Living Curse (5e Class)/List of Curse Effects

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List of Curse Effects[edit]

This is a list of curse effects for the living curse composite character.

Curse effects rarely deal direct damage. They consist mostly of debuffs and setting up unusual circumstances for a creature. Thematically, the abilities of living curses deal with manipulating and influencing the minds of creatures, exercising control over fate, and altering reality.

Things to Keep in Mind[edit]

A creature can only be under one non-instantaneous curse effect at a time, unless stated otherwise.

When a curse effect that has affected the marked creature it originated from ends, that creature can repeat its saving throw against your lesser mark.

If a curse effect deals damage to an unmarked creature, you can try to mark it.

Until 9th level, you only have 1 action (that can be used as an action, bonus action, or reaction) each round that can be used for curse effects. Once you get multiple actions, you can't take the same action to affect the same creature twice in a turn.

1st Level[edit]

Alter Odds[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 reaction taken when a minor statistical event (such as those detailed in the effect description below) takes place within 60 feet of your mark
Curse point cost: 0
Mark requirement: Any
Duration: Instantaneous

You influence the outcome of a minor and mundane chance event that occurs within 60 feet of your mark, predetermining the outcome of the event. Such an event can include, but is not limited to:

  • Up to a handful of Tiny objects being drawn blindly from a container, such as coins from a bag or cards from a deck. You can predetermine which objects are drawn.
  • Up to a cubic foot of Tiny objects falling or tumbling, such as a handful of dice, rolled bones, or entrails from a sacrifice. You can alter the trajectory of these objects and predetermine the configuration in which they land.


Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 1
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

You curse a target with misfortune. Whenever the target makes an attack roll or saving throw, it must roll a d4 and subtract the number from the roll.

Blade Magnet[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any object or creature
Duration: 1 minute

You cause sharp and dangerous things to supernaturally gravitate towards the marked target. For the duration, all attacks made against the target have advantage, and all attacks made against targets within 5 feet of the marked target have disadvantage. If an attack made at disadvantage against one of these nearby targets misses, then the marked target is treated as the new target of that attack but using the higher roll.

Corpse Lurch[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action or 1 reaction taken when a creature approaches within 5 feet of the target corpse
Curse point cost: 0
Mark requirement: Any
Duration: Instantaneous

You breathe a brief spark of unlife into a corpse within 60 feet, enough for it to take a single action of your choice. The corpse does one of the following:

  • It emits a vocalization such as a quiet groan, rattle, or whispers up to 7 words.
  • It moves up to 5 feet in a direction of your choice.
  • It makes an attack against a target within 5 feet using either an unarmed strike or a weapon it has. The attack is a melee curse attack that uses your curse ability modifier. This attack can be a grapple, with the escape DC being your curse save DC.
  • It spurts fluid or exhales a cloud of dust on a creature within 5 feet. That creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take 1d4 poison damage and be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature poisoned in this way has disadvantage on the saving throw made against your curse mark. Once a corpse has performed this action, it cannot do so again.

Any effect that protects a corpse from becoming raised as undead, such as the Funeral Rite of the ceremony spell or gentle repose, causes this curse effect to have no effect.

Critical Fumble[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 reaction taken when a creature you can perceive within 60 feet misses an attack roll or fails an ability check
Curse point cost: 1
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: Instantaneous

You enhance the failure of the target creature, turning mere unsuccess into a worst-case outcome. The triggering attack roll or ability check is treated as if the creature rolled a 1 on the d20 roll and has an additional negative effect. For example, a critical fumble on an attack roll might result in the attacker dropping their weapon or accidentally harming themselves or an ally. A critical fumble on an Acrobatics or Athletics check might result in a creature falling prone, while a critical fumble on a Perception check might result in a creature momentarily becoming blinded until the start of its next turn.

Even if it affects the marked creature the effect originated from, this curse effect isn't powerful enough to warrant a repeat saving throw against your curse mark.


Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 0
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: Up to 1 hour

You create one of the following effects within 60 feet of your mark:

  • Up to 8 creatures of your choice experience a supernatural chill, hot flashes, or the feeling of being watched.
  • You manifest a momentary but harmless sensory effect, such as a puff of wind, dust, or smoke, a strange odor, whispers at the edge of hearing, the impression of footsteps in dust, the scuttling of insects, quiet rumbling or creaking, or faint laughter.
  • You cause flames to flicker wildly, brighten, dim, or change color for 1 minute.
  • You cause up to 6 words of writing or a small symbol to appear on an object or surface which fades after 1 minute.

