There is no 'common' language in Ilarion.
Languages of Ilarion
Omilía |
Aylic |
Amazons (Humans, Crisania)
Aylic |
Aylic |
Ayleans (Humans, Aylea)
Yaria |
Nolea |
Méng (Humans, Dao Ming, Hong Fai)
Nolea |
Nolea |
Niǎo (Humans, Dao Ming, Tung Yue)
Nùhǒu |
Yanyu |
Shī rén (Humans, Dao Ming, Feng Zhin)
Malhada |
Nolea |
Jiyū (Humans, Dao Ming, Zi Bang)
Yanyu |
Yanyu |
Rén (Humans, Dao Ming, Lien Ji)
Hanasu |
Yanyu |
Tōmin (Humans, Dao Ming, Sheng Si)
Nói Nhỏ |
Yanyu |
Huan (Humans, Dao Ming, Hua Die)
Ötmek |
Şıge |
Şahin (Humans, Halcyon)
Şıge |
Şıge |
Doğan (Humans, Halcyon)
Tala |
Tala |
Bjerg Folke (Humans, Fjallhiem), Fjäll (Minotaur, Fjallhiem)
Tale |
Şıge |
Lave Landere (Humans, Fjallhiem)
Safara |
Safara Glyphs |
Jibade (Human, Thibia)
Aghnia |
Taghrid |
Thamiri (Human, Thibia)
Taghrid |
Taghrid |
Badawi (Human, Thibia)
Sprache |
Sprache |
Corrach (Dwarves, Ikarhus), Highland (Minotaur, Ikarhus)
Ua |
None |
Sana (Orcs, )
Waiata |
None |
Witi (Orcs, Lykon Gulf)
Hau |
None |
Ma'a (Orcs, )
Nāmele |
None |
Iwi (Orcs, western plains)
In Aylic (EYE lik):
Λ is pronounced as either the long a or the short a.
C is pronounced as k or g.
I is pronounced like i or y.
V is pronounced like uh, you, or w.
S is never pronounced as a z sound.
T is always pronounced as a hard t, never as sh (like in nation).
X is always pronounced ks, never as a z sound.
Written left to right, top to bottom.
In Omilia (OH mee lee ah):
Λ is always pronounced ah.
B is pronounced v
C is pronounced as k, or g, and pronounced as an ng sound if in front of C, K, or X.
D is pronounced as voiced th (as in the, not voiceless as in thin)
E is always pronounced as eh.
I is pronounced like ee, y, or eh but held longer.
O is always pronounced oh.
R is always rolled
V is pronounced like long or short u, eeyh, or w.
S is usually pronounced a soft s sound (like in sister), and only pronounced as a z sound if in front of B, C, D, or M.
T is always pronounced as a hard t, never as sh (like in nation).
X is pronounced ks or ‘h’ like in jalapeño, never as a z sound.
Written left to right, top to bottom.
Consonants: ㄱ ㄴ ㄷ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅅ ㅇ ㅈ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ
Vowels: ㅏ ㅑ ㅓ ㅕ ㅗ ㅛ ㅜ ㅠ ㅡ ㅣ
In Nolea (no li ah):
ㄱ sounds like k in the initial position and g as the end.
ㄴ sounds like n.
ㄷ sounds like t in the initial position and d as the end.
ㄹ sounds like l in the initial position and r as the end.
ㅁ sounds like m.
ㅂ sounds like p in the initial position and b as the end.
ㅅ sounds like s.
ㅇ sounds like ng only at the bottom of a syllable, it is otherwise silent.
ㅈ sounds like ch in the initial position, j as the end, and tch when doubled.
ㅊ sounds like ch.
ㅋ sounds like kh.
ㅌ sounds like t.
ㅍ sounds like puh.
ㅎ sounds like h.
ㅏ sounds like ah.
ㅑ sounds like ya.
ㅓ sounds like uu.
ㅕ sounds like yu.
ㅗ sounds like oh.
ㅛ sounds like yo.
ㅜ sounds like oo.
ㅠ sounds like yoo.
ㅡ sounds like eu
ㅣ sounds like i
Written left to right, top to bottom.
Each syllable is written as a stack with the initial consonant and vowel side by side and above the final consonant if there is one.
Each letter in a stack is pronounced (except ㅇ if it is the initial consonant).
Some consonants may be doubled, they always make the initial position sound (except ㅊ).
