King's Hand (5e Class)

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King's Hand[edit]

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(Sidenote / Credits: I was inspired to make and finish up a wiki page based on a reddit user, Endrazda's post about this class. ( They're really creative so I advise giving them support for their idea.)


Power of the King is an ability that stems from the Apocalypse Virus, which analyzes intron sequences in the human genome and draws out the power hidden within them by converting them into Voids. The users of the power are known as "Kings" or "the one(s) with throne or crown", etc. and things similar to that. When in use or being used, there is a mark that appears on the user's right/left hand, but it's rather unknown whether the power/mark can manifest on one's left hand (while both hands are intact). King's Hand.jpg

Class Features

As a King's Hand you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per King's Hand level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per King's Hand level after 1st


Armor: Light
Weapons: All Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Charisma and Dexterity
Skills: Choose 3: Acrobatics, Athletics, Deception, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Persuasion, Stealth


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • Leather Armor
  • (a) Spear or (b) Shortbow and Quiver of 20 arrows or (c) Dagger or Shield
  • (a) Explorer's Pack or (b) Dungeoneer's Pack

Table: The King's Hand

Level Proficiency
1st +2 King's Power
2nd +2 Royal Edict
3rd +2 Archetypes
4th +2 Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Void Blast
6th +3 Archetypes
7th +3 Vigilance
8th +3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 Synthesize
10th +4 Archetypes
11th +4 King's Physique
12th +4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 Archetype Ultimate I
14th +5 Archetypes
15th +5 A King's Manifestation
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 Archetype Ultimate II
18th +6 Archetype Ultimate III
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Archetype Ultimate IV

King's Power[edit]

At 1st level, you gain the following Bonus Action ability: Extract the Void out of a creature's heart within melee range and they become unconscious and invulnerable for one round. If target is willing, Void is extracted successfully. If target is resisting, they make a Constitution saving throw. Target must not be elderly, yet must be humanoid and must make eye contact to you.

Extracted Void remains the same from the same creature. The amount of King’s Power can be held as much as equal to your Charisma Modifier.


Possible Voids:
Strength Crossbow 1d8+CHA Piercing
Strength Longsword 1d10+CHA Slashing
Dexterity Bow & Arrow 1d10+CHA Piercing
Dexterity Scimitar 1d8+CHA Slashing
Constitution Chalice 1d6+2+CHA hit points to self or creature
Constitution Shield AC+4+CHA Deflects all projectiles
Intelligence Boots 2x Movement Speed Able to Fly
Intelligence Duplication Wand Cast AV illusion of creature in sight
Wisdom Mask Can see possible Voids within 60ft even through walls
Wisdom Telescope Can unlock closed doors & chests
Charisma Torch Choose a creature to be blind & restrained
Charisma Violin Counterattacks enemies within 10ft 1d8+CHA psychic
Worthless Standard Equipment I.E. Rope, Spoon, Toy Horse, Saddle, Waterskin, Lamp etc.
Special Custom Decided by DM

NOTE: Void selected for an individual creature is determined by the DM's discretion of describing its nature (or heart). This does not apply towards the Herald.

Attack rolls are d20+Charisma+Proficiency Bonus. If you roll an 1 on an attack roll while attacking with a Void, the Void breaks permanently, and the Void's owner becomes incapacitated to the Apocalypse Virus (this does not apply to the Herald).

Apocalypse Virus (OPTIONAL)[edit]

(NOTE: This should be completely controlled by the DM through lore and story unless the King is using Relentless King IMO) Prolonged wielding of Voids leads to Crystallization. Also, each stage grants one Void Genome for you only:

  • Stage I: After 2 turns hit point maximum is reduced by 25%.*
  • Stage II: After 4 turns hit point maximum is reduced by 50%.*
  • Stage III: After 6 turns speed is reduced by half.*
  • Stage IV: After 8 turns wielder becomes blind and deafened.*

Conditions stack (except hit point reductions)

Crystallization: Targets that succumb to this are incapacitated. Occurs after 10 turns of wielded Void or from Corruption.