If your mark is an object or location, you can apply a longer lasting sensory effect to a space no larger than 30 feet in any dimension. This sensory effect lasts for 1 hour. These sensory effects include:

  • A thin sheet of fog clings an inch off the floor of the space, obscuring it from view.
  • The space feels supernaturally cold or warm to creatures.
  • A stale or foul odor lingers in the air of the space.
  • Sound seems muffled or echoes strangely in the space.

If you create this curse effect multiple times, you can have up to three of its non-instantaneous effects active at a time from a single mark, and you can dismiss such an effect as an action. None of the effects created by this curse effect are powerful enough to warrant a repeat saving throw against your mark once the curse effect ends.

Flesh Mend[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: A creature missing hit points that is not an undead or construct
Duration: Instantaneous

You draw from a creature's own life force to cleave together its wounds. Roll 2d8 + your curse ability modifier. The target regains that amount of hit points, but its hit point maximum is reduced by half the amount of hit points it regained (rounded down). This reduction lasts until it finishes a long rest.

Leveling. The hit points regained increases to 3d8 + your curse ability modifier when you reach 5th level, 4d8 + your curse ability modifier when you reach 11th level, and 5d8 + your curse ability modifier when you reach 17th level.

Curse Point Enhancement. For every additional curse point you expend on this effect, the hit points regained increases by 1d8.

Ghostly Touch[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 1
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: 1 minute

An invisible hand appears at a point you choose within 60 feet of the mark. The hand lasts for the duration or until you end the curse effect. The hand vanishes if it is ever more than 60 feet from the mark it originated from.

You can use your action to control the hand and can feel through it. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move the hand up to 60 feet each time you use it, and it can't exert more than 15 pounds of force.

You can use the hand to make a melee curse attack against a creature. On a hit, the creature takes 2d4 necrotic damage. Hit or miss, the curse effect immediately ends once you make this attack.

Leveling. The damage dealt by the ghostly hand increases to 4d4 when you reach 5th level, 6d4 when you reach 11th level, and 8d4 when you reach 17th level.


Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 1
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: 1 hour

You cause the marked target to glow with supernatural light for the duration. If an object or a creature, you can choose for it to glow brightly or faintly. A brightly glowing target gives off bright light for up to 20 feet, and dim light for a further amount of feet. A faintly glowing target gives off dim light for up to 20 feet. Covering the target completely with something opaque blocks the light.

If the mark is a location, you can choose to light the entire location with dim light or up to a 20-foot cube of it with bright light.

You can determine the color of the light given off, and alter or dismiss the lighting as an action.

Grievous Injury[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 reaction, taken when the marked creature takes damage of a type other than poison or psychic
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: Instantaneous

You enhance the damage dealt to be particularly injurious. The creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. If it fails, the damage dealt to it by the triggering effect is increased by 2d8 and the target's hit point maximum is reduced by the damage taken until they either receive magical healing or finish a long rest. If it succeeds, it takes only half as much extra damage and its hit point maximum isn't reduced.

Leveling. The damage dealt increases to 3d8 when you reach 5th level, 4d8 when you reach 11th level, and 5d8 when you reach 17th level.

Curse Point Enhancement. For every additional curse point you expend on this effect, the damage dealt increases by 1d8.

Intrusive Thought[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action taken during the target's turn
Curse point cost: 0
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: Instantaneous

You exert momentary control over the marked creature, injecting an intrusive thought into their stream of consciousness. The creature must make an Intelligence saving throw. If they fail, they do one of the following of your choice:

  • The target utters a word or extremely brief phrase.
  • The target moves 5 feet in a direction you choose.
  • The target takes the Attack action and makes one attack against a creature of your choice.
  • The target uses an action to use an item or interact with an object in a manner of your choosing.
  • The target does nothing and passes their turn.
  • The target loses concentration if they are concentrating.

This curse effect isn't powerful enough to warrant a repeat saving throw against your curse mark. Instead, if the creature succeeds on its saving throw against the intrusive thought, it can't be affected again by this curse effect for 1 minute.

