Languages (Altasylon Supplement)

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The Languages of Aina[edit]

Language - Typical Speakers - Alphabet

Abyssal - Demons, Chaotic Evil Outsiders - Infernal

Altmeri - Altmer - Elven

Ancient Bosmeri - DM Approval Only - Draconic

Aquan - Water-Based Creatures - Bosmer

Auran - Air-Based Creatures - Draconic

Bosmeri - Bosmer - Elven

Celestial - Good Outsiders - Celestial

Common - Humans - Common

Draconic - Kobolds, Troglodytes, Lizardfolk, Dragons

Druidic - Druids (Only) - Druidic

Dunmeri - Dunmer - Elven

Geatish - Geats - Geatish

Giant - Ogres, Giants - Geatish

Goblin - Goblins, Hobgoblins, Bugbears - Geatish

Gnoll - Gnolls - Wilden

Hresshi - Hressh - Hresshi

Ignan - Fire-Based creatures - Draconic

Infernal - Devils, Lawful evil outsiders - Infernal

Orc - Orcs - Geatish

Sylvan - Dryads, Brownies, Leprechauns - Elven

Terran - Xorns and other earth-based creatures - Wilden

Virran - Ra'Virr - Virran

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