Mechs (3.5e Other)
As with all great implements use for war, the Mech was created during a war long ago(DM's choice) mostly from parts already used in other equipment. The idea was to create a war-ready multipurpose ride for troops to combat the army of Warforged, that was not prone to temperament, fear, exhaustion, or any of the other limitations of living rides. Undead or deathless rides were deemed unethical by the clerics of the gods of the creator nation. Specific purpose war machines were created later as this war ravaged on becoming more battle-specific and brutal in nature. After the war, Mech’s were mostly retired or had been destroyed. Some have been maintained or resurrected from the ancient war past and put into use...
Due to their appearance and cost, mech’s are not located in most areas. In the areas where the can be found, they are often used by the wealth and or powerful. Due it the cost, skill and difficulty on creating and maintaining a Mech, it is rare to find anyone able to do so in anything less than a large City. Some rare cases do exist but are rarely know by the general public.
Creating a Mech parts is done in two sets. First requires a Knowledge (Engineering) check to see if you know how to make each individual part. If Skill Check is failed by 1-9 the part’s design is faulty and only provides only half the bonuses to Strength Modifier, Dexterity Modifier, and Movement Speed Modifier. If Failed by more than 10 the part does not work. This check is made only once at the beginning of creation. Then a Craft (Armorsmith) is needed to see if they can make the part.
If the character has Blueprints of the part, they provide a +10 competence bonus to the Knowledge (Engineering) skill check for creating the part. Blueprints can be created by a successful Knowledge (Engineering) similar to the creation of the part followed by a Craft (Calligraphy) Skill Check. In some cases blueprints can be found in libraries or research facilities. Prices and DC of blueprints are listed in each parts descriptions.
Size and Use[edit]
Due to the difficulty and amount of materials used to make a Mech, only the mech size provided is for large mech’s that can only be used by medium characters. For medium sized mech’s for small characters, reduce the weight by half. For combat purposes, a Mech is considered a | Construct. While using a Mech, you use the following:
- Strength Score: You use the mech’s total strength score instead of your own.
- Dexterity Score: You use the mech’s total Dexterity score instead of your own.
- No Constitution score.
- The Mech has immunity to all mind-affecting effects ( charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). However, if visible, the user of the Mech can still be targeted.
- The Mech has immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, and necromancy effects. However, if visible, the user of the Mech can still be targeted.
- Cannot heal damage on their own, but often can be repaired by use of the Craft (Armorsmith) skill.
- The Mech is not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. However, if visible, the user of the Mech can still be targeted.
- The Mech is immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). However, if visible, the user of the Mech can still be targeted.
- The Mech is not at risk of death from massive damage. Immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points or less.
- Since it was never alive, a construct cannot be raised or resurrected.
- Because its body is a mass of unliving matter, a Mech is hard to destroy. It gains bonus hit points based on size.
- Armor Class: If the Mech does not have a Cockpit Shield, if targeted directly, you are counted as having half cover. If the Mech has one, you use the Mech’s AC in place of your own.
- Size: Because a mech is one size category larger than you, you use modifiers as if you had increased one size. This includes your attack modifier, special attacks modifier, hide modifier, height, space and natural reach.
- Base Movement Speed: While using a Mech, you use it’s movement speed.
- Special Attacks: You gain an unarmed attack that deals damage equal to 2× a gauntlet for your mech's size.
Mech Components[edit]
Mechs are composed of several separate parts. There is the Torso that contains the power source and houses the Cockpit. Unless stated, Mech torsos do not come with a Cockpit Shield but can be purchased separately. Unless stated otherwise, the torso has two arm and two attachment slots. The Mech Arms and Mech Legs are sold in pairs unless stated in its description.
Torso Layout[edit]
Strength Modifier: This is the base strength of the Mech. Add the bonus strength from the Power Source, Arms, and Legs to get the Mechs total strength score.
Dexterity Modifier: This is the base dexterity of the Mech. Add the bonus dexterity from the Power Source, Arms, and Legs to get the Mechs total dexterity score.