Curse Point Enhancement. You can spend 1 curse point when you create this curse effect to create it from any mark, not just a marked creature, targeting a creature within 60 feet of the originating mark.

Luck Theft[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 reaction, taken when a creature you can perceive within 60 feet of your mark makes an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw
Curse point cost: 1
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: Up to 1 round

You either boost or steal from the luck of the triggering creature. If you boost the luck, the target rolls an additional d20 and takes the highest roll. If you steal the luck, the target rolls an additional d20 and takes the lowest roll.

Once before the duration ends, you can use a reaction to repeat this curse effect against a creature within 60 feet of your mark, doing the opposite (boosting or stealing) and ending the curse effect. If the curse effect ends without you doing so, you take 10 psychic damage.

Phantom Pains[edit]

Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

You afflict the creature with phantom pains. Once per round while the creature has this curse effect, you can use an action to deal 1d4 psychic damage to it. This psychic damage cannot reduce the creature to 0 hit points, nor can it cause failed death saving throws. When a creature takes this psychic damage, it has disadvantage on the next ability check or attack roll it makes before the start of its next turn.

Leveling. The psychic damage dealt by this effect increases to 2d4 when you reach 5th level, 3d4 when you reach 11th level, and 4d4 when you reach 17th level.


Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 1
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: Instantaneous

You exert force on an object within 60 feet weighing 1 to 20 pounds to push, slide, tip, or fling it in a direction. The object moves up to 30 feet in a direction you choose before falling to the ground, stopping early if it impacts a solid surface. If the object would strike a creature, that creature must make a Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the object strikes the target and stops moving. When the object strikes something, the object and what it strikes both take 2d8 bludgeoning damage.

You can tip over an upright object instead of moving it, following the same rules for striking and impacting. When you tip over an object, the maximum weight of the object can be up to 5 times the normal requirement.

Leveling. The maximum weight of the object and bludgeoning damage increases to 30 pounds and 3d8 when you reach 5th level, 40 pounds and 4d8 when you reach 11th level, and 50 pounds and 5d8 when you reach 17th level.

Curse Point Enhancement. For every additional curse point you expend on this effect, the maximum weight of the object and bludgeoning damage increases by 10 pounds and 1d8 respectively.


Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 reaction taken when a projectile misses a target within 60 feet of your mark
Curse point cost: 1
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: Instantaneous

You subtly influence the angles and trajectory of the triggering projectile, causing it to deflect off of a solid surface back at another target. Make a ranged curse attack against a target within the projectile's range that you can see. You can choose to make this attack either immediately on the triggering turn or on your next turn on initiative order 20. If the attack hits, the target takes damage equal to the damage the projectile would have dealt if it hit originally + an additional 1d6 damage.

If this curse effect is used in such a way that the same projectile is deflected in flight more than once, each successive ranged curse attack is made with advantage.

Leveling. The deflected projectile scores a critical hit on a roll of 19-20 when you reach 5th level, 18-20 when you reach 11th level, and 17-20 when you reach 17th level.

Design Note: Yes, you can stack d6s if you're willing to spend the curse points for multiple ricochets.


Prerequisite: 1st level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any object or creature
Duration: 1 minute

You infuse the target with a small but volatile electric charge. Whenever the target touches another object or creature or hits it with an attack made with a metal object, you can use a reaction to deal 1d6 lightning damage to the touched target. This lightning damage ignites flammable objects if they aren't being worn or carried.

This curse effect ends early if the target becomes completely submerged in water. When this happens, all creatures within 5 feet of the target partially submerged in the water must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw or take the maximum amount of lightning damage. Creatures completely submerged in the water within the range automatically fail the saving throw.

Leveling. The lightning damage increases to 2d6 when you reach 5th level, 3d6 when you reach 11th level, and 4d6 when you reach 17th level.

3rd Level[edit]

Beast Ire[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

You momentarily become aware of all relevant beasts within 150 feet of the target. Choose up to five beasts (or a single swarm of beasts) with a combined CR no greater than 1/4 that aren't friendly to the target. The chosen beasts must succeed on a Intelligence saving throw or become charmed by you. While charmed by you in this way, they are aware of the location of the target and are hostile towards it, feeling compelled to seek out and attack it.

