Liontaur Hunter (4e Creature)

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Liontaurs are leonine centaurs--they have the upper body of a humanoid, and the lower body of a lion (as opposed to centaurs, who have the upper body of a humanoid with the lower body of a horse). Their humanoid body looks a lot like a Razorclaw shifter; their facial features are vaguely feline, they have body hair that looks more like fur, and the nails on their humanoid hands are longer and harder, like claws. They are able to rear up on their feline hind legs and attack with their front feline claws; they also use standard weapons made for Medium sized humanoids. They wear armor specifically made for their species, that covers their humanoid torso. Some may also wear armor on their feline torso, similar to barding on a horse.

Liontaurs usually live in grassy plains, savannah, or steppe lands. There is a subspecies based more on a mountain lion, which lives in Mountainous terrain. Except for Mountain liontaurs, all liontaurs live in nomadic clans called "prides," in which most members are related by blood. Individual liontaurs are sometimes granted membership in the pride; these are often young males or females who have left their birth pride to search for mates. All liontaurs are primal in focus, and so any liontaur having class abilities will use those from primal classes only.

Liontaur Hunter[edit]

Liontaur Hunter
Level 2 Soldier
Large natural humanoid
XP 125
HP 38; Bloodied 19 Initiative +5
AC 18; Fortitude 15, Reflex 14, Will 13 Perception +4
Speed 8 Darkvision
Standard Actions
Basicmelee.png Spear ♦ At-will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +9 vs AC
Hit: 1d8 + 5 damage
Melee.png Predator's Fury ♦ Encounter
Effect: The Liontaur Hunter makes two spear attacks.
Minor Actions
Strength of the Pride ♦ Encounter
Effect: An ally flanking an enemy with the Liontaur Hunter gains +1 to all defenses until they are no longer flanking that enemy..
Triggered Actions
Pride Unity ♦ At-will
Requirement: The liontaur must be adjacent to an enemy
Trigger: An allied liontaur moves or shifts
Effect: The target is granted a +2 bonus to their speed if this will bring them into a flanking position against the enemy adjacent to the liontaur.
Skills Athletics +9, Endurance +8, Nature +7
Str 17 (+4) Dex 14 (+3) Wis 12 (+2)
Con 14 (+3) Int 12 (+2) Cha 10 (+1)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Equipment Hide armor, spear

Liontaurs' humanoid torsos are about the same size as an average human, and they have reach 1 unless using a reach weapon; however, due to the size of their leonine lower torso, they are considered Large creatures for powers or abilities linked to creature size. A Liontaur Hunter is always male, and is somewhat larger than a female Liontaur. Liontaur Hunters have more strength than finesse, but all Liontaur can cover ground quickly due to the longer stride of their leonine lower body.

Liontaur Hunter Tactics[edit]

As intelligent humanoids, Liontaur groups will choose a representative and attempt to parley with any group that is not actively hostile (actively hostile means any individual or group that attacks the Liontaur immediately, without provocation). When attacked, Liontaur Hunters will attempt to engage any defenders or melee strikers in the party first. They will use Pride Unity to help move their allies into flanking positions. If any flanking ally becomes bloodied, Liontaur Hunters will use Strength of the Pride to boost their allies' defenses. A Liontaur Hunter will use Predator's Fury against a bloodied party member in an attempt to kill the target swiftly.

Liontaur Hunter Lore[edit]

A character knows the following information with a successful Nature check. DMs can add information to this lore that is specific to their setting or storyline.

DC 15: You are familiar with the Liontaur species in general. You know that they are generally nomadic, that they are primal and follow the Spirit Way, and that their social organization is loosely tribal but heavily focused on family groups. You know that they are usually found in hunting groups, but that occasionally males or females will leave their pride and wander until the individual finds another pride who will accept them, or until they find a mate and start their own pride.

DC 18: You are familiar with the particular Liontaur of this area. You know what their attitudes are toward the nearest Elven primal tribe; you know what their usual prey is, and where they typically hunt. You know of any alliances or enmities between the area's Liontaur prides and other humanoid groups in this area.

DC 25: You are an expert on Liontaur, and can tell the difference between a plains Liontaur, a savannah Liontaur, a steppe Liontaur, and a mountain Liontaur. You can recognize the types of fetishes or shrines the Liontaur make to identify a holy or spirit-haunted place. You are familiar with the rituals the local Liontaur use to observe various holidays, or to honor spirits. You can track a Liontaur individual or group easily, and can tell if a campsite was made by Liontaur.

Encounter Groups[edit]

Liontaur Hunters are usually found alongside Liontaur Huntresses. All the liontaur work as a group to bring down prey or enemies. They will likely focus on one enemy at a time rather than splitting their forces. They will sometimes be accompanied by Liontaur Archers as well.

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