In Yaria (YAH rri ah):
ㄱ sounds like k or hard g.
ㄴ sounds like n.
ㄷ sounds like t or d.
ㄹ sounds like l (forceful) or r (rolled).
ㅁ sounds like m.
ㅂ sounds like p, b, or v.
ㅅ sounds like s or ts.
ㅇ sounds like n.
ㅈ sounds like z or j.
ㅊ sounds like ch.
ㅋ sounds like kh.
ㅌ sounds like t or f.
ㅍ sounds like puh.
ㅎ sounds like h.
ㅏ sounds like ah.
ㅑ sounds like ya.
ㅓ sounds like uh.
ㅕ sounds like yeh.
ㅗ sounds like oh.
ㅛ sounds like yoh.
ㅜ sounds like oo.
ㅠ sounds like yoo.
ㅡ sounds like eh
ㅣ sounds like i
Written top to bottom, left to right.
Each syllable is written with its consonants over the vowel. consonants are writen half as tall as vowels and if there is no ending consonant the space is left empty.
In Malhada (MAHL hah dah):
ㄱ sounds like k or kh.
ㄴ sounds like n.
ㄷ sounds like d or th (voiced).
ㄹ sounds like l or r.
ㅁ sounds like m.
ㅂ sounds like p, or puh.
ㅅ sounds like s.
ㅇ sounds like n or ng.
ㅈ sounds like j.
ㅊ sounds like ch.
ㅋ sounds like v.
ㅌ sounds like t or th (unvoiced).
ㅍ sounds like b.
ㅎ sounds like h.
ㅏ sounds like ah.
ㅑ sounds like oh.
ㅓ sounds like uh.
ㅕ sounds like eh.
ㅗ sounds like yh.
ㅛ sounds like ay.
ㅜ sounds like oo.
ㅠ sounds like yoo.
ㅡ sounds like eh.
ㅣ sounds like i
Written left to right, top to bottom.
ㅏ and ㅑ are the most common vowels and are written below the consonant before them. All other vowels occuppy their own space.
Capital: A B ß C Ch D Dd E F Ff G H I L Ll M N Ng O P Ph R Rh S T Th U V W Y
Lower Case: a b ß c ch d dd e f ff g h i l ll m n ng o p ph r rh s t th u v w y
In Sprache (zp rakh eh):
A is pronounced as ah, or as eh with an umlaut (Ä).
ß is pronounced as s but held longer.
C is always pronounced as hard k, never soft s
Ch is pronounced as in loch or bach.
D is pronounced as normally at the start of a word, but more like t at the end of a word.
Dd voiced like "th" (in the not voiceless as thin)
E is pronounced as eh
F is pronounced as v
Ff is pronounced as f
G is always hard g never soft j
I is pronounced as ee
Ll is pronounced as thl (the th is voiceless as thin)
O is pronounced as uh, or as ooh with an umlaut (Ö).
R is rolled slightly (r̃), at the end of a word it may be pronounced uh.
Rh sounds as if the h comes before the r
S is voiced like z, but softer
Th is voiceless as thin not voiced like the
Q is always followed by U and they are pronounced kv
U is pronounced as i or as oo with an umlaut (Ü).
W is pronounced as v
X is always pronounced as ks
Y is pronounced as uh or ee
Z is pronounced more like ts than z
Written left to right, top to bottom.
The addition of a circumflex (^) causes the vowel to be held longer.
All letters are always pronounced.
In Söylemek:
B is pronounced as p if at the end of a word
C is soft c or S when followed by e or i, and hard c or K when followed by a, o, or u
D is pronounced as t if at the end of a word
G is pronounced as the ch in loch or bach.
J is pronounced as y
Q is always followed by U and they are pronounced kw
R is pronounced somewhat rolling, but in the throat.
W is pronounced as v
Y is pronounced as short i, or ee
Written left to right, top to bottom.
Vowels are pronounced long when they are doubled
Safara hieroglyphics[edit]
The most common Safara (sah FAH rah) hieroglyphics, variation and regional dialects make a full list impractical. Safara is written left to right, top to bottom.