Leveling. When you reach 5th level, the maximum range of beasts you are aware of becomes 300 feet. This increases to 900 feet at 11th level, and 1 mile at 17th level.

Curse Point Enhancement. You can expend additional curse points to enhance this effect. Expending 1 additional curse point increases the maximum challenge rating of the beasts to 1/2, while 2 additional curse points increases it to 1. Each additional curse point expended beyond that increases the maximum challenge rating by 1.

Beguiling Phantasm[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

You manifest an illusion in the mind of the marked creature. The illusion can be a phantasmal object or creature no larger than a 10-foot cube, or it can be a standalone sensation like a sound or music. If you chose to manifest a creature or object, it comes complete with sound, temperature, and other stimuli. The illusion and any evidence of it is only perceived by the target.

The target creature can use an action to make an Intelligence (Investigation check against your curse save DC while within 5 feet of the illusion, on a success determining that it is an illusion and ending the curse effect.

You can use an action to alter the illusion. If the target is perceiving the illusion when you take this action, you can beguile the target. The target must succeed on an Wisdom saving throw or be either charmed or frightened of the illusion. A charmed target is compelled to approach the illusion.

If you use the action to alter the illusion while the target is within 5 feet of it, you can cause the illusion to become nightmarish. The target takes 4d8 psychic damage and the curse effect ends.

Blabbering Mouth[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any humanoid or object
Duration: 10 minutes

You either form a mouth on the target or take control of the target's existing mouth for the duration. You control this mouth and can speak through it. A creature can muffle the mouth by covering it with a hand. If you take control of a creature's existing mouth, once per round the target can make a Charisma ability check contested by your Charisma ability check; if it succeeds regaining control of its mouth until the start of its next turn.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

The target has disadvantage on Dexterity ability checks, saving throws, and attack rolls that use Dexterity.

Deadened Sense[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

You shut out the marked creature from one of its senses for the duration, choosing from one of the five options below:

Ageusia/Anosmia. The target loses its sense of taste and smell. It automatically fails Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on taste or smell.

Blindness. The target loses its sight. It is blinded.

Deafness. The target loses its ability to hear. It is deafened.

Numbness. The target loses the ability to feel tactile sensations, including pain. It automatically fails Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on touch and can't benefit from tremorsense. A player character affected with numbness becomes unaware of their current hit points and the damage they take.

Special Senses. Some creatures have access to special senses, such as an intellect devourer's ability to detect sentience or a solar's divine awareness. If the target has one or more special senses, you can cause the target to no longer benefit from one of these special senses.

Curse Point Enhancement. When you create this curse effect, you can expend additional curse points. For each additional curse point expended in this way, you can choose an additional sense to deaden.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature that needs to sleep
Duration: 1 minute

The target feels supernaturally sleepy for the duration and has disadvantage on ability checks and attack rolls. Additionally, they count as having half their current hit points for the purpose of spells and effects such as the sleep spell and have disadvantage on saving throws made against spells and effects (besides this one) that would cause them to fall unconscious.

At the end of the target's turn if they have not taken an action, you can use an action to force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the target falls unconscious for the duration. The target wakes up if they take damage or if a creature uses an action to wake them up.

Death Duel[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

Choose another creature within 60 feet of the marked target. The marked target becomes frenzied to vanquish that creature in single combat. Once per round if the target attacks any other creature besides the one designated, or if an ally of the target attacks the designated creature, the target takes 2d10 psychic damage. Creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower, or creatures immune to being charmed are unaffected by this curse effect. The curse effect ends early if the marked target falls unconsious.

Curse Point Enhancement. For each additional curse point you expend to create this effect, you can increase the psychic damage dealt by 1d10.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any object or creature
Duration: 1 minute

You cause the target to become particularly frail and susceptible to injury. The first time the target takes damage during a turn, it takes an additional 1d8 necrotic damage. An affected creature's hit point maximum is also reduced by the amount of necrotic damage taken until it finishes a long rest.

Cursed Tongue[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: A creature with the ability to speak
Duration: 1 minute

You curse the target's speech for the duration, choosing from one of the options below:

Gibbering/Muteness. The target either releases a nonsensical babble of words and sounds when they speak, or is rendered unable to speak at all (your choice when you create this effect. The target cannot satisfy the verbal components of spells or speak the command words of magic items.

