Minor Alignment Barrier (3.5e Spell)

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Minor Alignment Barrier
Level: Barrier Mage 1
Casting time: 1 Standard Action
Range: 15ft +5ft/caster level
Target, or Area: 15ft by 15ft by 15ft dome
Duration: 1d4+1 rounds

The Minor Alignment Barrier functions as a way to hold certain beings in place while allowing others to pass through. Upon creation, you need to make an additional d4 roll along with the duration roll. This spell can be cast as an immediate action with the immediate defence ability

d4 results

1: (good) Your created barrier can hold inside of it any good aligned character until either the duration ends or an evil aligned character or weapon strikes the barrier.

2: (neutral) your created barrier can hold inside of it any neutral aligned character until either the duration ends or a good or evil aligned character strikes the barrier.

3: (evil) Your created barrier can hold inside of it any evil aligned character until either the duration ends or a good aligned character or weapon strikes the barrier.

4: (players choice)

The alignment chosen cannot enter or leave the barrier unless the duration ends or one of the conditions is met, though escape with any teleport spell is possible.

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