MSRD:Archaic Weaponsmaster (Class)

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The fastest path into this advanced class is from the Strong hero basic class, though other paths are possible, in particular Fast heroes for those characters favoring archaic ranged weapons such as bows and crossbows.


To qualify to become an Archaic Weaponsmaster, a character must fulfill the following criteria.

Base Attack Bonus: +3.

Skills: Knowledge (history) 4 ranks.

Feats: Archaic Weapon Proficiency, Weapon Focus with an archaic weapon.

Class Information

The following information pertains to the Archaic Weaponsmaster advanced class.

Hit Die: Archaic Weaponsmasters gain 1d10 hit points per level. The character’s Constitution modifier applies.

Action Points: Archaic Weaponsmasters gain a number of action points equal to 6 plus one-half their character level, rounded down, every time they advance a level in this class.

Class Skills

The Archaic Weaponsmaster’s class skills are as follows: Climb (Str), Craft (mechanical, structural, visual art, writing) (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (art, history, theology and philosophy), Profession (Wis), Research (Int), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str).

Skill Points at Each Level: 3 + Intelligence modifier.

Table:The Archaic Weaponsmaster
Level Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special Defense Bonus Reputation Bonus
1st +0 +2 +0 +0 Weapon specialization +1 +1
2nd +1 +3 +0 +0 Imbue weapon +1 +1 +1
3rd +2 +3 +1 +1 Bonus feat +2 +1
4th +3 +4 +1 +1 Quick weapon draw +2 +2
5th +3 +4 +1 +1 Expert in your field +3 +2
6th +4 +5 +2 +2 Bonus feat +3 +2
7th +5 +5 +2 +2 Weapon stun +4 +3
8th +6 +6 +2 +2 Imbue weapon +2 +4 +3
9th +6 +6 +3 +3 Bonus feat +5 +3
10th +7 +7 +3 +3 Increased weapon critical +5 +4

Class Features

The following features pertain to the Archaic Weaponsmaster advanced class.

Weapon Specialization

At 1st level, the Archaic Weaponsmaster gains the Weapon Specialization feat. She gains a +2 bonus on all damage rolls with a chosen archaic weapon. The Archaic Weaponsmaster must have weapon focus in that weapon in order to gain Weapon Specialization.

Imbue Weapon

At 2nd level, the Archaic Weaponsmaster may treat any archaic weapon she wields and has Weapon Focus with as a +1 magic weapon for purposes of striking creatures with damage reduction. This does not grant the weapon a +1 bonus, but only allows it to circumvent damage reduction.

At 8th level, the Archaic Weaponsmaster may treat any archaic weapon she wields and has Weapon Specialization with as a +2 magic weapon for purposes of striking creatures with damage reduction. This does not grant the weapon a +2 bonus, but only allows it to circumvent damage reduction.

Bonus Feats

At 3rd, 6th, and 9th levels, the Archaic Weaponsmaster gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the Archaic Weaponsmaster must meet all of the prerequisites for the feat to select it.

Advanced Two-Weapon Fighting, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Cleave, Combat Reflexes, Dead Aim, Exotic Melee Weapon Proficiency, Far Shot, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Disarm, Improved Trip, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, Power Attack, Sunder, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus.

Quick Weapon Draw

At 4th level, the Archaic Weaponsmaster gains the ability to draw her weapon as a free action. This applies only to the weapons for which the Archaic Weaponsmaster has Weapon Specialization.

Expert In Your Field

At 5th level, the Archaic Weaponsmaster is considered to be a master of her particular weapon, whether this is as a scholar with a detailed knowledge of the weapon’s history, or as a practitioner, such as a professional archer. Starting with 5th level, the Archaic Weaponsmaster gains a circumstance bonus equal to her Reputation bonus on skill checks that are directly involved with her knowledge and proficiency with the weapon. Such skills would include applicable Knowledge skills, as well as such social skills as Intimidate and Bluff.

Weapon Stun

At 7th level, the Archaic Weaponsmaster can use his or her weapon to deal nonlethal damage, without taking the –4 penalty on attack rolls. The Archaic Weaponsmaster must have Weapon Specialization in the weapon to use it in this fashion.

Increased Weapon Critical

The Archaic Weaponsmaster increases her threat range by one when using an archaic weapon with which she has Weapons Specialization. A weapon that would threaten a critical on 20 would now do so on a 19 or 20, and one which threatens on a 19 or 20 would now do so on an 18 to 20. This ability works with other abilities that increase threat ranges.

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