Royal Edict[edit]

At 2nd level you gain the following feature: You have advantage at Charisma Checks and Saving Throws, You may now decide if the target will forget the events before using the King's Power on them.

Void Blast[edit]

At 5th level you gain the following ability: Deal 1d6 force damage in a 10 foot radius to all enemies. On a fail save, Blasts away creatures every enemy affected.

The spell becomes more powerful when you reach higher levels: 2d4 at level 5, 3d4 at level 11, 4d4 at level 17.

(This may be granted on earlier with Special-Grade Voids.)


At 7th level you gain the following ability: Targets of your King’s Power remain conscious and you have advantage on King’s Power.


At 9th level you gain the following ability: Ability to combine 2 or more different Voids together into 1 Combined Void. Only possible with selected Voids

King's Physique[edit]

At 11th level you gain the following feature: You will have 15ft extra movement and advantage on Athletics, Acrobatics, Dexterity Saves, and Strength Saves when welding a Void.

A King's Manifestation[edit]

At 15th level you gain the following feature: You are now able to extract a Void from yourself, this is considered an automatic Special-Grade Void and the King will not suffer any punishments for using their Void for prolonged time.


Archetypes are known as paths you can take as a King. Eventually, You can select all of them but you can only achieve one path at 3rd level, 6th level, 10th level, and finally 14th level. You can only unlock the ultimate skills as your Archetype Ultimate is obtained.

Selfless King[edit]

King's Heart: Ability to interchangeably switch to different Voids if they are saved when using King's Power as a bonus action. Amount of saved Voids is equal to your Charisma modifier & can switch Voids a number of times as equal to your Proficiency Bonus per day. However you acquire the negative effects of which the owner of the Void possesses; if your health drops to 0 or below, the owner's health drops to 0. All saved Voids are dispelled after a long rest.

King's Admission: With users you have once extracted a Void from, The King may extract a Void from a 15ft / 2-3 Tiles (Decided by DM) Distance.

King's Sacrifice (Ultimate): The King is the one to protect their pawns, their allies, and their families. The King may take a choice to use all of their Death Saves to restore the life of a target who has died for around 1 hour at maximum, doing so extracts everything from the King's Void leaving them to be nothing but an empty husk.

Charismatic King[edit]

Open Heart: Can determine which Void they'll summon by using King's Power.

King's Determination: Can extract a Void from any type of Creature as many Charisma Modifiers that the King has per Long Rest.

King's Dedication (Ultimate): Can completely absorb the corruption from a target, This will addon to the current amount of corruption to the King contains as much as the DM decides it to be.

Vigilant King[edit]

King's Blessing: Once you extract a void from a target you may allow them to use it, The target follows the same rules as the King welding the void and uses the King's Modifiers. This will take from the King's storage slot and can only be done as many Charisma modifiers the King has per Long Rest.

King's Awareness: You are now alert and cannot be sabotaged/ambushed as easily. (The DM may decide if the King must throw a save to retaliate properly.

King's Gift (Ultimate): You can grant everyone in a 30ft radius the ability to wield their Void once per Long Rest.

Remorseless King[edit]

King & Queen: Conduct a ritual with a Humanoid creature of your choice becomes your Herald. The Herald is the only creature where you can extract any Void possible from King’s Hand, and does not receive any penalties from King’s Hand. You can have only one Herald.

Surging Corrupting: Consume one Void Genome and surge your hand into a humanoid creature which crystallizes them for one turn. Deals (Level of Corruption)d6 damage and on a failed charisma saving you crystallizes the target. You can only be used on creatures that are not the Herald.

Final Crown (Ultimate): Conduct a final ritual with your Harold, Granting you the ability to extract their final Void (NOTE: This should be the strongest Void so go wild on creating it, DM!), This will cause the destruction of your Harold thus severing the contract made with the current Harold and taking their life with it. This will cause massive corruption to the King who will be thrown 2 levels of corruption up. If this exceeds level 4 of corruption then the King shall perish with the ritual's conclusion.