Monologuing. The target vocalizes every verbal thought that they have out loud.

Shouting/Whispering. When the target speaks, they must either shout at the top of their lungs or speak in a quiet whisper (your choice when you create this effect).

Monolinguality. Choose one language you know: the target can now only speak in that language. The target understands what they are saying, but this does not confer the ability to understand the language.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

The creature's movements become slowed and sluggish. For the duration, the creature's speed is halved, it takes a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity saving throws, it can't use reactions, and it can take only an action or bonus action on its turn, but not both. Regardless of the creature's abilities or magic items, it can't make more than one melee or ranged attack per turn.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature or object
Duration: 24 hours

You alter how the marked target appears to divination magic. When you create this curse effect, choose one or both of the following effects:

False Aura. You change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects, such as detect magic, that detect magical auras. You can make a nonmagical object appear magical, a magical object appear nonmagical, or change the object's magical aura so that it appears to belong to a specific school of magic that you choose. When you use this effect on an object, you can make the false magic apparent to any creature that handles the item.

Mask. You change the way the target appears to spells and magical effects that detect creature types, such as a paladin's Divine Sense or the trigger of a symbol spell. You choose a creature type and other spells and magical effects treat the target as if it were a creature of that type or of that alignment.

Shadow Veil[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: 1 hour

A supernatural aura of shadow radiates from the marked creature or object in a 30-foot radius. Bright light becomes dim light in this aura and travels only half as far, while already dim light and regular darkness becomes magical darkness.

If this curse effect is applied to a marked location, you shroud up to a cubic area no larger than 60 feet in any dimension in supernatural shadow. In the area bright light that isn't sunlight becomes dim light and has its radius reduced to 5 feet, while already dim light and regular darkness in the area becomes magical darkness.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 hour

The target has disadvantage on Constitution ability checks and saving throws. When the target takes poison damage, they take twice the amount they would normally.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 8 hours

The target's appearance becomes repulsive. Whenever the target makes a Charisma ability check to persuade a creature that can see it, it does so with disadvantage.

Unparting Item[edit]

Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any weapon, trinket, or worn equipment
Duration: 24 hours

When a creature first touches the marked item on a turn, you can use a reaction to force it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the creature becomes charmed by the item and is unwilling to part with the item for the duration of the curse effect. A creature that succeeds isn't charmed and is immune to this curse effect for the next 24 hours. A creature that is attuned to the item is automatically affected with no saving throw, and the curse effect lasts for as long as the creature is attuned to the item. The item is considered cursed and as such remove curse cast on the creature can break the attunement.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature or object
Duration: 1 hour

You cause the marked target to draw all eyes. If the target is a creature, it has a -10 penalty to Stealth checks. Additionally, an affected creature or object cannot benefit from being invisible. This attention-drawing is so great that all creatures that can see the target have disadvantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks to perceive anything but the target.


Prerequisite: 3rd level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 2
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 10 minutes

The target's carrying capacity is halved, it has disadvantage on Strength checks and saving throws, and it deals only half damage with attacks that use Strength.

5th Level[edit]

Animated Dead[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 3
Mark requirement: A corpse belonging to a humanoid that has been dead for 1 minute or longer
Duration: 10 minutes

You reanimate the marked corpse, turning it into an undead skeleton or zombie. The created undead retains your mark and you control it for the duration of the curse effect. The undead returns to being a lifeless corpse after the effect expires.

Arcane Misfire[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 reaction taken when the marked creature casts a spell or a marked object is used to cast a spell
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: Any creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous

You attempt to interfere with the spellcasting of the target. If the target is a creature casting the spell, it must make a spellcasting ability check against your curse save DC. If they fail, you may cause one of the following to happen:

  • The spell fails and the slot used to cast it is wasted.
  • You change the target of the spell to another valid target.
  • The target uses the spell slot to cast a different spell of your choice that they have prepared.

If the target is an object being used to cast a spell, you can change the target of the spell, cause it to fail outright, or change the spell being cast if the object has the capacity to cast multiple spells.

Creepy Crawlies[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 minute

You cause the target to begin hallucinating insects crawling out of cracks and covering every surface. You gain control of a swarm of insects that appears within a space within 30 feet of the target that only the target can perceive and interact with. The swarm is only destroyed if it takes damage from a single attack or effect equal to or greater than its maximum hit points, it deals psychic damage instead of piercing, and you use an action at the start of the target's turns to control it.

