Mistic ball (5e Class)

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Mystic Ball[edit]

The Mystic Ball is a master of the pitch who combines athletic prowess with arcane energy to control the game and support their allies. Channeling magical energies through extraordinary physical skill, Mystic Ball players execute dazzling maneuvers that defy the laws of physics and leave spectators in awe while disorienting their opponents. Whether in a packed stadium or on a battlefield, the Mystic Ball uses their innate talent to influence the flow of play and shift the momentum in their favor.

Class Features

As a Mystic Ball you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d10 per Mystic Ball level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + Constitution modifier per Mystic Ball level after 1st


Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: Artisan's Tools (Leatherworking Tools)
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Charisma
Skills: Acrobatics, Athletics, Persuasion, Intimidation, Perception


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Enchanted Soccer Ball or (b) Team Jersey or (c) Magic Whistle
  • (a) Explorer’s Pack or (b) Entertainer’s Pack
  • (a) Boots of Speed or (b) {{{item3b}}}
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have 3d4 x 10 gold pieces in funds.

Table: The Mystic Ball

Level Proficiency
Spells Known Features —Spell Slots per Spell Level—
1st +2 2 Ball Control, Magic Pass
2nd +2 3 Arcane Dribble
3rd +2 4 Enchanted Shot, Field Play
4th +2 5 Ability Score Improvement, Team Synergy
5th +3 6 Field Mastery
6th +3 7
7th +3 8
8th +3 9 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 10 Pitch Aura
10th +4 11
11th +4 12
12th +4 13 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 14
14th +5 15
15th +5 16
16th +5 17 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 18 Arcane Champion
18th +6 19
19th +6 20 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 22 Legend of the Field

Class Features[edit]

Ball Control (Level 1)[edit]

You are a virtuoso at controlling the ball. You may use your enchanted ball as an improvised weapon that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. In addition, you can make ranged attacks with the ball up to 30 feet without disadvantage.

Magic Pass (Level 1)[edit]

You can infuse the ball with magical energy to execute passes that defy logic. As an action, you may launch the ball toward an ally within 60 feet. The target gains a +2 bonus on its next attack roll or ability check.

Arcane Dribble (Level 2)[edit]

Your dribbling skills are enhanced by arcane energy. When you use a bonus action, you can move an extra 10 feet, and you gain advantage on saving throws against effects that reduce your speed.

Enchanted Shot (Level 3)[edit]

You learn to channel magical energy through the ball. When making an attack with the ball, you may cast a touch or ranged spell through it, using your normal attack roll. Additionally, you may choose one of the following enhancements: - Your shot deals an extra 1d6 force damage. - Your shot forces the target to make a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus) or be knocked prone. This ability recharges after a short or long rest.

Field Play (Level 3)[edit]

You can perform extraordinary maneuvers on the field. Once per long rest, you may execute a play that allows you to reposition any number of allies within 30 feet, granting them a +2 bonus on their next attack roll. This play must be declared before any dice are rolled.

Team Synergy (Level 5)[edit]

Your presence on the field inspires your teammates. When an ally within 30 feet makes an attack roll or saving throw, you can use your reaction to grant them advantage on that roll.

Field Mastery (Level 9)[edit]

Your awareness of the game is unparalleled. You cannot be surprised, and you gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class against opportunity attacks as your anticipation of enemy movements is uncanny.

Pitch Aura (Level 13)[edit]

You emanate an aura of confidence and skill. All allies within 10 feet gain a +1 bonus to attack rolls and damage. Additionally, once per long rest, you can grant all allies within the aura immunity to being charmed or frightened for 1 minute.

Arcane Champion (Level 17)[edit]

Your connection with the magic of the game reaches new heights. Once per long rest, you may cast two spells of 1st or 2nd level without expending a spell slot. Moreover, when you cast a spell through Enchanted Shot, its damage increases by an extra 1d8.

Legend of the Field (Level 20)[edit]

You have ascended to legendary status on the field. Once per long rest, you can perform a legendary play that lasts for 1 minute. During this time, all allies within 30 feet gain a +2 bonus to all rolls, and any attack you make automatically counts as a critical hit. This legendary play represents your ultimate mastery over both athleticism and magic.

Mystic Ball Specializations[edit]

Arcane Striker[edit]

Focusing on offensive prowess, the Arcane Striker uses magical energy to outmaneuver defenses and score spectacular goals. - == Empowered Shot (Level 3) ==

 Your attacks with the ball deal 1d8 damage instead of 1d6, as the magical energy amplifies the force behind your shot.

- == Phantom Feint (Level 7) ==

 As a bonus action, you force a target within 30 feet to make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus). On a failure, the target suffers disadvantage on its next attack roll against you.

- == Spectral Finisher (Level 10) ==

 Once per short rest, you can make an attack that ignores cover and resistance to damage, piercing through obstacles and enemies alike.

- == Intimidating Presence (Level 15) ==

 Enemies within 10 feet have disadvantage on attack rolls against your allies as your aura of confidence unnerves them.

Mystic Midfielder[edit]

As the engine of the team, the Mystic Midfielder specializes in support and control, directing the flow of the game. - == Arcane Vision (Level 3) ==

 You can see through illusions and detect invisible creatures within 30 feet.

- == Phantom Pass (Level 7) ==

 Your passes can travel through creatures and nonmagical objects, enabling assists that defy expectations.

- == Field of Energy (Level 10) ==

 Create a zone with a 15-foot radius around you where allies gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws.

- == Rhythm Master (Level 15) ==

 Once per short rest, you may allow an ally within 30 feet to re-roll a failed attack or saving throw, as you momentarily alter the flow of time on the field.

Esoteric Defender[edit]

Dedicated to protecting the goal, the Esoteric Defender transforms defensive skills into magical shields. - == Iron Wall (Level 3) ==

 You can create a magical barrier around yourself or an ally, granting a +2 bonus to AC for 1 minute.

- == Ethereal Block (Level 7) ==

 When an enemy attacks you or an adjacent ally, you can use your reaction to force a Dexterity saving throw (DC = 8 + your Charisma modifier + proficiency bonus). On a failure, the attack misses.

- == Shielding Aura (Level 10) ==

 You emit an aura within a 10-foot radius that reduces damage taken by allies by 2 (this bonus does not stack with other effects).

- == Guardian’s Command (Level 15) ==

 Once per long rest, you can redirect an attack aimed at an ally to yourself, nullifying its damage entirely.

- == Arcane Bastion (Level 17) ==

 When you use Iron Wall, you may extend its effect to cover a 30-foot radius, granting all allies within that area resistance to one damage type of your choice for 1 minute.