Armor Class: This is the Base Armor Class of the Mech. Add the Bonus armor class from the Arms and Legs for the total Mech AC.
Hit Points: This is the base hit points of the Mech. Add the Bonus hit points from the Arms and Legs for the total Mech Hit Points.
Cockpit Shield: This provides Total Cover to the user of the Mech. Unless stated otherwise, a Mech does not come with a Cockpit Shield. With no Cockpit Shield, the user has partial Cover, giving the user +4 AC.
Weight: This is the weight of the torso.
Cost: This is the cost of the torso.
Craft (Armorsmith): This is the Craft (Armorsmith) check that is need to make the pieces and assemble the part.
Knowledge (Engineering): This is the Knowledge (Engineering) needed to know how to make the part. If Skill Check is failed by 1-9 the part is faulty and only provides only half the bonuses to Strength Modifier, Dexterity Modifier, and Movement Speed Modifier. If Failed by more than 10 the part does not work. This check is made only once at the beginning of creation. Blueprints provide a +5 competence bonus to the Knowledge (Engineering) skill check.
Special: This is a list of all the special abilities or limitations that the torso has.
Light Version: This is a lighter version of the part. It's weight is twenty percent lower then the standard model. Light versions have -2 less strength, -2 AC, and +5 feet faster movement. However light torsos can only be used with light or standard parts.
Heavy version: This is a heavier version of the part. It's weight is twenty percent heavier then the standard model. Heavy versions have +2 more strength, +4 AC, -5 feet slower movement.
Power Source Layout[edit]
Strength Modifier: This is a bonus to your strength score.
Dexterity Modifier: This is a bonus to your dexterity score.
Speed Modifieer: This is a bonus to your base land speed.
Weight: This is the weight of the engine.
Cost: This is the cost of the engine.
Power Generation: This is how the power is generated and what needs to be done to generate it.
"Power Duration:" This is how long the mech can run until it needs to maintenance.
Special: This is a list of all the special abilities or limitations that this power source has.
Cockpit Shield Layout[edit]
Cover Provided: This is the amount of cover provided by the shield.
Visibility of Pilot: This tells whether or not the pilot is visible to those outside the much or not.
Pilot Visibility: This indicates the visibility options of the pilot. Unless stated otherwise, only the pilots normal vision is available.
Weight: This is the weight of the cockpit shield. Normally cockpit shields weight between 50 to 75 pounds.
Craft (Armorsmith): This is the Craft (Armorsmith) check that is need to make the pieces and assemble the part.
Knowledge (Engineering): This is the Knowledge (Engineering) needed to know how to make the part. If Skill Check is failed by 1-9 the part is faulty and only provides only half the bonuses to Strength Modifier, Dexterity Modifier, and Movement Speed Modifier. If Failed by more than 10 the part does not work. This check is made only once at the beginning of creation. Blueprints provide a +5 competence bonus to the Knowledge (Engineering) skill check.
Cost: This is the cost of the engine.
Special: This is a list of all the special abilities or limitations that this cockpit shield has.
Legs Layout[edit]
Strength Modifier: This is a bonus to your mechs strength score.
Dexterity Modifier: This is a bonus to your mechs dexterity score.
Armor Class: This is added to the Armor Class of the Torso for the total AC of the Mech.
Speed Modifieer: This is a bonus to your mechs base land speed.
Weight: This is the weight of the legs. Unless noted otherwise, this is the combined weight of two legs.
Cost: This is the cost of the legs. Unless noted otherwise, legs are sold in pairs.
Craft (Armorsmith): This is the Craft (Armorsmith) check that is need to make the pieces and assemble the part.
Knowledge (Engineering): This is the Knowledge (Engineering) needed to know how to make the part. If Skill Check is failed by 1-9 the part is faulty and only provides only half the bonuses to Strength Modifier, Dexterity Modifier, and Movement Speed Modifier. If Failed by more than 10 the part does not work. This check is made only once at the beginning of creation. Blueprints provide a +5 competence bonus to the Knowledge (Engineering) skill check.
