Minor Insult (3.5e Spell)

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Minor Insult Cantrip
Evocation [Sonic attack that does 1d3 hp damage]
Level: Bard 0
Components: V
Casting time: 1 Swift Action
Range: 25 Feet
Target: 1 Object or Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

The Bard speaks a quick minor insult at the target. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack to hit your target. The Minor Insult inflicts 1d3 Sonic Damage, and can affect living beings, incorporeal beings, and physical objects.

Author's Note This is one of many alternate damage type cantrips. They all do 1d3 damage, have a range of 25 feet, and require the caster to hit a Touch AC.
Damage TypesThermal (Cold/Heat), Fire, Electricity, Toxin, Venom, Poison, Necrotic, Divine, Infernal, Fae, Force (Bludgeoning, Piercing, Slashing), Sonic, Radiant, Shadow, Corrosive (Acid/Base), Psychic, Desiccation, Dehydration, Matrix Rending, Corruption, Stasis, Disease, Arcane, Nature, Blood, and possibly others

Roll 20 3.5e Spell Template (see edit page for correct symbols)
&{template:DnD35StdRoll} Template:Spellflag=true {{name=@{character_name} }} {{Takes 1 Swift Action to Cast the Cantrip for [Minor Insult](https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Minor_Insult_(3.5e_Spell) at **@{target|Target 1|token_name}** attacking ([[1d20+@{globalAttackBonus}+@{dex-mod} ?{Flank |No, 0|Yes, 2}[Flank] + ?{Additional Attack Bonus?|0}[Ad'l Atk Bon]}} ]] vs Touch AC) for 1d3 HP Sonic Damage.}}

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