Glyph |
Pronunciation |
Glyph |
Glottal stop, a or ah |
a or a/o while swallowing
b |
emphatic h |
y |
f or v
g |
kh |
i or a
dj |
l |
n |
w, u or oo
p |
k or q
r |
s or z
ss |
t |
Capital: A B C Ç D E F G Ğ H İ I K L M N O Ö P R S Ş T U Ü V Y Z
Lower Case: a b c ç d e f g ğ h i ı k l m n o ö p r s ş t u ü v y z
In Şıge (shee gheh):
Ç is pronounced as ch.
G is pronounced as hard g (gh).
Ğ is pronounced as soft g (j).
İ and i are pronounced as oo.
I and ı are pronounced as ee.
O is pronounced as long o (oh).
Ö is pronounced as ayh.
Ş is pronounced as sh.
U is pronounced as oo.
Ü is pronounced as eey.
R is rolled slightly.
Written left to right, top to bottom.
As Taghrid is a connected script the way letters are written changes based on their placement in a word.
Written right to left, top to bottom.
Letter |
Pronunciation |
Initial |
Medial |
ا |
ā |
ا |
ـا |
ب |
b |
بـ |
ـبـ |
ت |
t |
تـ |
ـتـ |
ـت or ـة
ث |
th |
ثـ |
ـثـ |
ج |
j/g |
جـ |
ـجـ |
ح |
h |
حـ |
ـحـ |
خ |
kh |
خـ |
ـخـ |
د |
d |
د |
ـد |
ذ |
z |
ذ |
ـذ |
ر |
r |
ر |
ـر |
ز |
z |
ز |
ـز |
س |
s |
سـ |
ـسـ |
ش |
sh |
شـ |
ـشـ |
ص |
s |
صـ |
ـصـ |
ض |
d |
ضـ |
ـضـ |
ط |
t |
طـ |
ـطـ |
ظ |
ẓ |
ظـ |
ـظـ |
ع |
a |
عـ |
ـعـ |
غ |
gh |
غـ |
ـغـ |
ف |
f |
فـ |
ـفـ |
ق |
q |
قـ |
ـقـ |
ك |
k |
كـ |
ـكـ |
ف |
l |
لـ |
ـلـ |
م |
m |
مـ |
ـمـ |
ن |
n |
نـ |
ـنـ |
ه or هـ |
h |
هـ |
ـهـ |
, |
W(aw, au, u) |
ـو |
---- |
ي |
Y (ay, ai, ῑ) |
يـ |
ـيـ |
Tala (tah lah)[edit]
ᚠ ᚢ ᚦ ᚨ ᚱ ᚲ ᚷ ᚹ ᚺ ᚻ ᚾ ᛁ ᛃ ᛇ ᛈ ᛉ ᛊ ᛋ ᛏ ᛒ ᛖ ᛗ ᛚ ᛜ ᛝ ᛟ ᛞ
In Tala:
ᚠ is pronounced as f
ᚢ is pronounced as oo
ᚦ is pronounced as th (always voiceless as in thin)
ᚨ is pronounced as ah
ᚱ is pronounced as r
ᚲ is pronounced as k
ᚷ is pronounced as hard g, y, or is silent
ᚹ is pronounced as w or v
ᚺ ᚻ is pronounced as h (aspirated as in hail)
ᚾ is pronounced as n
ᛁ is pronounced as ee
ᛃ is pronounced as j or y
ᛇ is pronounced as eye or ih
ᛈ is pronounced as p
ᛉ is pronounced as z or rr at the end of a word
ᛊ ᛋ is pronounced as s
ᛏ is pronounced as t
ᛒ is pronounced as b
ᛖ is pronounced as ay
ᛗ is pronounced as m
ᛚ is pronounced as l
ᛜ ᛝ is pronounced as ng
ᛟ is pronounced as oh
ᛞ is pronounced as d or th (in them not voiceless as thin)
In Yanyu (yawn you):
Yanyu has 900 common characters. Pictograms make up about a fourth them, simple ideographs account for another fourth, and complex ideographs make up the remainder. Unlike with Safara hieroglyphics, each character is not assigned a sound but represents a whole word. New words are created by combining simple ideographs and/or pictograms into complex ideographs, or very rarely by officially adopting a newly standardized pictogram or simple ideograph.
Written top to bottom, right to left.
In Hanasu (HAH nah SOO):
Hanasu adopted Yanyu characters, but they are written more angularly and with less flourish.
Written top to bottom, right to left.
In Nói Nhỏ:
Written top to bottom, right to left.
In Nùhǒu:
Written top to bottom, right to left.
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