Military Conscript (5e Background)

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A conscript is a soldier who have been drafted into obligatory military service trough a process of involuntary enlistment - the recruitment. Conscripts, also called as recruits, fought for their nations not for pride or glory, but out of a civic duty to your country. As a conscript, you might have been recruited to battle due to an ongoing war, as part of a emergence drafting process, that demand all able bodied adults to join the war effort. Alternatively, you may be a citizen of a country who maintains a standing army, and who regularly recruits young adults who just turn to adulthood, keeping a trained military force to protect its sovereignty.

Although the military service for a conscript is obligatory, not all conscripts have been forced to serve. There are some who willingly volunteer, expecting to follow a military career, by asking to join the army. This is not an uncommon practice were not all young adults, only a portion of them, are selected to serve as conscripts, allowing room for a certain degree of voluntarily. In armies of conscripts, volunteers are seen in high regard, and deemed honored patriots, that launch themselves to the opportunity to serve, instead of passively waiting for the call of duty.

Skill Proficiencies: Athletics, Survival

Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land) or (water) and one artisan's tools of choice.

Equipment: a piece of military clothing (such as a distinctive cloak or jacket), a set of common clothes, an object that reminds you from your time of service (such as a medal or a ceremonial object or weapon), a token of good luck (like a holy symbol or any object that fits your superstition), and a pouch with 10 gp

Feature: Tough[edit]

The hardships of the military bootcamp have granted you a enduring body and resilient mind. As a result, whenever you gain a level of exhaustion, you can choose to delay that exhaustion for the next 8 hours. If you do so, you don't suffer a level of exhaustion for the duration or until you start a rest.

When you do start a rest, however, you suffer one additional level of exhaustion, as a result of you pushing yourself to the limits of your body.

Suggested Characteristics[edit]

Due to the involuntary nature of conscription, it is not uncommon that after serving the army, the former soldier will follow a totally unrelated career. Some were not even soldiers in the strict sense of the word, not having battled in any wars but, instead, just having the experience in the training grounds. These carry with them the memories of service, some remembering with fondness the camaraderie found among fellow recruits and valuing the strength and resilience gained trough training, while others have revulsion to these memories, carrying the traumas of surviving in the battlefield, or the abuse endured in the hands of cruel officials. Regardless, the experience as a conscript will always significantly change the personality and world view of those who have served.

d8 Personality Trait
1 I'm rude and brutish, having no social tact outside of the one needed in the barracks.
2 I tend to gravitate towards the role of leadership in situations that require physical action to be taken.
3 I like to show off my physical and martial prowess whenever i got the chance to do so.
4 I love to curious and funny tales about my time in the army, and like to invent stories just for the fun of seeing someone believing it.
5 I often say military catchphrases and one-liners in any situation i have the opportunity to do so.
6 I have a very strict personality, and will never do or say anything inappropriate. I also have a deep respect for protocol and hierarchy.
7 I love reading and telling war stories and historical events, and i have a profound curiosity about military history.
8 I'm deeply religious, and i attribute my success in battle to divine protection. I'll often pray after and before a tough battle, and i tend to carry a symbol of my god with me.
d6 Ideal
1 Community. The job of the strong is to protect those unable to do it themselves. This is the only way our nation can thrive! (Good)
2 Duty. There's no higher purpose than serving your nation and your fellowman by joining the army. (Lawful)
3 Autonomy. If i'm obligated to follow the rules, i'll do it in my way - or not do it at all, if i can avoid the consequences. (Chaos)
4 Conquest. The duty of the strong is to conquer the weak. This is the only way our nation can thrive. (Evil)
5 Discretion. Stupid rules and stupid orders don't have to be followed. Respect must be earned trough intelligence, not authority (Neutral)
6 Patriotism. I'll love my country and what it stands for, and i want to do my part to make it a better place to live! (Any)
d6 Bond
1 I serve my nation with proud an honor, and its security , history and tradition are more important than my life.
2 There's nothing more important to me than the comrades i have made in the army. They are brothers to me.
3 I uphold the values of my nation, even when my nation doesn't, and those are ideals worth fighting for.
4 The sole purpose of the combat knowledge i gained in the army is to protect those who i care and love.
5 I want revenge for the violence caused by the enemies of my nation.
6 I enjoy the brutality and combat, and to me the fight is not a means to an end, but an end in on itself.
d6 Flaw
1 I was a terrible recruit, and my memories in the army still bring me shame.
2 I can't stop bragging about my time in the army, and sometimes i'll embellish my stories of war or make up them.
3 I have an irrational hatred or fear for foreigners.
4 I'm extremely opposed to the army, and i'll go out of my way to show my disdain towards military personal and to the institution of army.
5 I believe it is my duty to serve and protect my fellow citizens, and i'll risk my life to do so.
6 I'm a patriot, and i'll put myself in harms way to defend my nation from even the slightest of insults.
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