Leprechaun (4e Creature)

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Leprechauns are amongst the sneakiest of fey creatures. Like gnomes, they can step into the natural world at will, often appearing just to pick a pocket before disappearing back to the Feywild. The can often be found in pubs, drinking whiskey, or sitting on toadstools, before covering travellers in pipe-smoke and running off with their valuables.


Leprechauns tend not to work with other creatures, though they sometimes use gnomes as a distraction, or accomplices.


Level 5 Solo Artillery
Small Fey Humanoid
XP 1,000
HP 224; Bloodied 112 Initiative +6
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 19, Will 20 Perception +2
Speed 7
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2
Luck o' the Irish
A roll of a 1 is never a critical miss. A roll of a 19 or 20 is always a critical hit. A Leprechaun deals an extra 1d6 damage when it has combat advantage.
Standard Actions
Ranged.png Bladed Top Hat ♦ At-Will
Attack: One Creature; Ranged 5/10; +12 vs. AC
Hit: 1d10+4 damage
Melee.png Dagger ♦ At-Will
Attack: One creature; +12 vs. AC
Hit: 1d8+5 damage
Basicmelee.png Dagger Flurry ♦ At-Will
Attack: The Leprechaun makes two dagger attacks against different enemies.
Hit: One enemy takes a secondary attack of +7 vs. AC, dealing 1d10 damage.
Close.png Pipe Smoke ♦ Encounter
Attack: Aura 1; any enemies in that aura are blinded until they pass a Fortitude save with a -2 modifier.
Minor Actions
Trickster ♦ At-Will
Effect: The Leprechaun becomes invisible until the start of its next turn.
Triggered Actions
Skills Stealth +6, Thievery +7
Str 13 (+4) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 19 (+6)
Con 15 (+5) Int 18 (+6) Cha 14 (+4)
Alignment Unaligned Languages Common, Elven
Equipment Top hat, dagger, waistcoat, 4-leafed clover

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