Minifigure (5e Race)

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Long ago, a toymaker who's name has been lost to time created a design for a set of interlocking bricks to entertain the children of the village, and teach them the value of building. Eventually, some nobles caught wind of this, and offered the toymaker more gold then he could imagine to make themed sets, as well as dolls to fit in with his creations. He gladly accepted, and the dolls he made are the first instances of Minifigures, albeit inanimate. Though, one spellcaster decided to imbue one with consciousness, and that's where your character comes in.

Physical Description[edit]

A minifigure is typically no more then 4 centimeters tall, although there have been instances of minifigures being made the same size as humans.


Minifigure history is typically muddled, and not much is known besides the Toymaker and what lead to their creation.

Attitudes and Beliefs[edit]

Minifigure Attitudes and Beliefs vary wildly, depending on what type of character they're meant to represent.

Minifigure Names[edit]

Much like their Attitudes and Beliefs, Minifigure names can vary wildly.

Minifigure Traits[edit]

A pocket sized adventurer with a creative mind.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2, and your Wisdom and Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Minifigures are created at a set age, and do not age. However, their bodies can be tarnished.
Alignment. Minifigure alignments, much like humans, can vary wildly.
Size. Your size is Tiny.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 10 feet.
Builder-To-Be. A sentient Minifigure has the ability to build using interconnecting bricks of various shapes and colors, as well as enhance these abilities by way of special bricks made of solid gold.
Discover. As an action, a Minifigure can inspect an item or entity. On a successful Perception check (Difficulty is to be determined by the DM.), the Minifigure adds the item to their collection, and may create an exact copy as an action, or erase similar items as well. Items created in this way are made to the Minifigure's scale out of interlocking bricks. For each 10 Gold Bricks the Minifigure has collected, they get a +1 on Perception Checks to perform this action. This ability cannot be used to copy Treasure Chests, disable or delete traps, or on hostile entities.
Paint. As an action, a Minifigure can paint a 5ft area with any color. At 25 Gold Bricks, this ability can be used to change the properties of painted surfaces, such as the effect of a spell like Wood To Stone. This ability is upgraded again at 50 Gold Bricks to allow the Minifigure to change the properties of solid objects to liquids.
Build. As an action, a Minifigure can conjure a small amount of interlocking bricks to build an object. This object is mundane. The amount of bricks that can be created increases a tiny amount with each Gold Brick acquired.
Copy/Paste. At 15 Gold Bricks, as an action, a Minifigure can use Discover on objects made with Build. The amount of structures that can be held onto in this way increases by 1 every 15 Gold Bricks.
Landscaping. At 75 Gold Bricks, as an action, a Minifigure may cast Mold Earth as if it were a cantrip.
Master Builder. At 100 Gold Bricks, a Minifigure stands on the pinnacle of perfection, and gains a powerful ability. By performing a ritual that takes a whole day, a Minifigure can summon a whole demiplane of their own, made of interlocking bricks, to their specifications. They may access this demiplane at any time by performing a 1-minute ritual, and may change anything in it on a whim.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

When creating a <race name> character, you can use the following table of traits, ideals, bonds and flaws to help flesh out your character. Use these tables in addition to or in place of your background's characteristics.

d8 Personality Trait
d6 Ideal
d6 Bond
d6 Flaw
(0 votes)

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