The target is frightened of the swarm. At the end of each of its turns, it can attempt a Wisdom saving throw. On the first success, the swarm's hit point maximum is reduced by half. On the second success, the target gains resistance to all damage dealt by the swarm. On the third success, the swarm disappears and the effect ends.

The curse effect ends early if the target is rendered unconscious or if the swarm of insects is reduced to 0 hit points. If the swarm is ever more than 60 feet away from the target, you can use an action to cause it to teleport to a space within 30 feet of the target.

Deny Death[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: The body of any creature that has been dead for 1 minute or less
Duration: Instantaneous

You force the spark of life back into the body of the target creature. The creature returns to life with 1 hit point and an amount of temporary hit points equal to twice your living curse level. This spell can't restore missing body parts, but a creature that has died of old age will be prevented from dying again to such for at least 24 hours.

Deplete Charge[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: Instantaneous

You target a magical item that is either marked, being worn or carried by a marked creature, is within 15 feet of a marked object, or is within a marked location. The item must have charges or a limited amount of times features of it can be used, and it can have a rarity no greater than rare. You expend up to 1d6 + your curse ability modifier uses from the item with no effect.

Leveling. When you reach 11th level, the rarity of the item can be no greater than legendary. When you reach 17th level, you can affect even artifacts.

Curse Point Enhancement. You can expend curse points up to your curse point limit when you create this curse effect, augmenting the effect. Each additional curse point expended drains 1d6 additional uses from the item.

Electrosuffusion (incomplete)[edit]


Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: Any object or creature
Duration: 1 hour

The target becomes supernaturally flammable and begins stinking of oil and gas. If the target takes fire damage or is subjected to an effect that would ignite it once before the effect expires, it explodes. All creatures within 20 feet of the exploding target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw, taking 8d6 fire damage on a failure or half as much on a success. If the target of this curse effect is a creature, it has disadvantage on the saving throw. Once the target explodes, the curse effect ends.

Leveling. The fire damage increases to 9d6 when you reach 11th level, and 10d6 when you reach 17th level.

Curse Point Enhancement. You can expend curse points to enhance this effect. For each additional curse point expended, the damage dealt increases by 1d6.

Flying Object (incomplete)[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: An object that weighs no more than 15 pounds
Duration: 1 minute

You give limited life to an object. The object has a flying speed of 30 feet and is under your control.

Popping Eyes[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: A creature with eyes
Duration: 8 hours

The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, the target is blinded as their eyes pop from their sockets and land in a space within 15 feet. The target can use an action to pop its eyes back in if they find them, otherwise, the target's eyes reform back in their sockets once they finish a long rest.

If the target succeeds the saving throw, their eyes still pop out whenever they roll below your curse save DC on a Perception check.


Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: Any
Duration: 1 minute

You alter the depicted contents of a digital screen, camera feed, or magical sensor (such as that created by the clairvoyance spell) within 60 feet of your mark. The alteration can be as overt or as subtle as you like and lasts for the duration of the curse effect. For example, you could make the feed display an entirely imagined location or remove a creature's presence from the feed entirely. A creature perceiving the altered feed can use its action to attempt an Intelligence (Investigation) check against your curse save DC, becoming aware that the feed is tampered with on a success.

On each of your subsequent turns, you can use an action to change the nature of the alteration of the feed. When you do so, you can choose to cause the feed to depict something nightmarish. All creatures of your choice viewing the altered feed must make a Wisdom saving throw, on a failure taking 4d6 psychic damage and becoming frightened of the feed. A frightened creature continues to take 4d6 psychic damage at the end of each of their turns that they can see the feed, and can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the curse effect ends and the creature is immune to the effects of this curse effect for the next 24 hours.

Shrinking (incomplete)[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: Varies

You curse the target creature to begin shrinking in size.

Unhealing Wounds[edit]

Prerequisite: 5th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 4
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 1 hour

You curse the wounds of a creature so that they cannot be healed. For the duration, the target is unable to regain hit points.

