Momokin (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Their appearance is similar to humans, though they have a long tail, fur, hands for feet and monkey ears.



They were originally monkeys living amongst the jungle. One day they we're visited by a by the celestial deity Momokai. In pity of the monkeys, Momokai blessed them with the sacred artifact Gracgumbavacci, spurring their evolution and granting them self awareness. This brought about the pilgrimage of Gracgumbavacci, in which Gracgumbavacci was escorted through out the lands blessing the many different species of monkey and similar primates, creating the many Subraces of momokin. They've evolved and advance in unison with the plant, finding ways to create/utilize new and advanced technologies without sacrificing the nature around them.


Momokin typically live in small village amongst the canopy of forest foraging for fruits and getting what they need hunting the animals below. They've also been known to live in mountain villages around hot springs. They study regularly to pay homage to Momokai. Their familiarity with nature allows them to communicate through trees, rocks, and the ground. They typically speak Momokinese though they are more then capable of learning any language and even capable of communicating with animals.

Momokin Names[edit]

Male: names typically ending in ra, ri, ru, ro, re, or r

I.e. Momoru, Danari, Kor

Female: names typically ending in na, ni, nu, no, ne, or n

I.e. Samuna, Toskno, Ionu

Momokin Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your dex score increases by 4 and your wis score increases by 2.
Age. childhood(1-20), young adult(21-80), adult(81-140), elderly(141-200)
Alignment. typically good, though they're capable of any
Size. small to medium, typically around 4 to 5 feet but can be smaller or larger
Speed. Your base walking speed is 60 feet.
Darkvision. darkvision
nimble climber. can climb and recover from falls with ease, always has advantage with these actions
tail stool. can attack with 4 single handed weapons at once in lui of movement
call of the wild. summon local wildlife to your location
primal instincts. all Dodge reactions offer a chance to counter, advantage on dodging
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Momokinese and one other language of your choice. Capable of communication with animals and communication through natural objects
Subrace. Le-le Momokin

Le-le Momokin[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your cha score increases by 3
built in glider. glide using loose skin attached to arms and legs
undeniably cute. +5 to persuasion rolls, -5 to intimidation rools
big ears. +2 to perception rolls
big eyes. +2 to perception rolls
exceptionally nimble. able to fit through space as big around as it's head

Random Height and Weight[edit]

4′ 0'' +2d12 90 lbs lb. × (2d10) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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