time it seems something has begun to reach out to us, exchanging their alien warping of space for our knowledge in the manipulation of ki. Many Monks of this Monastery do not know how their powers work exactly but are able to direct them with strong intention. (I encourage you to write your own Alien Mind Monk subclass, the point of this subclass is that is can really be whatever you want and be used as an interesting story beat in a campaign)
Distortion Force (3rd)[edit]
Beginning at 3rd you gain a number of Distortion Force, or DF. DF acts similar to Ki in that is a resource based off a stat that fuels your many abilities. You have a number of DF equal to the amount of Ki you posses and it regenerates in the same way.
Light begins to distort at your will bending around creatures or yourself. As a bonus action you may spend 1 DF to force a creature you can see to make a wisdom saving throw, on a failure an object or creature of your choice becomes invisible to them for 1 minute, similar to the effects of the Invisibility spell. When you take this bonus action you may pay an additional 1 DF to affect an additional creature and object a number of times equal to your Monk level.
The redirection of force allows you to weaken the attacks of enemies. When an enemy makes an attack, you may use your reaction to decrease the damage of the attack by 1d6 damage. You may spend any number of DF to decrease the damage by an additional d6 for each DF spent.
Your distortion carefully binds a broken object through fission As an action, at your touch you may spend 2 DF to either cast the Mending cantrip, or heal a creature for 2d6 hit points
Warp Distort (5th)[edit]
Starting at 5th level, you may create a field of distortion. Raising your hands, you create a line extending from yourself. The length of this line depends on the number of DF spent. For every 2 DF spent the line grows 15ft longer or 5 ft wider to the left or right. If multiple Monks were to channel this ability at the same time from the same square, the lengths would combine as long as they are going the same direction. For example, if each monk spends 2 DF to send the line north from the same square, the line would be 30ft long. While the monks can cast the line at the same time, they do not have to. One can always extend the line after it is already created extending its duration as well. Creatures who move within the line are either sped up or slowed down based on the original caster’s discretion A sped up creature gains the following benefits:
- Doubled movement speed - Movement does not provoke opportunity attacks
Creatures slowed by the distortion gain the following effects:
- Halved movement speed - Creatures attacking them have advantage
Alien Mind Monks who are within the distortion, regardless of whether they are considered sped up or slowed may spend 1 DF to teleport to either end of the line. The distortion lasts for 1d6 turns, adding an additional 1d6 each time it is extended.
Alien in Mind and Body (6th)[edit]
At 6th level, the effects of exposure of the strange alien influences have begun to warp your body. Choose one of these effects to receive:
-Grey Matter pigmentation: You skin has turned a pale grey and is now cold to the touch. You are now sensitive to sunlight, having disadvantage on perception checks in direct sunlight and take double damage from radiant and fire damage. However, you now resist Cold, Necrotic, Psychic, and Force damage. Your Wisdom score increases by 2.
-All seeing eyes: Your eyes now have a sickly yellow ring and square pupils. You gain advantage on intimidation checks against creatures who can see your eyes as well as you can see the presence of any creature within 30ft of you, even through walls. You do not see their outline or form, but if you can have spent enough time interacting with this creature (DM's discretion) you can tell whose presence it is.
- Gibbering Mouths: A mouth can appear on any surface of your body at will, these mouths have sharp teeth, making an attack action with them counts as an unarmed strike causing your unarmed strikes to deal an additional 1d10 piercing damage, these mouths can also speak any language and mimic any sound or voice you've heard.
Rend (11th)[edit]
Starting at 11th level as an action you may make an attack with a monk weapon or an unarmed strike upon hit, you may spend a number of DF to Rend the target. For a small creature, 5 DF, Medium 10 DF, or Large 15 DF, anything larger is up to the DM as to whether you can and how much DF it takes to rend. When you rend a creature, you forcefully expel it from the fabric of space. A creature affected by Rend is removed from this plane of existence for 1d4 turns. After this effect ends, they are forced back into our plane, taking 5d10 force damage and appearing in the nearest unoccupied space to the space they were last in.
Phase (15th)[edit]
Starting at 15th level you may use your reaction or action to Phase yourself or another creature out. Phasing out essentially makes your invulnerable, you become completely intangible and immune to all damage except psychic. A phased-out creature gains a flying speed of 15ft. A phased-out creature cannot speak unless telepathically. To phase out yourself costs 3 DF, to phase out another willing creature it costs 5 DF. It costs an additional 3 DF to continue this effect each turn that you or another creature remains intangible. (You must pay 3 DF for each intangible creature, not 3 for all.)
Reshape (16th)[edit]
Starting at 16th level, on your turn you may take the reshape action, upon taking this action you gain the effects of the Move Earth Spell (however you may now affect stone and stone construction), the Control Water spell, and the Plant Growth spell for one turn. Even if activating their effects would take an action you may activate all of them as apart of taking the reshape action. This effect costs 10 DF
Final Shape (17th)[edit]
Starting at 17th level your body retains this shimmering fuzzy outline. knowledge and control over the fabric of reality allows you to draw Distortion Force from the life essence of other creatures. Whenever another creature takes damage regain 1 DF.
.<!-focuses on unarmed attacks and mobility->