7th level[edit]

Crippling Injury[edit]

Prerequisite: 7th level
Action cost: 1 reaction when the marked target takes 20 or more damage from a single attack or effect
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: Any creature with appropriate anatomy
Duration: Instantaneous

You enhance the damage dealt to have life-changing ramifications. The target must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, choose one of the following crippling injuries according to the damage type of the triggering damage. The target receives that injury and can only recover from it by means of the regenerate spell or similar abilities.

Limb Loss (cold, force, fire, necrotic, radiant, slashing,). Roll a d4. On a 1 or 2, the creature loses an arm/hand. On a 3 or 4, it loses a foot/leg. The loss of an arm/hand means that the creature can no longer hold anything with two hands, and it can only ever hold one object at a time. The loss of a foot/leg halves the creature's walking speed, and requires it to use a crutch or prosthesis to walk. It has disadvantage on Dexterity checks made to balance and falls prone after taking the dash action.

Paralysis (lightning, necrotic, piercing, psychic). Roll a d4. On a 3 or 4, the creature suffers the same effects as limb loss, but without physically losing the limb. On a 2, the creature's lower body is paralyzed, and it falls prone and can't right itself. On a 1, the creature is paralyzed from the neck down, only allowing it to speak.

Blindness (acid, fire, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, radiant, slashing). The creature's eyes are destroyed. It is now permanently blinded.

Deafness (cold, poison, psychic, thunder). The creature's ears are destroyed. It is now permanently deafened.

Concussion (bludgeoning, lightning, psychic, thunder). The creature receives permanent brain damage. The creature's Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma scores each decrease by 1d6, and it is stunned until it can succeed the Constitution saving throw at the end of one of its turns. A score reduced to 0 by this curse effect renders the creature unconscious.

Enticing Feast (incomplete)[edit]


Prerequisite: 7th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: Any target
Duration: 1 minute

The target spontaneously erupts ablaze with cursed flames. If the target is a creature, it and any creatures touching it take 4d6 fire damage at the end of each of its turns. The target can use an action to attempt to douse the flames, making a Dexterity saving throw and ending the curse effect on a successful save.

If the target is an object, any creatures touching it take 4d6 fire damage if they start their turn wearing or carrying it.

The cursed flames don't require air and can burn even underwater.

Wandering Hands[edit]

Prerequisite: 7th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: A creature with hands
Duration: 8 hours

You afflict the target with mischievous hands that have a mind of their own. On each of the target's turns you can use your action to control the target's arms and hands. You can have the target's hands drop whatever they're holding, interact with an object, or perform a Sleight of Hand check using your curse ability modifier. If you make the target's hands behave in a way that would use the target's action, the target can attempt a Wisdom saving throw to fight the hands for control. On a success, the target regains control of their hands for the rest of their turn and does not lose their action.

Once the target regains control of the hands three times, the next time they use their hands to perform an action you can force them to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the action fails as their hands detach from their body, dropping whatever they are holding. The hands use the statblocks of crawling claws and are considered marked by you with a lesser mark without counting against your total marks. They roll their own initiative and you control them both by expending an action to do so each round.

If a hand is incapacitated, the creature can use an action to pick it up and reattach it, ending your mark on the hand. Once all hands are reattached, the curse effect ends. If a hand is destroyed or the curse effect ends before it is reattached, that creature can only regain its lost hand from magic such as the regenerate spell.

Veiled Transposition[edit]

Prerequisite: 7th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: Any creature or object
Duration: Instantaneous

The marked creature or object must either be highly obscured or perceived by none other than yourself. The target vanishes and reappears at a location within 500 feet, instantly teleporting there. The location must either be a location you can see within the radius of your marks, or it can be one arrived at by precisely stating distance and direction, such as "200 feet straight downward."

If the target is an object, you can choose to teleport a creature that is wearing, carrying, or otherwise touching it.

If the target would arrive in an already occupied space, it takes 4d6 force damage and the curse effect fails to teleport it. The curse effect also fails to teleport it if another creature would see it arrive in the location.


Prerequisite: 7th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: Any creature or object
Duration: 1 hour

Choose a damage type from acid, bludgeoning, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, piercing, poison, radiant, slashing, thunder. If the target has resistance to that damage type, it no longer benefits from that resistance for the duration of the curse effect. If the target is immune to that damage type, it is instead considered resistant. Once per turn when the target takes damage of that type, it takes an additional 2d6 damage.

