Lakemen (5e Race)

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The distant descendants of refugees from the west-shore, considered tainted by many, and possessed of a strong affinity to water.

Physical Description[edit]

Broadly, very human, but different lakeman populations will manifest their ancestry in peculiar ways: Pale, slightly translucent skin with yellowish or bluish tinge and black veins are seen beneath; large, deep black eyes with too-large irises; strange, mottled gray patterns on their skin; and an unusual, oily quality to their skin and hair, making them always seem wet, like they've just emerged from water.


Early in the Visitation, during apocalyptic storms, many coastal dwelling people were swept out to sea, or stolen by horrid monsters that surged out of the ocean.

Worse that the raids would come; decades after whole communities were taken, the inheritors of the deep began returning them.

Considered to be the offspring of Sudar Mas, the few of these shameful horrors still remaining are called "The Old Shoremen"; muculent aberrations finned, clawed, and tentacled.

With bodies only vaguely suggestive of their human origin, the Old Shoremen would raid up and down the coast, and (rarely) further inland. Their lascivious bred into them by their alien patron, the Old Shoremen begat the New Shoremen, who yet persist in numbers in the northwestern seaside regions.

A number of the new shoremen fled their monstrous brood, heading inland along rivers and taking up residence in marshes, wetlands, and lakes. Mixing with indigenous peoples, the taint of Sudar Mas was greatly diluted. Now, the lakemen show only nominal signs of their corrupted origins.


As a subrace of humanity, lakemen trace their origin back more than four thousand years, to the visitation itself.

Where they are found, more often than not, they are very well established, having lived in the lakes region, in particular, for millennia before later migrations brought the current ethnic and social groups that now inhabit it.

Modern lakemen can be divided (roughly) into two populations: the often-ancient, established families, and itinerant boatmen who travel constantly.

The second group (sometimes colloquially called "rivermen") are far more likely to be encountered in and around cities and trade routes. Also, the most human-seeming in appearance.

Lakemen Names[edit]

Lakemen represent ancient, post-visitation populations. Over thousands of years, they have adopted the naming conventions of neighbors. And vice versa, many nearby peoples were influence by lakemen society.

Generally, they will have names common to the area they are found.

Lakemen Traits[edit]

The distant descendants of refugees of the west-shore, considered tainted by many, and possessed of a strong affinity for water.
Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom increases by 2 and your Strength increases by 1
Age. Lakemen live no shorter or longer lives then typical human beings do.
Alignment. Any, though isolated populations tend toward neutral and evil .
Size. You are medium sized.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet and you have a swim speed of 30 feet.
Oarsmen. You gain proficiency with vehicles (water).
Descendants of the Shoremen. You can breath normally under water.
The Blood of Sudar Mas. You gain resistance to cold and acid damage
Languages. In the Sanctuary's Lot setting, you can speak, read, and write Sepentroi and Boelleth.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

Table: Random Height and Weight
Base Height Height Modifier Base Weight Weight Modifier
′ ″ + lb. × () lb.

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