Ki Flight (3.5e Trait)

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{{3.5e Trait |name=Ki Flight Certainly! Here's the modified description: |Summary: Through intense concentration of ki energy, your character has unlocked the ability to fly.

|Benefit: You gain the ability to fly at a speed equal to double your base land speed. You can activate and deactivate Ki Flight as a bonus action.

|Drawback: Exerting the energy required for Ki Flight is mentally taxing. Your character can fly for a total number of minutes per Short Rest equal to Twice their character level, Once you've used all your flight time for the day, you cannot use Ki Flight again until You Make Another Short Rest.

|Roleplay: Your character harnesses their inner ki energy, allowing them to defy gravity and soar through the air.

|Types: General

Prerequisites: None specified.

Normal: Without this trait, characters cannot access Ki Flight.

Special: This trait represents the character's mastery over ki energy, granting them the ability to take to the skies for a limited time each day with careful energy management. Once their daily flight time is exhausted, they must wait until the next day to use Ki Flight again.

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