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Lapidai (Ta'Ril Supplement)

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Solid as the earth they're named for, if one comes for you, best get out of the way.

Basic Info[edit]

The Elemental races are an inherent contradiction. Existing as an example of both order and chaos, a primordial being bound into mortal form. The Lapidai represent the powers of Earth given flesh.

Creation Info[edit]

Racial Traits[edit]

  • Average Height: 5'4"-6'0"
  • Average Weight: 150-275lbs

  • Ability Scores: +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom
  • Size: Medium.
  • Speed: 5 squares.
  • Vision: Normal.

  • Languages: Common, choice of one other.
  • Skill Bonuses: +2 Balance, +2 Endurance

  • Solid Body: +1 to your Fortitude defense and saving throws.
  • Resilient: You use your second wind as a minor action
  • Stand your ground: When you are forced to move (Slid, pushed or pulled) you may move one less square than specified. When an attack would knock you prone, you can immediately make a saving throw to stay aright.

Racial Powers[edit]

Storm's Wrath     Lapidai Racial Power
 "The Lapidai slams a limb to the ground, creating a shockwave of earth."
Encounter Power
Minor Action          Close Burst 2
Attack: Ability vs Fortitude +2 (Ability used is a physical ability(typically your highest) selected when you gain this ability)
Hit: Target is knocked prone and takes 1d4 earth damage.
1d6 at 11th, +4 to hit
2d4 at 21st, +6 to hit

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