Special: This is a list of all the special abilities or limitations that this power source has.
Arms Layout[edit]
Strength Modifier: This is a bonus to your mechs strength score.
Dexterity Modifier: This is a bonus to your mechs dexterity score.
Armor Class: This is added to the Armor Class of the Torso for the total AC of the Mech.
Weight: This is the weight of the arms. Unless noted otherwise, this is the weight of two arms.
Cost: This is the cost of the arms. Unless noted otherwise, this is the cost of a pair of arms.
Craft (Armorsmith): This is the Craft (Armorsmith) check that is need to make the pieces and assemble the part.
Knowledge (Engineering): This is the Knowledge (Engineering) needed to know how to make the part. If Skill Check is failed by 1-9 the part is faulty and only provides only half the bonuses to Strength Modifier, Dexterity Modifier, and Movement Speed Modifier. If Failed by more than 10 the part does not work. This check is made only once at the beginning of creation. Blueprints provide a +5 competence bonus to the Knowledge (Engineering) skill check.
Special: This is a list of all the special abilities or limitations that this power source has.
Size | Cost | Weight | Strength Modfier | Dexterity Modfier | Movement Speed Modfier | Craft DC1 | Knowledge DC2 | Durration3 |
Light | 500gp | 200lb | +2 | +4 | +10ft | 25 | 28 | 8 Hours |
Medium | 1,000gp | 400lb | +4 | +2 | +10ft | 25 | 28 | 8 Hours |
Heavy | 2,000gp | 800lb | +6 | +2 | +10ft | 25 | 28 | 8 Hours |
Man power[edit]
A mech cannot be man powered but other types of vehicles can be. See below for rules on making man powered vehicles.
A clockwork engine has a winder, and once wound the power goes out slowly though a set of cogs. On another setting the energy is pushed forward rapidly, granting extra power. This setting may be changed in the cockpit.
Equipment slots: 1 ES
Strength Modifier: +2 (Long term winding) or +6 (Short term winding)
Dexterity Modifier: +2 (Long term winding) or +6 (Short term winding)
Speed Modifieer: +10ft (Long term winding) or +30ft (Short term winding)
Weight: 150lb
Cost: 1000gp
Generation: Once wound Clockwork engines generate enough to power the mech for a maximum of 2d6 hours and can be used in short term to give extra benefits for 2d6 rounds. If switched in the middle of the same winding use the same roll values.
Special: Clockwork engines are fairly delicate, and so they take extra damage from critical hits. When a clockwork mech gets critically hit roll a d10, if the result is 1-6 nothing happens, if the result is 7-9 then the mechs clockwork gears have come un synced but the mech will be able to function again in 1d4 rounds (still has basic movement, just no engine bonus) on a roll of 10 the mechs central clockwork system has jammed and must be repaired. Doing so is easy but it requires 2 full rounds which provoke attacks of opportunity.
An animated mech power source uses up no equipment slots but it will not run in an Anti-Magic Field. A mech may get a special object to allow it to work in an Anti-Magic Field.
Equipment slots: 0 ES
Strength Modifier: +0
Dexterity Modifier: +0
Speed Modifieer: +0ft
Weight: 0lb
Cost: 5000gp
Generation: Once enchanted this mech may move indefinitely.
Special: This mech doesn't work in an anti-magic field, unless powered by another motor.
Spell power[edit]
A spell power mech uses spell levels as an energy source, spell levels get charged into mana crystals and then the mech gets powered of that.
Equipment slots: 1 ES
Strength Modifier: Variable (see text)
Dexterity Modifier: Variable (see text)
Speed Modifier: Variable (see text)
Weight: 200lb
Cost: 5000gp
Generation: This mech uses spell power charged from Mana Crystals.
Special: When this is used the Mana Crystal loses one spell level per half hour. You may chose for it to lose more than that, this grants you bonuses equal to +1 strength, +1 dexterity and +5 base land speed per spell level expended. This holds up to 4 mana crystals.
This also includes:
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