Meta-gaming Poraquê (5e Creature)
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Lord Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Meta-gaming Poraquê The First[edit]
Gargantuan poraquê (homebrew type), neutral Armor Class 25 (natural armor)
Saving Throws Str +17, Dex +16 Almost immortal. You are immune to effects that would kill you instantly. Aura of Adaptation. When a living creature within 120 feet of Poraquê would regain hit points, he regains half as many hit points. Conditional Adaptation. When Poraquê gains a condition, it recovers from that condition at the end of its next turn, and will become immune to that condition at the same rate as in Eight-Handled Wheel for 1 hour. Eight-Handled Wheel. When Poraquê takes damage, at the beginning of his next turn the wheel on the top of its head will spin. At the beginning of his 4th turn after that, Poraquê will adapt and gain immunity to that type of damage for 1 hour (He cannot gain immunity to silver attacks, so instead of immunity, it becomes resistance). If he receives damage from that same type again during this period, it will be reduced by 1 turn (so from beginning of the 4th turn to 3rd > 2nd > next turn); when Poraquê is 2 turns away from adapting to a type of damage he becomes resistant to it. Each type of damage will have a different counting. Obstacle Adaptation. Poraquê's ability to adapt to all phenomena, as it implies, extends to all phenomena. If Poraquê encounters an obstacle such as a flying enemy, a barrier it can't trespass, or a special type of attack or spell used against it, it will start adapting to such as described in Eight-Handled Wheel, eventually adapting to it, be it by start flying, ignoring barriers, becoming immune to a specific ability, spell or effect or any other way to do so as decided by the DM. Reflective Carapace. Any time the Poraquê is targeted by a magic missile spell, a line spell, or a spell that requires a ranged attack roll, roll a d6. On a 1 to 5, the Poraquê is unaffected. On a 6, the Poraquê is unaffected, and the effect is reflected back at the caster as though it originated from the Poraquê, turning the caster into the target. Regeneration. The Poraquê regains 50 hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point. Amphibious. The Meta-gaming Poraquê can breathe air and water. Real Appearance. While it is not moving, the Poraquê is indistinguishable from an Poraquê. Blows as hard as Adamantine Poraquê's damage ignores any resistance, immunity, and absorption Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Poraquê fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. Magic Weapons. The Poraquê's attacks are magical. Magic Resistance. The Poraquê has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Meta-existence. The Meta-gaming Poraquê doesn't sleep, doesn't eat, doesn't drink, and cannot become exhausted. Its existence is universally accepted and many creatures feel an unexplained urge to kill it. Meta-knowledge. The Meta-gaming Poraquê can successfully communicate meta-gaming information to any creature, even if the creature doesn't know any language. Meta-presence. The Meta-gaming Poraquê normally exists outside of reality but it can physically manifest itself at any time and place of its choosing. Also, the Poraquê can enter any combat at any point that way, even during another player's turn. Once the Poraquê cannot be seen or sensed by any other creature at the start of its turn, or is simply ignored, it disappears from reality again. If the Poraquê was controlled by a player when it disappeared, the player regains control of their original character. Meta-speed. The Meta-gaming Poraquê cannot be surprised, and it always enters combat at the top of initiative order regardless of its initiative roll (for the purpose of book-keeping use initiative count 99). Meta-mortality. If its hit points drop to 0, The Meta-gaming Poraquê doesn't die, but instead disappears from reality. If the Poraquê is at the time being controlled by a player, the player instantly regains control of their character and must succeed on a DC 30 Intelligence saving throw (using their character's stats, not the Poraquê's) or be forced to choose the consequences of their actions in real life. The consequences can be one of the following: 10 pushups, 10 situps, get yelled at by the DM for 10 seconds, or get smacked across the head by the DM. The Poraquê can manifest itself again immediately after, with full health, as if nothing happened. Enrage. The Poraquê will enter a ragelike state when it drops below half of its max hit points. When this happens, it gains advantage on all Strength and Dexterity checks, and increases its land and water speeds by 20. All of its attacks deal an additional 1d6 lightning damage. Siege Monster. The Poraquê deals double damage to objects and structures. ACTIONSBite. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 20 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d10 + 8) piercing damage. On a hit, the target must make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw or be grappled. Swallow. The Poraquê attempts to swallow a creature grappled in its jaws. The target must make a DC 24 Strength saving throw or be swallowed by the Poraquê. While inside the stomach of the Poraquê, the creature takes 5d12 acid damage at the end of each of its turns. If the Poraquê takes 40 damage or more from the inside in one turn, it spits the creature out. The Poraquê can only have one creature swallowed at a time. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (4d4 + 8) slashing damage. The Poraquê makes a claw attack with a reach of 17 feet, dealing 7 (3d4) slashing damage on a hit. Tail Swipe. Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 25 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (5d6 +8) bludgeoning damage. On a hit, the target must make a DC 22 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. Coiled Strike (3/Day). Melee Weapon Attack: Can be used in water or on land. The Poraquê coils its body, gathering its strength for a few seconds before (a) on land it lunges towards an opponent and snaps its jaws around them for 26 (4d12) piercing damage, or (b) in water it darts very quickly at the opponent, dealing 26 (4d12) damage as well as 17 (5d6) cold damage to opponents within 10 feet, from the icy waters whipping around them. If Discharge is active, lightning damage is added to the attack, shown in the Discharge description. Discharge. Can only be used in water. The Poraquê can use the spikes on its back as an electricity conductor, gathering electric molecules from the surrounding water. After doing this, it is able to discharge the electricity, affecting an area of 30 feet around itself as the electricity arcs in a fantastic display. If it gathers electricity once, it deals 11 (2d10) lightning damage. Twice, it deals 22 (4d10) lightning damage. And 3 times, it deals 33 (6d10) lightning damage. Paralyzing Spit. Can be used in water or on land. The Poraquê can quickly spit a ball of electricity at an opponent, rolling to hit as with a normal ranged attack. If hit the target makes a Constitution saving throw (DC 22)). It takes 11 (2d10) lightning damage on a failed save, and is paralyzed for three rounds. It can roll against paralysis on each of its turns. On a successful save, it takes half damage and is not paralyzed. REACTIONSEight-Handled Wheel. When Poraquê takes damage, the wheel on the top of its head spins and it reduces the period of adapting to that type of damage by 1 turn. If it's still hasn't begun to adapt to this type of damage, it will start the adaptation with 1 turn already counted. Poraquê then makes one melee weapon attack against the attacker if it is within reach. Resisting Adaptation. When Poraquê is hit with an attack it is currently adapting to, it may spend its reaction to impose disadvantage against the attack hitting it. If it is a saving throw, Poraquê may roll with advantage. Force player control. At any point during the game the Meta-gaming Poraquê can use its reaction to force one of the players to control it. The player immediately stops controlling their own character, which appears frozen in time and cannot be moved or harmed, and becomes the Meta-gaming Poraquê. The DM hands over this stat-block to the player. This reaction can be prevented at the DMs discretion. (Variant rule: The taking of control can happen at the player's discretion, unbeknown to the DM. In this case the Poraquê becomes invisible and is assumed to have automatically succeeded on its stealth checks until it reveals itself voluntarily or the DM realises the player is controlling the Poraquê.) Check source material. At any point during the game the Meta-gaming Poraquê can use its reaction to consult any piece of information, be it a character sheet, a rulebook, a monster stat-block or any other materials at its disposal in order to seek meta-gaming information. When controlled by the player the Poraquê can only use information at the player's disposal, unless the DM allows otherwise. Relay meta-gaming information. At any point during the game the Meta-gaming Poraquê can use its reaction to relay a piece of meta-gaming information it knows to one or more creatures of its choice. It can choose to do so using telepathy, but every time it does so it makes a cooing sound that alerts nearby creatures. LEGENDARY ACTIONSThe Poraquê can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. The Poraquê regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Legendary Resistance. The Poraquê can choose to succeed a failed saving throw three times per long rest. Adaptive Return (Costs 3 Actions). The wheel on the Poraquê's head begins to spin violently, and it makes one Bite attack against each creature within 120 feet of it that has triggered his Eight-Handled Wheel in the past minute. |
The Poraquê is a gargantuan creature, average size 125 feet, but ancient Poraquê can reach titan-like sizes as they age. It prefers to make its lair in massive underwater caverns. Its striking blue scales make it blend into water easily, striking its prey quickly before it can react. Few creatures that have encountered a Poraquê have escaped alive, most simply becoming prey to the massive beast. Legends and ballads sung of the monster have given it the title "Lord of the Poraquês." Also Meta-gaming has always been a problematic feature in any D&D edition, so why not give a name and a physical form and at least give yourself, as the DM, a chance to swat it away like a vermin that it is. This creature was inspired by Nargas and Law. So, if you want to have some fun, teach your players a lesson, or just give a name and physical representation to one of the most annoying things in D&D universe, then here you go. The way it works is that when you hear one of your players start meta-gaming, you go: "I see you've become the meta-gaming Poraquê. Well, let the hunt begin!" Explain to them that the meta-gaming Poraquê transferred their consciousness into its Poraquê body, give them the stat-block so that they know what they're working with and try and kill them. If you succeed you can punish your player accordingly. It's in the rules so they can't say no. I specifically meant for the Poraquê to be hard to hit, hard to catch and hard to be prevented from using its features and abilities. But once you hit it, it is pretty much a guaranteed kill. Just like in real life. And just like in real life you can be sure it will eventually rear its ugly Poraquê head again. Keep in mind this is more of a joking representation of meta-gaming in game (as in, taking a phenomenon that is quintessentially "out of game" and translating it into the D&D ruleset in a humorous manner), rather than an actual monster your party should come across in the actual game world, but it is still meant to be playable within the constraints of the game, and perfectly killable with the right tools at your disposal. So next time one of your players decides to tip the balance by helping their friends out of game, instead of politely explaining for the hundredth time why that's a no-no, take a short, unscheduled break from your usual campaign, whip this bad boy out and let the games begin. Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Meta-gaming Poraquê is the most uncontrollable Poraquê in the history of the Amazon River. It has never been tamed or commanded like other Poraquês in the history of the entire Brazil. The Poraquê itself is a towering, muscular Poraquê figure with four wings protruding from its eye sockets and a tail-like appendage extending from the back of its head. Hovering just above this is a large eight-handled wheel that rotates as he responds to new stimuli. Furu's Incantation of the Ten Sacred Treasures and this wheel represent a complete cycle and harmony. Eight-Handled Sword Divergent Sila Divine General Meta-gaming Poraquê also sports black hakama bottoms and a white sash around its waist to cover most of its lower body. |
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