Ki Blast (Advanced) (D20 Modern Feat)

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Fierce Ki Blast.

you gather a large amount of ki into the palms of your hands, concentrating it into a brilliant sphere, and then unleash it as a devastatingly destructive force, all in one fluid motion.
Prerequisite: CON 16, WIS16, Ki Expert, Ki Blast (Basic), Concentration 8 ranks, Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences) 8 ranks, base attack bonus +8.
Benefit: You can expend 1 action point as an attack action to create and launch a Ki blast.

the blast has a range of 90 feet, and does 6d10 damage + your CON & WIS modifiers. the damage done can be lethal or non-lethal at your decision. as a full attack action, you can replace all of your standard attacks with fierce ki blasts,

paying the appropriate action point costs for each blast. you may choose a different target in range for each attack. ki blasts are force effects, and as such, effect incorporial creatures.
Special: you gain one free use of this feat for every character level you posess.

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