9th level[edit]


Prerequisite: 9th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 7
Mark requirement: Any creature made of flesh
Duration: Up to 7 days

You begin a transformation within a creature's body that slowly begins to turn it into stone. Once every 24 hours, you can use an action to force the creature to make a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, the creature's transformation into stone increments by one stage. If the curse effect ends before the 4th stage is reached, the creature returns to normal.

1st Stage. The creature's speed is reduced by 5 and its Strength and Dexterity scores are reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 1) as its joints begin to lock up.

2nd Stage. The creature's speed is reduced by 10 and its Strength and Dexterity scores are reduced by 2 (to a minimum of 1) as rough stone-like patches begin to cover its body.

3rd Stage. Most of the creature's body is stone at this point. The creature's speed is reduced in half. It has disadvantage on Dexterity saving throws and ability checks, and it has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

4th Stage. The curse effect ends with the creature petrified, turned into stone. If the creature is physically broken while petrified, it suffers from similar deformities if it reverts to its original state.

Curse Point Enhancement. You can expend curse points to enhance this effect, decreasing the minimum duration between each save by one step for every additional curse point expended. The steps are as follows: 24 hours → 8 hours → 1 hour → 10 minutes → 1 minute → 1 round.

Polterswarm (incomplete)[edit]

Prerequisite: 9th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: Any mark
Duration: 10 minutes

Telekinetically fling lots of objects.

Positive Energy Reversal[edit]

Prerequisite: 9th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 5
Mark requirement: Any creature that is not an undead or construct
Duration: 8 hours

The polarity of healing energy is reversed for the creature. Whenever the creature is subjected to a magical effect that would cause it to regain hit points, such as cure wounds or a potion of healing, it instead takes necrotic damage equal to twice the hit points it would have regained.

11th Level[edit]

Shadowplay (incomplete)[edit]

13th level[edit]

Warp (incomplete)[edit]

Dweller in the Dark[edit]

Prerequisite: 13th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 10
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: 8 hours

You give a reason for a creature to fear the dark. The creature begins seeing shadowy tendrils that emanate from areas of darkness and extend into areas of dim light. While in the area of dim light or darkness, the creature is frightened, and you can use an action at the end of their turn to make a melee curse attack against them. If it hits, the target takes 6d8 psychic damage and is pulled up to 15 feet towards the darkness. Melee curse attacks have advantage against the target while they are in darkness.

Vampiric Fog (incomplete)[edit]

15th level[edit]

Pocket Dimension (incomplete)[edit]

Mundanity (incomplete)[edit]

Prerequisite: 15th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 11
Mark requirement: A creature or location
Duration: 24 hours

If the marked target is a creature, you render everything fantastical about it boring and inert. The creature loses any magical properties it has, including the ability to cast spells. It ceases to be able to be affected by spells or magic items, with the exception of artifacts, the wish spell, or the power of a deity. An affected fantastical creature is also transformed into a more mundane form. Constructs become inert statues and sculptures. A unicorn becomes a regular horse. Animated undead turn back into inert corpses.

if the marked target is a location, everything within that location is subjected to the above effects, reverting once leaving or removing that location.

Weird Weather (incomplete)[edit]

17th level[edit]

Luck Trap[edit]

Prerequisite: 17th level
Action cost: 1 action
Curse point cost: 13
Mark requirement: A creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher that is not unaligned
Duration: Special

You grant a willing creature supernatural but tainted luck for a duration you declare, up to a maximum of 7 days. Once per round when the creature makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can both agree to treat the roll on the d20 as a 20. Keep track of how many times they agree to do so. Once the luck expires, you then have up to the duration you previously declared to punish them with terrible luck. Whenever the creature makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can use a reaction to cause the roll on the d20 to be treated as a 1. You can do this a number of times equal to the amount of times the creature chose to benefit from the luck granted by the first part of this effect. The curse effect ends once the last usage of bad luck is expended, or if the duration expires. If the duration expires and there are still uses remaining, you take 10 psychic damage for every use remaining.

Monkey's Paw (incomplete)[edit]

Prerequisite: 17th level
Action cost: 1 reaction taken when the target completes a statement that begins with "I wish..."
Curse point cost: 13
Mark requirement: Any creature
Duration: Instantaneous

You twist reality around a creature's words, granting their desires in the most uncharitable interpretation possible.